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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Hunger Games Discussion
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This post is just for anyone to talk about anything concerning The Hunger Games: the movie, or the trilogy. I really want to know as much about it, so just... write, write, write, and talk, talk, talk. Just keep to the books, though, no discussions about revolutions or outside topics.

submitted by PiperC., age 12
(March 12, 2012 - 6:57 pm)


Anyway, I liked the first and second, but the third really wasn't as good. I thought it just wasn't up to standards. What about you?

Now to the movies. I think Katniss might work out. I'm not sure, though. She did get an Oscar... Peeta is all wrong. Sorry Josh fans, but this guy is too "blah". I think Gale is actually really good, so are Rue and Prim...

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(March 13, 2012 - 11:04 am)


submitted by blink
(March 14, 2012 - 7:35 pm)

Either Josh from Hunger Games or Harry from One Direction is my future husband, so I think Peeta's perfect.;)

I don't think Foxface came out right.  I liked Rue and Prim.  I honestly thought Katniss should have a more angular face.  I don't think the girl is perfect for the role, but I haven't watched the movie yet, so I don't want to judge too much.

And I still need to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay.  *curls up into a ball* Don't kill me!

submitted by Melody, age 13, just being awesome
(March 17, 2012 - 8:25 pm)

I haven't read Catching Fire or Mockingjay either. I'm going to see the movie with some friends on the 24th. I'm so excited!!

submitted by !ɤ¥ , age 12, €@₥£LǑƬ
(March 19, 2012 - 8:41 pm)

Don't worry Melody...I haven't read any of them!

submitted by PiperC., age 12
(March 19, 2012 - 6:24 pm)

I've read them all and agree with Elizabeth M. the third wasn't all that great.

But I love Josh Hutcherson as Peeta! I think Gale Rue and Prim are perfect too. Though I had to warm up to the actor's who play Rue and Prim.

I have this tribute guide thing and it's got pic's of all the tributes; it's so cool! I did not imagine Clove like that, but Cato's perfect. So are Glimmer and Marvel.

I don't know about the actress who plays Katniss. I just didn't imagine Katniss like that, and I was kind of annoyed at her hair. Like how the braid is on the side. Ya, I know, stupid complaint, I just always thought of it down her back.

Ok this is a weird little thing, but I think it's hillarious that the the guy who plays Peeta (blonde) was a brunette, and that the girl who plays Katniss (brunette) was blonde. ;)

submitted by ~Sam~
(March 20, 2012 - 5:52 am)

Waitwait- revolutions? What does that not have to do with The Hunger Games?

submitted by Emily L.
(March 19, 2012 - 11:59 pm)

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh they came out with the Hunger Games album entire thing on iTunes and I just bought a bunch and I'm listening to Abraham's daughter right now and I'm so excited that I ran around screaming my basement.


And what do revolutions not have to do with the Hunger Games? They have everything to with the Hunger Games! When people watch your children die for entertainment, you better fight back. You better revolt.

I am so beyond excitedness.

Oh, and this  is SC, by the way.

(March 20, 2012 - 5:29 pm)

2 DAYS 19 HOURS 57 MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!


At 8:17 (NJ time I guess?) pm ;)


I CANNOT WAIT!!!!! OMG I just bought a poster at a book fair and I cannot stop staring at it! OMG it's so AMAZING!!! I'm so excited, I already got my tickets!!! :^D


I'm going on Friday right after school at 4:15!!!!! My mom's even agree'd to take me out of school EARLY to get there on time!!!

She even got her friend to stand in line and wait for us (she's getting paid of  course) so we can get seats together! :^D 

submitted by ~Sam~
(March 20, 2012 - 7:17 pm)

IT'S COMING OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! (Sorry about the caps, Admin. ;D) I have a pass for one free movie so I'm using it for this! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(March 21, 2012 - 1:19 pm)

I still cannot believe this is really happening. I mean, I sat on my bed for thirty minutes just staring at the tickets, no joke. It took me a few minutes just to convince myself that they weren't fake. My dad just bought me the tribute guide and it's got everything. (Exclusive pics, the the tributes themselves) it's legit awesomesause.

submitted by ~Sam~
(March 21, 2012 - 7:17 pm)

AAHHH IT'S COMING OUT 2NIGHT!! I need to convince one of my friends to get midnight premiere tickets and invite me! Yaayyy!!! I think the girl who playes Rue is going to steal the show, she looks really good! So does Prim. And of course, Josh! Yell it with me! HUN-GER GAMES! HUN-GER GAMES!

submitted by Gigi, age 13
(March 22, 2012 - 9:49 am)

Does anyone have an extra midnight premiere ticket they want to give me? ;) I will be your best friend forever if you do! Pretty Pretty please? Cherry on top?

submitted by Gwynne D., age 14, Connecticut
(March 22, 2012 - 10:03 am)

I'm seeing it tomorrow evening.  I'm still wondering how Cinna will turn out. Cato is so awesome and should I mention cute?!!??  I am in love with Josh, and Jennifer Lawrence is so completely talented that she should be amazing.  She's also really down-to-earth and funny.  I watch a lot of interviews. :)  I also got the People magazine Hunger Games special which is super sweet. 

submitted by R~D~, age 15
(March 22, 2012 - 12:49 pm)

Yesyesyesyes Cato est tres beau. ;)

Only 18 more hours. *fangirlsqueal* 

submitted by Olive
(March 23, 2012 - 7:45 pm)