Chatterbox: Blab About Books
CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME? There. Now that I have your attention: I am completely out of books to read. I haven't had one in over a MONTH and I think it's slowly killing me. So, I've read most of Gail Carson Levine's books and love them, I also enjoy Shannon Hale's stories. You can kind of get a feel for what I like from those two amazing authors, but I also enjoyed Percy Jackson, the Hunger Games (kinda...) and most historical fiction. That's probably my favorite genre along with fairy tale novels. Can someone please help me before I die, if that's possible to die from not reading?
submitted by R~D~, age 14, I <3 My Snow Wa
(February 25, 2011 - 1:49 pm)
(February 25, 2011 - 1:49 pm)
Thanks everyone! The Scarlet Pimpernel is... interesting so far. Confusing and written in a way (it was first published in the early, early 1900s!) that I don't quite understand. But maybe it'll get better.
(March 2, 2011 - 4:54 pm)
I read a little bit of The Scarlet Pimpernel once! I liked it but didn't get to finish it. I also have read Gail Carson Levine's books!!! I love them! The Disney Fairies novels and Ella Enchanted, right? I love those books, they are really cool. R~D~, I live in WA too! yay :)
Oh by the way I reccomend The Chronicles of Narnia series a lot!!!!!!! Best books eva!
(March 2, 2011 - 8:01 pm)
I loved The Enchanted Castle! It was so imaginative, and it took me ages to figure out why the ring kept changing! I also love her book The Railroad Children, but the movie wasn't very good. Very bland. I know my sister likes a lot of her other things, but the only one besides these two I've read was about some kids who went into the ocean to a mer kingdom and were surprised the princess was supposed to work. I read this a long time ago and really enjoyed it, so if anyone can help me out with what it's called I'd love to read it again.
@Ima: I'll have to try Alphabet of Dreams. It sounds good.
Spring doesn't start here (at least not what we like to call spring, with warm weather and grass and flowers) until near the end of April most years.
(March 2, 2011 - 9:15 pm)
Yes, GCL wrote those, though she's written other things, too (Fairest, The Princess Tales, Ever, a book on writing...). I second CoN, though the thing about them is that most people have heard of them, so generally, those who would want to read it have already done so. Still, I've loved them for years.
(March 2, 2011 - 9:59 pm)
@Emily J: I don't feel super comfortable giving away my city, but that would be neat if we lived close by, or even in the same city. :) I don't know about the Disney Fairies, but she wrote Ella Enchanted. I simply ADORE her. :)
Oh my goodness, I'll have things to read for the rest of the year now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(March 3, 2011 - 12:08 am)
If you like Percy Jackson you should definetely try The Kane Chronicles. They're also by RR and are just as good as his other books. I've only read the first book, and very recently. I didn't think they'd be good, 'cause I didn't want to read somthing by RR that wasn't greek mythology related, but then I read them and they're based on Egyptian mythology! And there are even a few hints that it takes place in the same 'place' as Percy Jackson!!!
The Lost hero is even better, but I don't have as much time.
(March 2, 2011 - 10:58 pm)
So I guess I'm a bit late in joining the conversation, but it's now or never. And I also guess you now have a huge list of books to read, R~D~, thanks to everybuggy's lovely suggestions. I'll throw in my suggestions anyway.
The Penderwicks--you might find them a bit middle-schoolish, but they are still wonderful books! I love how Jeanne Birdsall writes; the book flows so smoothly.
Jane Eyre--by Charlotte Bronte. Until you read this, you have never lived a complete life. (jk, jk, clearly an exaggeration) This book is the bomb. Seriously. Take it slowly, and if you get bored, maybe watch the (2006) movie. That way you'll know what's going on even if you don't exactly understand.
Jeeves and Wooster-- by P.G. Wodehouse. This series is about an upper-class English bachelor in the early 20th century, who's a complete idiot, but thinks the opposite. His shrewd and perceptive butler Jeeves is always fishing him out of trouble. It's narrated by Bertie Wooster, the bachelor. The author has such a great sense of humor.
(once more, pardon my spelling errors. I didn't realize how much I relied on spell checkers until now)
'Tis all.
Good suggestions, Mary Jo! I love Jane Eyre as well. The Bronte family is pretty interesting if you have the time to look into it (Emily Bronte, Charlotte's sister, wrote Wuthering Heights). -Admin
(March 3, 2011 - 12:46 pm)
Hmm. Admins, I replied to Mary Jos comment. Did it get lost?
If you don't see it, I don't know what happened. What did you say? Please submit it again.
(March 5, 2011 - 11:41 am)
Have you read I Am Number Four? It's SO good!! I would say it's even better than the Hunger Games, and I'm serious about that.
(March 5, 2011 - 2:03 pm)
@Ann: Isn't that a new movie coming out, also? Ooh, that would be a good idea to read the book and then go see the movie, because the movie looked interesting. Thanks!
Oh, I just said thanks Mary Jo :) I've read the Penderwicks and loved that book and the others sounds great! *adds more to list*
(March 5, 2011 - 8:01 pm)
@ Admin--I've heard of Emily Bronte, and tried to read Wuthering Heights, but I quickly lost interest. Maybe I'll try it again. I think their sister Anne was also an author, though I've never read her books.
She has a sister Charlotte. I'm not sure about Anne.
(March 5, 2011 - 11:00 pm)
@ Admin--the Bronte sisters are a trio, I'm pretty sure: Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. They all died pretty young, between the ages of 29-38. :(
Thanks, MJ. I only remember reading works by Charlotte and Emily.
(March 8, 2011 - 7:46 pm)
Well Robyn, what types of books do you enjoy????
I think I might have a list of books, if you like em'.
So, yeah just ell me if you haven't already picked a book.
(March 7, 2011 - 12:05 pm)
@ Ann-- Isn't that an adventure with some guy who finds out he's going to be killed? Sounds very mellow... ;)
(March 7, 2011 - 1:58 pm)
@Vida: Well, I now have a decent list of books, but I'm always willing to add more! Just read what I first wrote... I like historical fiction and fairy tales.
(March 7, 2011 - 2:29 pm)