JKR mentioned she

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

JKR mentioned she...

JKR mentioned she was doing something called Pottermore! I'm so excited!! What do you think it is?

submitted by Ima
(June 17, 2011 - 2:19 pm)

Sorry. It was on Thursday. I found out myself the hard way and woke up at 7:00 two days in a row. Anyway, I went on the website today, and you can't really do anything on it until July 31st.

Peaceing out for now,


submitted by Kiwi☺☻, age 15
(June 23, 2011 - 6:48 am)

Oh... Did you get the impression you'd be able to start using it immediately? Sorry, that must be disappointing. But you can see real pictures of it, find some of the Sorting Hat's questions, and even see a little tiny bit of the exclusive information (how Petunia and Vernon met)!

submitted by Ima
(June 23, 2011 - 1:46 pm)

My mom says that Pottermore will be like an info thing for what's not in the books.

submitted by Tiffany W., age 10, Nashville, TN
(August 2, 2011 - 4:18 pm)


submitted by Ima
(June 23, 2011 - 6:36 am)

I read on a very reliable source of HP stuff *cough*Mugglenet*cough* that 1 million invites to the Pottermore beta will be sent out on July 31st and that the site will be open to everyone somewhere in October.

submitted by Olive
(June 25, 2011 - 10:11 am)

Yes, that's right. I found it in multiple places, including the official Pottermore website, so I'm sure that's true. She'll post an online challenge in July, and 1 million of the people who complete it successfully will get to go early.

submitted by Ima
(June 25, 2011 - 2:52 pm)

Time for this thread to be revived!  For, as many of you I'm sure know, yesterday was the day which JK Rowling mentioned as being the early entrance day.  And instead, it turned out that there are clues being posted each day on the site and we must answer the clues, then put them at the end of a certain URL which will take us to a site where have to find the Magical Quill.  Once we find it, we can register... which is the promised early registration.  Clue 1 was posted yesterday at 9 BST and Clue 2 was posted at around the same time today.  The Pottermore blog mentioned that they'd change the clue posting times around so that people in different places can have a go at registering.  However, they haven't been doing such a fantastic job... I really don't want to stay up all night refreshing Pottermore, but I'm not exactly sure what else there is to do.  It's so very frustrating!!  So, anyone else having the same troubles?  Anyone get in?


(And to the top, thread!) 

submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(August 1, 2011 - 11:02 am)

I got in!! I'm really excited; I can't wait until August 6th when I'll really get early access!

The first clue was at 3 AM Central, the second at 4, the 3rd %. I have a hunch that the next one will be at 6. You can figure out when that is in your time zone and get up then--and go back to sleep afterward.

submitted by Ima
(August 2, 2011 - 6:35 am)

Yes, I got in as well!!  Last night I set my alarm for 3 (PDT) and got up.  Luckily the clue was easy (though it was hard to Google because I don't have books 1-4; I just have the audiobooks for them).  And here's the magical part: while I was registering, I could hear an owl hooting outside my window.  It was so perfect.  Oh gosh, and I started doing a little dance in my chair when I saw my name in the book saying I was magical.  There were all these wonderful wizards next to my name.  It was glorious. :)  Guess they do say that third time's the charm!

submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(August 2, 2011 - 11:47 am)

Top, pretty please?

submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(August 1, 2011 - 11:06 am)

Really, thread?  Come on and get to the top right now!

submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(August 1, 2011 - 11:08 pm)

Lucky! I didn't even know about the clues and such until now.

submitted by Olive
(August 2, 2011 - 12:50 pm)

The Pottermore blog said that the Day 4 clue will be revealed between 2:00 and 6:00 PM (BST). Which means for me... *checks* 9:00 AM-1:00 PM *sigh* I have piano right between that time for an hour. Hopefully it's revealed before I leave and I have time to find the clue.

submitted by Olive
(August 2, 2011 - 1:27 pm)

Like I said, since the first was at 3 AM Central, the 2nd at 4, the 3rd at 5, I have a hunch that the 4th will be at 6 AM Central. Will you be at your piano lesson then? You don't have to tell us if you're concerned about privacy, but if you figure it out, you'll have some idea of the likelihood of getting in that night. If you don't, well, there's always the next!

By the way, if it seems to take you to an unaffiliated newspaper's article on Pottermore, don't panic. That happened to me, too. Look at the ad on the side. If it's not obviously what you're looking for--and for me, it didn't even exist--there's a problem with your computer. Try again on another. If it doesn't work for any of the computers in your house, disable the thing that blocks advertizing on one of them and try it again with that one. It'll work.

If you don't know how to disable ad blocking, you should ask someone in your family so that if all does not go well, you wno't need to wake anyone up. I was very, very lucky in that I managed to finish doing the research on what was wrong with Pottermoe just in time--and my brother was already awake. Hopefully, though, it should be obvious what to do and you won't need any of this, but it's happened to other people besides me, so I thought I should let you know.

It's a bit like crossing platform 9 and 3/4, really. You can do it if you ask the right people.

I wish I could have made up my own username. Unfortunately, you have to pick from list of 5 that they give you, apparently for child safety reasons (probably so that no-one can use their real name without the people at the site knowing). I don't really mind, though. I was hoping for a name that had to do with hippogriffs, because I really, really, really love hippogriffs, but there weren't any on the list, so I chose GlowSnidget84. I'm actually very slow, cannot fly, and am not gorgeous, but I'm really passionate about wildlife preservation and have been obsessed with various endangered species in the past; I thought it would be fitting to name myself after one. Anyway, it was the only magical creature-related name they had, and it was really important to me that I got one because you have NO IDEA how much I wish I could be a magizoologist. No idea. I suppose I can study Kodiak bears, which is sort of similar because people used to think they were just a myth... and they are really cool... but they don't have any actual magical powers. Anyway, if I was a real magizoologists I probably actually would study the golden snidget, or maybe fire-crabs or dragons or...
If you log in, the background changes! It's really cool! You get to see Privet Drive at night with a magical person in it (I haven't yet checked SS/PS to see whether or not it's Dumbledore or McGonagall, and you can't see their face because they never do that because they don't want to ruing the way people visualized the characters, which I think is really considerate of them) and some really cool trees.

submitted by Ima
(August 2, 2011 - 3:55 pm)

The Time Converter I'm using is being wonky/I am bad at time zones. What Central do you mean? Central Daylight or... yeah, I'm very bad at time zones.

Anyways, the time converter says 8:00 AM, but, then again, the only options I had for CST were Mexico City and Regina, Saskatchewan.

My piano lessons at 11:00 AM until 12:00 and we'll probably leave at 10:40-ish and come back at 12:15. 

submitted by Olive
(August 2, 2011 - 4:11 pm)