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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Novel Characters
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This thread is to talk about your favorite book characters. Go ahead and dish which one, and why and which book. My favorite is Emily Starr from The Emily Trillogy by L.M.Montgomery. She is the only character I know of who wants to be a writer when she grows up. Like me!

submitted by Arya the Elf, Ellesmera
(October 8, 2011 - 4:45 pm)

Bellatrix is amazing. Villains in general are just... more... fun, ja?

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(October 13, 2011 - 8:23 pm)

ja. XD


has anyone here read the Vampirates series? it's kind of dark, definitely not for young children, but it's super exciting and has lots of interlocking plotlines that make the story very intersting. It's amazing, and the 6th book in the series is coming out late january. so please read them or at least look them up to see if they look interesting, because the vampirates books are awesome beyond awesome. Oh, and Lorcan is a WAY hotter vampire than Edward from Twilight. Sorry to anyone who loves the twilight books/movies, (and i'm not trying to be one of those girls who goes googoo over every guy,) but Lorcan is way more awesome looking (at least in my mind).

submitted by Kim A., age 13 today!!
(October 14, 2011 - 7:56 am)

Oh, I have no idea. Too many to list. However, if you want other characters who want to be writers when they grow up, I can recommend some books. I've read several about aspiring writers, although I'm not one myself.

I've only ever read one with a character whose preferred career was the same as mine, but I highly doubt any of you would be able to name more. I want to study how animals behave in their natural envirionment and help protect rare ones. Anyway, this was Cassie from The Dog With Golden Eyes, but she's definitely not my favorite character ever, although I liked her. I think. It's been quite a while since I read it.

submitted by Ima
(October 13, 2011 - 5:24 pm)

Howl! I love Howl! And Sophie Hatter! Best name ever!

So there are those two, then Constance Contraire from the Mysterious Benedict Society

Bellatrix Lestrange from HP

Aya from Extras (the best book in the series imo)

Liesel and Rudy from The Book Thief

Max from the Maximum Ride series

Oh, and Katniss and Foxface from THG.

submitted by Olive
(October 13, 2011 - 6:59 pm)

Oh my gosh, I love Aya too! And Shay. And Moggle. And her tech-geeky friend, I forgot his name. And definitely NOT Zack, Tally's boyfriend. (I don't know why, he just bugs me.) "Aya" also happens to be what Annie and my friend's adopted little sister used to call me when they were too little to pronounce my name. :)


Other charries (in not much of a particular order):

-HOWL, SOPHIE AND CALCIFER!!!! (From Howl's Moving Castle, of course.) Howl is so dramatic and Sophie's so stubborn and Calcifer is just so awesome that I couldn't put them anywhere but the top. I love all the other charries in HMC, but those three are the best. HowlxSophie=perfect!!


-Bellatrix. (See other posts) BTW, is she a Black or a Lestrange? I can never be quite sure.

-Sirius Black. I think he's pretty cool.

-Hermione Granger, because she's like me, only better! She's a super-nerd who doesn't like breaking the rules, she's a perfectionist, PLUS she totally kicks butt. Honestly, I think she's way awesomer than Harry or Ron.


-Sabrina and Daphne Grimm. (from The Sisters Grimm) They're such realistic, yet awesome charries, that it's pretty much impossible not to love them. I still can't believe the series was written by a man! In other words, they're mucho-awesome-o, no matter how many times Daphne calls Sabrina a jerkazoid. Really.

-PUCK!! (also The Sisters Grimm) I honestly don't think I have to explain this one, except that OH MY GOSH M.B. IS A GENIUS WITH THIS SHIPPING!! BEST PAIR EVER! (except maybe Howl/Sophie, but this is way funnier.)


-Cassandra. (from the Secret Series) Also Max-Ernest, Yo-Yoji, and Pietro, but I think Cass is the best. Oh, the Jester is cool too! I'm really mad at the author though, leaving the last book on a cliffhanger like that...grrr...


-Artemis Fowl. (from Artemis Fowl) So genius, so funny, so evil (even when he's technically not), he's one of my favorite charries in the series. See others below.

-N°1. He's so cute, and he's hilarious! Especially when Minerva captures him, and he's just learning how to say words. Best N°1 line ever: "'I don't speak Taiwanese,' he said in perfect Taiwanese."

-Holly Short!! I need not explain.

-Foaly, because he's such an amazing nerd/genius. I love when Opal videotapes him going crazy, but he's actually.... nevermind, I don't want to give anything away. :)


I'm sure I could think of way more, but that's all I can fit. Oh wait, one more:



submitted by Alexandra, age XII, Does it talk?
(October 15, 2011 - 10:04 am)

I totally agree about Hermione and I love Puck also!!

submitted by Hannah A, age 11, San Diego CA
(October 15, 2011 - 3:04 pm)

OMG, how could I forget Puck?  Puck is ah-mazing. 

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(October 16, 2011 - 10:28 am)

1. Saphira and Angela from Eragon

2. Hermione from HP

And tons more I can't place right now.

submitted by Diane W.
(October 14, 2011 - 2:53 pm)

The 5th secret series book is called You Have to Stop This and I totally want to read it!!!!!!! :D XD :D XD :D XD :D XD :D XD apparently it came out September 20, but I haven't seen it anywhere yet!

submitted by Kim A.
(October 16, 2011 - 1:21 pm)

I'm adding Puck, Sabrina, Daphne, and Legolas to my list. 

submitted by Tiffany W., age 11
(October 21, 2011 - 3:36 pm)