Sorry all you

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

The Hunger Games!
Sorry all you...

Sorry all you HG fans, but I read the first book today, and.. well...

I loved the idea, and action, and whatnot. But if you know what I mean, all the time, when I was reading it, it felt like I was reading a book. You readers probably understand.

What sort of blocked me is the writing-- the incomplete sentences were REALLY annoying. I mean, they're okay when you want to draw people's attention to something, but SC uses them way too much. 

Wait, SC. Suzane Collins. I didn't mean that SC. :|

But, anyway, I didn't like it that much. Also, I thought that it would really sound much better in third person.  

submitted by Tiffany W., age undefined , Dragonland
(April 9, 2012 - 8:18 pm)

I'd probably slap him in the face and then go on my "HG" which is about ten pages long.

submitted by Sakura C., age Also 12, District 12
(April 27, 2012 - 5:37 pm)

(Um... yes. That... that about sums it up. But I like it anyway. /awkward)

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(April 27, 2012 - 3:59 pm)

(Um... yes. That... that about sums it up. But I like it anyway. /awkward)

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(April 27, 2012 - 3:59 pm)

Look at what my thread had become. But never mind. Keep on debating, but I won't really say anything on the subject,  since I haven't read all of the books. 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(April 27, 2012 - 5:19 pm)

@TNO: Oh my gosh. I am.....speachless. That was an amazing speech!! It changed my views about Peeta a lot, but I still don't like him that much.

I haven't read Mockingjay or Catching Fire yet, but I'm pretty sure Gale wouldn't make Prim get bombed. I can see what you mean about Gale's 'selfish love' for Katniss, and also what you mean about how Peeta did sacrifce a lot of things for Katniss.

After reading your post, I have finally seen why Katniss and Peeta together is actually better than the long dreamt Katniss + Gale. 

Thank you so much! I don't even think my mom figured this much out! I will definitely show this to her! After all, she did agree with me that Peeta was a moron. I hope this helped other people as well. :)

submitted by Blackberry E., age 12
(April 28, 2012 - 4:36 pm)

Okay, I have Catching Fire next to me and will read it when I finish up on the Chatterbox.:)

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(April 29, 2012 - 9:47 am)

I have all 3 but my mom gets to read them first, so I have to wait till she's done with them to read them myself. :(

submitted by Blackberry E., age 12 and 1\2
(April 29, 2012 - 2:40 pm)

Where's TNO's speech? I want to read it. :)  Not that I'd need convincing, Peeta's amazing.  I really don't think you can judge if you've only read the first book, you need to read the whole series to see the fullness of Peeta's awesomeness. 

submitted by R~D~
(April 30, 2012 - 11:51 am)

It appears to have vanished for... some reason.


Yes, I deleted it. Much of it was inappropriate for our younger readers. I thought about editing it, but the comment was so very long that I didn't have time to do that. If you care to submit a shorter more appropriate version, we'll review that and consider it. Think of the parents of 10-year-olds logging on to check out the content of the site to see if it's appropriate for their child.


submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(April 30, 2012 - 9:34 pm)

Yes, TNO! Please do re-write it! I wanted to show it to my mom but I didn't catch it in time! :( I was sooo sad! If you could re-do it and still show the same message the other one showed, that would be AWESOME!

submitted by HEY, TNO! YOOHOO!!, age 12 and 1\2
(May 3, 2012 - 6:16 pm)

Admin, it may be easier to re-write if you said what part of it was inapropriate. :)


As I remember, there was too much talk about relationships. Plus, any overly long comments may be jeopardy if we don't have the time to carefully review them.


submitted by Blackberry E., age 12 and 1\2
(May 5, 2012 - 2:27 pm)


submitted by TOP
(May 7, 2012 - 10:10 am)

TOP TOP TOP! This is such a stubborn thread! GRRRRRRRRRRRR

submitted by Blackberry E., age 12
(May 23, 2012 - 3:03 pm)

I totally get what you mean that it felt like you were reading a book. I've read books like that and HATE them.


submitted by Kate S., age 10 , Ottawa, Canada
(September 30, 2012 - 10:07 am)

I totally get what you mean that it felt like you were reading a book. I've read books like that and HATE them.


submitted by Kate S., age 10 , Ottawa, Canada
(September 30, 2012 - 10:07 am)