*Is speaking from
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Calling all Warrior cats!
*Is speaking from...
*Is speaking from the top of a tall rock* Cats! The twolegs are pushing us to the bottom! We can NOT let this happen! This is our territory! I therefore propose a solution! We will gather our entire clans, take over the twoleg threads, and keep posting on the twoleg threads! They may push our clans to the bottom, but THEY WILL NOT TAKE US!!!!!! *Bounds down*
submitted by Moonfur
(February 27, 2010 - 8:46 am)
(February 27, 2010 - 8:46 am)
Hey! Just to remind you, this entire website, this entire computer system was made by Two Legs. And the front page has been full of Warriors threads and it would be nice to take a break from Warriors.
(February 27, 2010 - 3:39 pm)
Take a break?! Don't say that. We have as much right to post as you do.
What we need to do is take up less space, so that we can coexist again, like we did when poeple first started Warriors roleplays. There are just too many Clans. There is no need, however, to drive us out, as long as we do not drive you out.
I can understand you saying that, though. Especially after seeing a thread like this. Why shouldn't you have threads on books other than warriors? This really is ridiculous.
(February 28, 2010 - 3:02 pm)
I don't ever post on warriors threads, but this...
Excuse me? "This is our territory!"? This is not your territory. Blab About Books is a place to talk about books. Books with an s. Meaning, books besides Warriors. Some of us want to talk about other things. Not all of us want to read about Warriros all the time.
Also, "twolegs"? I admit I have two legs, but...you don't?
(February 27, 2010 - 9:38 pm)
I am a cat. I am also fictional. I am controlled by a human, but I am not one.
(February 28, 2010 - 12:49 pm)
So if you got dropped from really high up, what would happen? Would you land on all fours, or just two legs? Or on your back?
(March 1, 2010 - 9:53 am)
Exactly. You are fictional. You are a fictional cat telling real humans to stop invading your space, which isn't really yours because this is not a warriors website. Fictional cats should not threaten real people who have done nothing wrong.
(March 1, 2010 - 8:14 pm)
Well, in real life, he/she does, but in the role-play, he/she is a cat, as are we all.
(February 28, 2010 - 2:45 pm)
Honestly, Moonfur, although I like warriors, this is ridiculous! This isn't "our territory"! This is a place to discuss books, not to be in warrior RP's! It's ridiculous to expect everyone else to never talk about a book they like! There are plenty other, better books to talk about than Warriors! They're cool books and it's fun to be in a few RP's, but, honestly?? This thread is absurd, and that's coming from a person who's in quite a few RP's! I think you need to think about what this section of the Chatterbox is really for. This isn't meant to offend you or put you down, but seriously, calm down and be reasonable, please!
(February 28, 2010 - 4:13 pm)
Yes, I have two legs. Not four. So eat me.
I'd just like to mention that "pushing the 'twolegs'' threads to the bottom" if you have nothing to add to the discussion happens to be a form of trolling, which is generally frowned upon on the Internet.
It would not, of course, be trolling, if BaB were, as you say, "your territory," but it's not. As Name noted, BaB is meant to be a place for *all* people to talk about *any* books.
Now generally I try not to overreact about Warriors threads. I mean, I know they're popular books and RP'ing is much fun. But if you're actually making a thread that has the purpose of pushing other threads to the bottom, well, sorry--- that's rather ill-tempered of you, wouldn't you say?
Um, love you all. *waves cheerily*
(February 28, 2010 - 7:30 pm)
I'm a Warriors fan too, but there are TOO MANY WARRIORS THREADS. How is this your territory? This isn't a Warriors site. It is a Cricket site. Meaning, Cricket readers and lovers get on it and write about whatever we want. We're not trying to push you to the bottom; you're pushing your own selves to the bottom by making four or five new threads every day. I'm really sorry, but you need to stop the Warriors. Join an existing clan if you must.
Andy says uahp.
~Wolfgirl67 signing off.
(February 28, 2010 - 7:57 pm)
Are you sure you and ALL the other Warriors cats aren't really Two legs? Or are you some mutated cat or something?
(February 28, 2010 - 1:27 pm)
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.
I am in several Warriors Clans. I really enjoy the RPs, as much as anyone else. But why on earth can't people talk about things other than Warriors? Hello! This is Blab About Books, not Make Sure No One Can Talk About Anything Other Than Your Favorite Series!!
Look at it this way. Blab about books was once a place where people
just came and talkedabout books, and it was really fun, and everyone
enjoyed it. Then, someone created a warriors RP, and that was fun, too.
No one had a problem with it.
But people kept making so many new
Clans that the people who hadn't read warriors—or who didn't like
warriors—or who did like warriors, but didn't like
role-playing—had trouble finding room to talk about other books anymore. Just
because these role-plays are fun doesn't mean that other people can't
make new threads to do other things. But it's as if we really won't let
them! Every time they make a thread, it's almost invariably moved to the
back page, where no one can find it! In a way, it's as if we're the
ones driving them off the threads!
They have a right to
make as many threads as they want. So do we. But we've been abusing that
right. We need to give them some room, too. They give us enough room.
No one can say that we need to make about 5 new Clans each week. But
some cats just do that anyway. I don't see why we role-players can't
just post on the threads that already exist. There are plenty! But if a
non-roleplayer decides that they want to talk about other things, and
they would prefer it if their thread stayed at the front page, so they
ask us to tone it down a bit, that makes them invasive?
please don't say they're driving us off the threads. Don't blame them!
It isn't their fault! It's the fault of cats like you who think that you can and should control everything! This was made for book discussion! Discussion of all books should be welcome!
Who cares if they're trying to push certain threads to the bottom! They don't want to comnpletely eliminate us, just make a little room for themselves, which they had, until we stole it! Why can't they post about whatever they want to?! They don't mind if you make some warriors threads as long as you don't make too many. Their conditions are never unreasonable. And now you're saying we should drive them out?!
Remember all those evil cats who wanted to take over the forest in our role-plays? Well, look, everyone, if you consider joining Moonfur, know that he's doing the same thing, but worse! He (or she) wants warriors to be the only books allowed here. That's insane. And not only are they driving out the threads, and turning them into warriors RPs, like the evil cats would've done with the other warriors threads, this is forbidding anyone to talk about anything other than warriors. And it's not a game. It's serious. He actually wants to drive everyone out!
I happen to play Nightstar, leader of LakeClan. If any LakeClan cats are reading this, may they know that they are expressly forbidden to participate in any of this. I don't normally do this sort of things; people and cats ought to be able to make their own choices. But this is too important. Any cat of my Clan who does this will be given a chance to explain to me why they have done this, and if they can't convince me otherwise (and trust me, it'll be quite hard), they'll be exiled. That's final. I can't believe anyone would want to do this!
(February 28, 2010 - 1:54 pm)
Do not drive the Twolegs out. They have as much right to be here as any of you. Any followers of Moonfur are disobeying StarClan! You may try if you wish, but you cannot succeed. We StarClan cats have power beyond your comprehension. Would you like to be sentenced to an afterlife in Everburn Forest? For, although we do not enjoy sending cats there, surely if a cat continues to cause such chaos in life, they would be inclined to act similarly in death?
But really, the Twolegs belong here as much as any of you. It was their territory first, and they hae allowed you to share it. Now you are not allowing them enough room, so they tell you to occupy a smaller amount of space. You ought to respect this. Instead, you decide to drive them off of their own land. That is wrong.
(February 28, 2010 - 2:16 pm)
Goldberry????? That's a name from LOTR, thank you!!!
(September 24, 2010 - 3:11 pm)
The Twolegs have no intention of taking you or your Clans. They merely are asking you to stop making so many Clans that there is no room for them.
I think that when you said, "This is our territory," you meant that you have the right to make as many threads as you want, because the space here is unlimited, and it doesn't say that warriors cannot be discussed. That's true. But with rights come responsibilities. The non-warriors roleplayers were here before the warriors roleplayers, so they have the same right. They are making threads, just as you are. Do you realize how hypocritical everything you say is? And if they ask you to give them room, you decide to take over the non-warriors threads—which is obviously their territory. According to the warrior code, we need to stay off their land. You are choosing to ignore the warrior code.
Not being cats, the Twolegs do not need to follow or observe the warrior code. Yet they are the ones obeying it, while we attack them for no reason. Where's thee logic in that?
So, really, everyone, are you going to side with a bunch of selfish, lawless, bullying tyrants, or honor, justice, and the warrior code? I hope you choose the latter.
I'm sorry for repeating almost the same thing over and over, but we truly cannot allow this to happen.
(February 28, 2010 - 2:57 pm)