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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Howdy there!  Last...

Howdy there!  Last week, I went to the library to get the third "Chronicle of Ancient Darkness" book and possibly the second "Septimus Heap" book. I desperately needed a book for finals as I would have time on my hands after taking the test. You see, my school is 7-12 and the high school gets an hour and a half final while we seventh graders only have hour tests. Okay, so I get to the library eagerly and immediately walk to the Young Adults section, to P and find Michelle Paver. But to my horror, the third CAD book was nowhere to be found! Even in the recent returns! :O So I check S for Angie Sage. No Septimus Heap #2 either. Bemoaning the fact that the two books I came for weren't on the shelf, I had a sudden inspiration! Discworld! TNÖ has been pestering me to read this series, and I thought, "Why not?" So to the computer I went, finding out if the first book was there. It was! I ran to Science Fiction (luckily right next to Young Adult) and found "The Color of Magic" just waiting there for me. Yes, I know TNÖ, you've said not to start with the first book, but with my little 'perfect' instinct telling me to read the first one first, I did. So right now I'm on page 72. Yeah, I didn't get much reading in 'cause I was studying like crazy for my first finals. They were easy, and I'm done now, so I decided to make a thread for Discword. I got a few funny looks from people on finals day as I silently cracked up. It's absolutely hilarious! Now, whenever I hear someone talk about insurance, my immediate response is, "Oh wait, don't you mean inn-sewer-ants? Haha!! Sorry to those who have no idea what I'm talking about. *giggle* And Death... Don't get me started. :D I apologize if there are any other Discworld threads I have neglected to revive. Also, hope this thread doesn't get lost amidst all the Warrior RPs out there.  


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 12 1/2, on a tree!
(January 22, 2010 - 6:04 pm)

Granny Weatherwax (several times): I ATE'NT DEAD.


Good afternoon, said Death.


I love the caps lock. :D

submitted by ZNZ
(March 3, 2010 - 9:11 pm)

Sorry, I mean: GOOD AFTERNOON, said Death.

submitted by ZNZ
(March 4, 2010 - 4:50 pm) what is Discworld about? Are there any bad themes or anything? I might give them a try. I have been needing a new series of books to read...

submitted by Hannah***, age 14, at the desk in
(March 3, 2010 - 6:13 pm)

That's kind of a hard question... You see, including the YA novels, there's 37 books in the series, and they don't all follow the same character (which largely is how Pterry avoids Sequelitis).

But, broadly, the Discworld books are about life. They're about people. I mean, they're funny fantasy books, yes, but they also reflect our world, and the struggles and hardships therein.

There's books about war, and books about overly extremist/fundamentalist religions. There's mystery books (the Watch books and The Truth), and more classic fantasy (the first two books). There's more than a few with highly feminist slants (notably Equal Rites). There's books about Death and what comes after, books about adventure and overcoming obstacles, and there's even a book about opera. There's a book about the newspaper, and a book about the postal service. Every book has anti-prejudice themes. 

They always end happily, though. Or at least end in a better situation than they started with.

And they're hilarious. Like, laugh-out-loud funny.

They're not difficult to read, either; each book is about 300-400 pages, and the plots go wickedly fast.

There aren't really any bad themes, if what you mean by "bad themes" is content of an explicit nature or gory details. If there's a gruesome death, Pterry will make sure you know it's gruesome without going into detail at all. Like, for example, in a passage detailing the murder of an assassin with a still-red-hot sword, all he says is "There was a short scream, and a very long hiss." And that's it. Similarly, there is nothing, ahem, explicit as a general rule, and if it becomes necessary oblique inferences will be made. I'd deem them very safe, unless you have an extremely active imagination.

As for starting points, I'd recommend Guards! Guards! (the first of the Watch books), Hogfather (a good introduction to the wizards and Susan, though in the middle of the Death books), Mort (first of the Death books), Going Postal (first of the Moist books), or Small Gods (stand alone). Don't start with Thud!, Night Watch, The Fifth Elephant, Jingo, Feet of Clay, Maskerade, Lords and Ladies, or Unseen Academicals, because they won't make much sense if you haven't read the earlier books.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(March 3, 2010 - 11:10 pm)

I have gotten Jingo.  Only on page 107, though.  Quite good, so far.  :D

submitted by Meadow
(March 5, 2010 - 5:13 pm)

I was in Literature yesterday and we had just had a big test.  I reached into my backpack and pulled out my fantastic light (The Light Fantastic).  I began reading and giggling quietly to myself.  All of a sudden, my lit teacher walked over to me and whispered, "Do you like Terry Pratchett?"  

I replied with a, "Yes!!!" 


An emphatic nod.


Aha!!  Even my lit teacher loves pterry!!  Score!


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age almost 13!, on a tree!
(March 20, 2010 - 2:24 pm)