Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
So, let's talk dreams. I don't remember most of them, but I do remember one that I had the other night.
I was going to overnight camp, and we were having a swimming lesson. My fencing instructor was teaching the lesson (I don't like fencing, and intend to stop taking it as soon as my mom lets me), and he was telling us to not be at Splish-splash world or something. I think he meant to just swim the laps and not play around in the water. We start swimming laps again, and then a few moments later, out of nowhere appear a bunch of water toys everywhere and everyone is splashing and squirting and having a load of fun and my fencing instructor is nowhere to be seen.
Then I wake up, which is too bad, because it was actually fun. And I saw my fencing instructor in a bathing suit, which doesn't fit the image that he broadcasts at fencing because he's somewhat strict and we never get to talk (not that we have any time to, which is one of the reasons I don't like it).
So another person's dream I heard about once: they told me they were sleeping at overnight camp and they were having a dream about a clock, which they didn't really remember. Then they woke up, and thought they were still in the dream and got up to do something with a clock, then remembered "I'm at camp. I don't have a clock. Go back to bed."
Anybody else have an interesting dream to talk about?
(March 8, 2013 - 6:36 pm)
I've had some dreams I remember. Some I only partly remember. Most are nightmares, or sort of, only, I was really scared, more intrigued. They were like a scary interesting story. One where I was on the run with some other kid, and people were hunting us down, (sort of like The Most Dangerous Game), another one where I was on the run, and was shot. (yes, I really did dream that), and one with a lion attack. I pray I NEVER have one about the ocean or sharks. Honestly, if I were too, you'd probably never hear from me again. I'd absolutley DIE in my sleep!
(March 8, 2013 - 8:17 pm)
Hmm. Well, I hope you don't have any such dreams. The one with you in the shooter game sounds terrifying.
(March 9, 2013 - 3:03 pm)
I never, as far as I remember, have had very many dreams that were even remotely scary. I'm not very scared of the ocean (though I don't like swimming in it because it seems unsanitary) and I was not scared when I saw Jaws, believe it or not, so I don't know how I'd react to a dream about the ocean or sharks. Unless I got eaten by a shark, which would probably seriously freak me out. Watching someone else getting eaten by a shark would not have the same effect on me.
I think I know where the dream I mentioned in this post came from. I'm going to overnight camp in October. Combine that with fencing experiences, and maybe a thought about swimming before I fall asleep, and that's what you'd get.
I did have one dream where we were going to go rent a boat (or something like that), and I got in one of the boats. Then I leaned a little too far to the left and the whole boat fell in that direction and capsized. I immediately woke up and gathered that I was not in a boat, I was not underwater, and I was not drowning, and sighed with relief.
The scariest I've ever gotten is one dream where I was on a water ski, fleeing a man-eating shark. I wish I remember that one better. I think I changed vehicles once or twice. It was like a chase scene in a thriller.
I had another dream... I'll describe it later.
(March 9, 2013 - 4:07 pm)
<font size="80">TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>
(March 9, 2013 - 2:59 pm)
(March 9, 2013 - 2:59 pm)
(March 9, 2013 - 3:00 pm)
I don't remember my dreams. Which is probably a good thing, as I was reported to have said something quite strange in my sleep at one point over the summer.
Yava: erhb. Oh yeah, check out the character ER in IW. Feedbacks would be good.
(March 9, 2013 - 3:21 pm)
Ah! Alow me to recount all of my nightmares. (I remember ones from when I was 2 years old!) First, I had butterflies and birds surrounding me, which for some reason was scary. In another dream, the painting on the stairs (in which I believed there dwelled an evil spirit) had given my parents poison to rub on me so I would DIE! In a more recent one, I was staying with Nicholas Benedict for the summer and he turned into an Acromantula (giant spider from Harry Potter 2 book).
(March 9, 2013 - 3:58 pm)
@ JDD; HOLY COW I CANNOT WATCH JAWS!!!! My mom once brought up a scene showing the theme music, and I started freaking out! I CANNOT handle it! Somebody just brought up a few pictures of sharks, and I started hyperventilating. I just can't do it. I also can't go deeper than waist deep in the ocean, or I also start to get scared. If I were ever to be in like, deep ocean, I'd probably have a panic attack.
Also, this reminds me of another dream, where the house was alive, and people are now the minority. We're all hiding, trying to stay alive. You never know what furniture was alive. And I remember a blanket got down over a guy's face, and killed him. Also, the lights didn't work. So. That was kinda scary.
Has anybody else noticed that if you dream of food, you always wake up just before you eat it? At least, I always do. So sad...
(March 9, 2013 - 9:40 pm)
I have a theory about why I am not afraid of depictions of sharks/other things generally considered frightening.
I am only afraid of the real thing. A picture of a shark would not scare me. Only actually coming into contact with a real shark and/or getting attacked/killed by one would actually scare me.
All this talk about our dreams is beginning to feel uncomfortably personal right now. I'm going to go write in the Inkwell.
(March 10, 2013 - 6:41 pm)
I live like a city away from the water and grew up going to the beach a ton of times over the summer, so I'm practically a mermaid by now, LOL. My mom also works for a boat tour company, so no problems there either. I even got to drive one for my fourth birthday!
My dreams are normally weird. They never occur at my house. The most popular places for them to occur are Disney World, one of the schools I've been to, or Story Land (in NH). I don't remember them often.
I am, however, proud of the fact that I can lucid dream when I remember to. Many times, I have remembered I am in a dream and woken myself up (by opening my eyes really wide in the dream) or changing elements in the dream to make it all awesome and such.
(March 10, 2013 - 10:46 am)
Wow, your dreams sound really cool. Have you ever actually been to Disney World?
Usually my dreams take place somewhere I've been, or they resemble somewhere I've been. Or they're set in a location I conceived that I spent a lot of time thinking about.
Last night, my dream was this: I was trying to get the attention of a girl (who resembled one of my sister's ballet classmates). I followed her around a swim club, very similar to a swim club I go to in the summer. I got in the giant hot tub at the back of the swim club but then the water disappeared!
(March 10, 2013 - 5:33 pm)
Admin, why did you take out the stuff I wrote here at the bottom and edit other stuff out of the comment? Was it a bit too inappropriate and personal? If that was the reason, I completely understand. I seriously debated with myself whether or not to submit that additional information.
And no, people, clearly the moderators didn't consider it appropriate, so I'm not telling anyone the specifics of their edits. It's between me and them.
Yes, you're exactly right. Everything we post must be appropriate for our youngest readers, even if it's a dream!
(March 10, 2013 - 6:26 pm)
All of the settings in my dreams are either places I have been to in real life or are dream versions of places I have been to in real life.
(March 16, 2013 - 11:15 am)
I had a horrible dream last night that I don't really remember that involved zombies, a serial killer (I remember in the dream I thought oh look it's that serial killer), and a coloring book. At least I think it was a coloring book. I remember seeing someone scribbling in pencil. It was a nightmare.
After I did Children's Theatre Camp (I'm not British that is how theatre is spelled on the T-shirt), I had all these weird dreams that involved Children's Theatre Camp.They weren't nightmares but they were weird. In one of the dreams there were marshmallows and a jacket and a dressing room and in the dressing room we were about to go onstage and we were practicing our lines. It was weird.
(March 10, 2013 - 5:44 pm)