Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
So, let's talk dreams. I don't remember most of them, but I do remember one that I had the other night.
I was going to overnight camp, and we were having a swimming lesson. My fencing instructor was teaching the lesson (I don't like fencing, and intend to stop taking it as soon as my mom lets me), and he was telling us to not be at Splish-splash world or something. I think he meant to just swim the laps and not play around in the water. We start swimming laps again, and then a few moments later, out of nowhere appear a bunch of water toys everywhere and everyone is splashing and squirting and having a load of fun and my fencing instructor is nowhere to be seen.
Then I wake up, which is too bad, because it was actually fun. And I saw my fencing instructor in a bathing suit, which doesn't fit the image that he broadcasts at fencing because he's somewhat strict and we never get to talk (not that we have any time to, which is one of the reasons I don't like it).
So another person's dream I heard about once: they told me they were sleeping at overnight camp and they were having a dream about a clock, which they didn't really remember. Then they woke up, and thought they were still in the dream and got up to do something with a clock, then remembered "I'm at camp. I don't have a clock. Go back to bed."
Anybody else have an interesting dream to talk about?
(March 8, 2013 - 6:36 pm)
I had another dream a while ago. In the dream, I was hanging with Bob, Gabe, and P.J. Duncan from the Disney Channel sitcom Good Luck Charlie. We were in a church, I think, and Bob ad purchased some french fries, which had disappeared somehow, and in Bob's opinion, they were stolen. He sent me, P.J., and Gabe to find the theif. We split up and I went outside, where it was dark, and apparently the middle of nowhere. I went around looking on some train tracks for the "thief" and the next thing I knew, I was riding in one of those old-fashioned pump carts (I hope you know what I mean, I don't know what it's called) and then I woke up.
When I told my sis Magda, she said, "That's just sad that you're dreaming about television shows," I was like, WHAT???? (For the record, we don't actually have a TV. I largely get my television dose on the Net and when we're vacationing somewhere with a TV.) So, Magda, I have got a question for you. Do you think it's "sad" that Melody dreams about Disney World?
I'm going to talk/rant more later, I have to go live my real life.
(March 11, 2013 - 5:04 pm)
Disney World and I have a weird relationship. I've only been once, but I've read so much about it that I feel like I've been there thousands of times. There are some rides that closed a long time ago, and I can describe them in vivid detail, as if I rode them. I have two guidebooks: one from planning my trip (2011) and a 2008 one that was a hand-me-down from my auntie. I just got the newest version (2012) of the 2008 one because it's my favorite guidebook (and I've taken out two from the library and read two of my auntie's cover to cover, so I know what I'm talking about). I had a Barnes and Noble gift card and I REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLY wanted the newest version since it was falling apart, so I bought it.
I'm not going back again until 2014:(
Later, remind me to talk about my even WEIRDER relationship with the HM.
(March 11, 2013 - 6:16 pm)
Wow! I have only dreamt (not while sleeping) of Disney World. (My mom's been, but she doesn't exactly talk and talk about it. Or was it Disneyland my mom went to?)
What does HM stand for?
(March 11, 2013 - 7:35 pm)
Oops, sorry about that. I tend to use shorthand when writing about Disney.
HM stands for Haunted Mansion. My story about it:
I was standing in line waiting to go on with my family. In the queue at the WDW (Walt Disney World) HM, you can see Mdm. L's (Madam Leota, the ghostly medium) tombstone. Her eyes started moving and it freaked me out so I started sobbing,"Where's the chicken door? Where's the chicken door?" (The chicken door/exit is what the CMs (cast members) call the door to go out if you get scared.) So my mom called over the nearest CM and he took one look at me and told me it was immediately inside. And smirked. These guys aren't allowed to even look like they're about to smile. They have to remain deadpan. I got a HM CM to smirk by being a 13 year old sobbing in the queue. I never ended up going on the ride.
Now, I'm like obsessed with the HM. I was reading some Disney history articles about this never-built attraction called The Museum of the Weird (MotW). There wasn't anything really about it, so I Googled it and came across this awesome blog called Long Forgotten Haunted Mansion. After reading the blog post (and deciding the man behind MotW, Rolly Crump, is my IDOL), I ended up reading the whole blog. And then buying the soundtrack to the HM ride to listen to while I read it. So now I'm just waiting to go back so I can finally ride the HM.
(March 12, 2013 - 9:25 am)
"Chicken door?" Disney World sounds like a strange place to be. To quote Giselle (Enchanted), "Oh-ohhh, strange a place to be..."
I have totally ENVIED you of your dreams since you talked about how you are a lucid dreamer and you can tweak your dreams. I have never had a lucid dream in my life.
If I dreamed like you did, I'd have WILD dreams. Here is a "dream dream" I devised this morning while in the shower:
1. I am an exquisitely handsome dude with the coolest Ray-Bans who drives an Aston Martin identical to the one from Goldfinger. (I am neither exquiste nor handsome, I frequently lose sunglasses, and I'm too young to drive.)
2. I make it so I have to pick up all six incarnations of James Bond (Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Daniel Craig, and the like) from MI6 to drive them to a mission, and they bicker the whole way about which one of them is the real Bond.
3. I make it so a sinister villain and his henchman are chasing us, and throw in a crowd of beautiful lovesick women wondering what a bunch of good-looking guys like us are doing in such a cool car.
4. I have to pick up Agents J and K from the Men in Black films, and throw a bunch of extraterrestrials into our pursuing crowd.
5. I add Perry the Platypus to my list of passengers, and throw in the 2nd Dimension Doof and his Normbots for the pursuit crowd.
6. A baddie catches up to me, climbs in the vehicle, and attempts to seize control, but I activate the ejector seat and send him flying into a buiding as I turn the corner.
7. I go onto a bridge, say to my passengers, "Roll up your windows, cause we're gonna get just a little wet here!" as I drive off the bridge and go underwater, just after everyone rolls up the windows, and activate the underwater hyperdrive!
8. I wake up, thoroughly satisfied with the night's experiences (or not).
(March 12, 2013 - 8:52 pm)
Because Bond is just cool like that, and K and J are broskis.
(March 16, 2013 - 6:58 pm)
I have REALLY weird dreams.
(March 11, 2013 - 11:56 pm)
Well, feel free to describe them in detail (unless they make you too uncomfortable to talk about them with other people).
(March 12, 2013 - 8:27 pm)
That's why I love CB! I can talk about, for instance, my dreams without being weirded out. And I don't get strange looks, like I do when I talk to other people. Does anybody else out there get horrified, disturbed, and weirded-out looks from people when you just randomly talk? Cause I do, and I never understand WHY! What is it I say that is so utterly horrifying?
(March 13, 2013 - 6:23 pm)
Uhh... I don't get anything like you're describing when I talk about my dreams to my sister. I don't think you're dreams are weird (as dreams go).
I do have problems with talking occasionally. Like, when I talk, I sound really stupid and akward sometimes (unless I've prepared what to say in my head). I also sometimes give people non-answers when I don't understand their questions.
I had one really interesting dream. I forgot it, then remembered it again. Then, as I prepared to post it to this thread I forgot again! ARGH!
(March 15, 2013 - 3:14 pm)
No, they don't make me uncomfortable. I just didn't have time to type them out the other day. I'll post some later!
(March 14, 2013 - 10:52 am)
So this morning I dreamed this dream:
All of the kids in my school lived in this one odd building. There were high school students living there, too. One of the odd things about this place was that the high schoolers' dorm was separate from the middle schoolers' dorm and that they were both on the second floor. There was a lever you could pull that would activate the staircases leading up the dorms. One would always be folded while the other was down. So if the middle school's staircase was down (meaning you could walk up it) the high school's staircase would be folded up, and vice versa. One day my friend Supi and I heard the noise that signaled the staircase change but we noticed that both staircases were down. I ran up mine and found a third staircase that never existed when one was down. I ran up it and found a room filled with a lot of buttons and an odd control panel. I was then hit by a flash back of this one scientist guy named Soren who lived in the past. The world had been destroyed by these weird giant heads that resemble the Death Masks from FFIV and he and some others had built the tower we lived in to keep us all safe from the Death Mask thingies. The tower was now surrounded by desert, but before it was the Ilex Forest (which is this really lush forest). Soren created a special room with a code built in it that would save any kids in it if the Death Mask thingies attacked. I then viewed the outside of the tower from Soren's eyes (Soren was now an old man.). A giant hopping purple head came up the tower and swallowed it. I was viewing this from Soren's eyes but I remembered screaming for Supi. And then Soren adressed me in his head and said I had the key to save myself and my friend. And then I seemed to wake up from those memories. Soren had implanted them into me to save the last people on Earth. I was back at the bottom of the stairs, and Supi and Eriol (his brother) were running up it. Apparently, a Death Mask was spotted in the distance. I walked up the stairs, really calm. Supi and Eriol were freaking out because they had no idea what the code was (the room looked like the inside of a rocket. You could tell it was an escape pod) but I remembered Soren's code and told them how to activate it. I know we survived to become the last humans on Earth, but I don't remember how we escaped. I think Soren had created me as Earth's last chance, but honestly, I have no idea how I could help in a situation like that. I'd think we'd all just die in a few days. However, I felt that Soren was very hopeful and had probably given me something else, but I don't know what it was. Maybe a seed, to replant the Earth and give hope. I don't think Soren wanted humans to continue on (because if he did, he picked the three worst people for the job), I think he knew that the Death Masks were our fault and it was time for the human race to end but not the plants. It was time for another species to reign.
Well, what do you think?
(March 13, 2013 - 6:31 pm)
Wow. See, this is why I love dreams. They're so awfully interesting. Don't you think?
(March 14, 2013 - 4:16 pm)
Yeah, they call them that because you need to chicken out to use the doors, lol.
Also, I don't have that much of a handle on my lucid dreaming yet. I only recently figured out what I can do is lucid dreaming. So far, the only thing I can do is change certain elements if I need to or wake up in extreme instances. Not too long ago, I opened my eyes really wide in my dream (that's how I get myself to wake up) and I woke up STILL ASLEEP, and it switched to a different dream. You have no idea how annoying that is. Every time I remember I'm in a dream, though (which only seems to happen when I'm in distress), I work on my lucid dreaming. Hopefully I'll crack complete lucid dreaming by this summer.
(March 15, 2013 - 7:02 pm)
Yeah, I realized that a bit after I posted the comment. I was like to myself, "Oh! Chicken door - chicken out! I'm such an idiot!" Then I was going to say how I realized it, but I had a bunch of other threads to comment on.
Waking up still asleep sounds a little annoying if you want to wake up.
All I remember from last night is snippets of my dreams. I was in the shower, then there was a woman on a fashion magazine cover moving, and a bunch of other stuff that doesn't make sense.
One time I had a dream where Baby Fozzie from Muppet Babies was playing cards with Walter (from the Muppet movie in 2011). Only Walter was also a baby and wearing a Kermit onesie. I sketched Baby Walter out after I woke up. I'll scan in the drawing when I can and post it here.
(March 16, 2013 - 11:11 am)