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Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Howdy there! Last week, I went to the library to get the third "Chronicle of Ancient Darkness" book and possibly the second "Septimus Heap" book. I desperately needed a book for finals as I would have time on my hands after taking the test. You see, my school is 7-12 and the high school gets an hour and a half final while we seventh graders only have hour tests. Okay, so I get to the library eagerly and immediately walk to the Young Adults section, to P and find Michelle Paver. But to my horror, the third CAD book was nowhere to be found! Even in the recent returns! :O So I check S for Angie Sage. No Septimus Heap #2 either. Bemoaning the fact that the two books I came for weren't on the shelf, I had a sudden inspiration! Discworld! TNÖ has been pestering me to read this series, and I thought, "Why not?" So to the computer I went, finding out if the first book was there. It was! I ran to Science Fiction (luckily right next to Young Adult) and found "The Color of Magic" just waiting there for me. Yes, I know TNÖ, you've said not to start with the first book, but with my little 'perfect' instinct telling me to read the first one first, I did. So right now I'm on page 72. Yeah, I didn't get much reading in 'cause I was studying like crazy for my first finals. They were easy, and I'm done now, so I decided to make a thread for Discword. I got a few funny looks from people on finals day as I silently cracked up. It's absolutely hilarious! Now, whenever I hear someone talk about insurance, my immediate response is, "Oh wait, don't you mean inn-sewer-ants? Haha!! Sorry to those who have no idea what I'm talking about. *giggle* And Death... Don't get me started. :D I apologize if there are any other Discworld threads I have neglected to revive. Also, hope this thread doesn't get lost amidst all the Warrior RPs out there.
(January 22, 2010 - 6:04 pm)
Hooray! And keep in mind that as brilliant as CoM is, it and The Light Fantastic are probably the weakest books in the series. They just keep getting better.
I'm actually reading The Last Hero right now. It's brilliant. "I do not wish to volunteer!" "I beg your pardon?" And Leonard staring down the *Dean* of all people. XD.
(January 23, 2010 - 11:13 pm)
:) :) I figured you'd be the first to post, TNÖ. I must have psychic powers. ;) COM's good so far... and if it's weak like you said it was, I can't wait to read the others....
Anyway, thread, move to the TOP!!!!
(January 24, 2010 - 4:49 pm)
Everyone who reads this series loves it, so I think I will soon...
(January 25, 2010 - 10:03 pm)
Yes, Ima. Good thinking!
(January 30, 2010 - 12:19 pm)
Unfortunately, I haven't been reading much so I have no more excited ramblings to add to the thread, which has been strangely silent.... But I did want to make a comment. I was on the Netflix sight yesterday browsing, when I saw "The Color of Magic." I did a double take and then realized that the first discworld book was made into a movie. Am I crazy? Has this really been made into a movie? Have any of you out there seen it? Just mildly curious.
(February 7, 2010 - 4:10 pm)
Hogfather is also made into a movie. My first encounter with Discworld was the movie Hogfather. And second-to-last time my family went to the library we got the movie Colour of Magic. I didn't watch it, seeing as I wanted to read the book first. My sister tells me that Octarine is *blue*. *cough* Incorrect, Autumn, incorrect. Quite. she has also told me of stuff that didn't happen in The Colour of Magic, so I'm guessing that it has The Light Fantastic smashed onto one disc with Colour of Magic.
(February 15, 2010 - 5:41 pm)
Both CoM/LF and Hogfather have been made into (rather excellent, if incomprehensible to those who haven't read the books) movies, and the company who did them is making Going Postal (and hopefully Making Money, as well), which will broadcast in the UK in Easter. *happydance*
Octarine, correct me if I'm misremembering, but isn't a purple-ish yellow green?
(February 16, 2010 - 9:21 am)
I believe that it said greenish yellow purple, but that doesn't make much difference. And it may be different colours to different eyes.
(February 16, 2010 - 12:08 pm)
'ello?? Anyone there? TNÖ?? Ack! My thread is dying! *laments* *hangs shoulders* *sobs* *overreacts* *smiles because she can* *is happy*
(February 15, 2010 - 11:18 am)
I'm pretty sure that I heard TNÖ mention a Discworld movie at some point.
SP says, "Naft!" Raft? NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?
(February 15, 2010 - 5:55 pm)
I've read 3 Discworld books, all newer ones. I started the first one I read (Going Postal) with limited enthusiasm because I had not liked Nation. I was a bit surprised to find that it was really good. My library has about 6 Discworld books, out of thirtysomething.
(February 16, 2010 - 9:09 am)
Yeah, whilst I enjoyed Nation it's nowhere near the caliber of the Discworld books.
Anyone read Unseen Academicals? I admit I was... slightly concerned, giving Pterry's current, um, condition, but it's definitely one of my favourites. Mr. Nutt is awesome, and Vetinari... well, just Vetinari. And Lady Margolotta, of course.
(February 16, 2010 - 5:41 pm)
Come on thread! Move to the top! I'll have some more quotes to add, but I'll add them in a later post. For now, I just want to move this thread. Thanks guys, I will consider watching the movies.
(February 27, 2010 - 1:11 pm)
"A double rainbow corruscated into being. Close into the lip of the Rimfall were seven lesser colors, sparkling and dancing in the spray of the dying seas.
But they were pale in comparison to the wider band that floated beyond them, not deigning to share the same spectrum.
It was the King Color, of which all the lesser colors are merely partial and wishy-washy reflections. It was octarine, the color of magic. It was alive and glowing and vibrant and it was the undisputed pigment of the imagination, because wherever it appeard it was a sign that mere matter was a servant of the powers of the magical mind. It was enchantment itself.
But Rincewind always thought it looked a sort of greenish purple."
-CoM pg. 163
"It is a little known but true fact that a two legged creature can usually beat a four legged creature over a short distance, simply because of the time it take the quadruped to get its legs sorted out."
-CoM pg. 140
(February 28, 2010 - 1:10 pm)
"He glanced down at the paper Vetinari had been writing on.
"To his surprise it wasn't writing at all, but a careful drawing. It showed a striding figure, except that the figure was not one person at all but made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller figures. The effect was like one of the wicker men built by some of the more outlandish tribes near the Hub, when they annually celebrated the great cycle of Nature and their reverence for life by piling as much of it as possible in a great heap and setting fire to it.
"The composite man was wearing a crown."
-Feet of Clay, pg 177, significant only because Vetinari knew! He bloody well knew! He poisoned himself on purpose!!!!!
Vimes: Lord Vetinari was seen by three cleaning maids of the household staff, all respectable ladies, after they were alerted by the barking of His Lordship's dog at about seven o'clock this morning. He said... 'I've killed him, I've killed him, I'm sorry.' They saw what looked very much like a body on the floor. Lord Vetinari was holding a knife. They ran downstairs to fetch someone. On their return, they found His Lordship missing. The body was that of Rufus Drumknott, the Patrician's personal secretary. He had been stabbed and is seriously ill. A search of the buildings located Lord Vetinari in the stables. He was unconscious on the floor. A horse was saddled. The saddlebags contained... seventy thousand dollars... Captain this is stupid.
Carrot: I know, sir. They are the facts, sir.
Vimes: But they're not the right facts! They're stupid facts!
Carrot: I know, sir. I can't imagine His Lordship trying to kill anyone.
Vimes: Are you mad? I can't imagine him saying sorry!
-The Truth, pg 115. There are so many holes in the frame job it's not even funny... 1) Vetinari actually likes Drumknott, and would never try to kill him. 2) If Vetinari wanted someone dead badly enough to do the job himself, they would be dead. He inhumed Homicidal Lord Winder in his teens, for gods' sakes! 3) Vetinari would know better than to load a horse with over a ton of gold and try to make a quick getaway. 4) Vetinari would never, ever steal money from Ankh-Morpork. Ever. He's one of the few people who honestly loves and cares about the city. Hates it too, by his own admission, but nevertheless. 5) If Vetinari did actually kill Drumknott, there would be no evidence pointing towards him. He'd frame someone else, properly. 6) As Vimes pointed out, Vetinari would not apologize. Nor would he admit anything. People don't even know it was him who inhumed Lord Winder, and that was a good thing. 7) Vetinari doesn't drink, unlike the lookalike who ordered the guards away the previous night. 8) Vetinari wouldn't fall backwards off a horse. It just wouldn't happen; the limp/bum leg has about a 99% chance of being faked so Vetinari can use the cane to subtly intimidate people. 9) Vetinari has never, in the past, had anyone put to death or even imprisoned unless they've been given a fair trial and deemed guilty of crime. There's no logical reason for him to start with his head clerk.
"'Vell... that's ven you get a... headache.' There was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder. Otto punched the air triumphantly. 'Yes!' he shouted, as the printers ran madly towards the doors. 'Ven you realy, really need it, zere it is! Let's try vunce more... castle!' The thunder rolled again. The vampire jumped up and down excitedly, coattails flying. 'Vow! Now ve are cooking! Vunce more mit feelink! Vot a big... castle...' The thunder was even louder this time. Otto did a little jig, beside himself with joy, tears running down his gray face. 'Music vid Rocks In!'"
-The Truth, pg 305. Otto finally gets his ominous thunder.
"What a silly girl I am. 'Ing.' I feel so much better for saying that, you know? 'Ing.' 'Inginginginging.' I wonder what it means?"
-The Truth, pg. 305. In which Sacharissa snaps, and completes her transformation from demure little lady to terrifying, talented, sharp-tongued journalist.
"Mrs. Arcanum patted her hair. 'I've always thought Lord Vetinari was a most handsome man,' she said, and then looked flustered when they all stared at her. 'I meant, I'm just a little surprised there isn't a Lady Vetinari. As it were. Ahem.'"
-The Truth, pg. 329. *snicker* Of course, one only has to read The Fifth Elephant to know why there isn't a Lady Vetinari... ((For those who haven't, it's because Lady Margolotta is hundreds of miles away in Uberwald))
Mr. Slant: The right to free speech is a fine old Ankh-Morpork tradition.
Downey: Good heavens, is it?
Mr. Slant: Yes, my lord.
Downey: How did that one survive?
-The Truth, pg. 333. Bwah ha.
(March 1, 2010 - 8:31 pm)