Just reread r-e-r-e-a-d

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

The Phantom Tollbooth SI
Just reread r-e-r-e-a-d...

Just reread r-e-r-e-a-d this awesomely amazing a-m-a-z-i-n-g book and wondered w-o-n-d-e-r-e-d why I didn't do it sooner s-o-o-n-e-r! Love spelling in general g-e-n-e-r-a-l anyway, here you can also a-l-s-o just talk about the book b-o-o-k!

submitted by The Spelling Bee, age A-G-E, Dictionopolis
(July 6, 2023 - 8:13 pm)

Amazing book I read recently. Except that the people there should stop wasting time! It's precious!

submitted by Tock the Watchdog , age ticking, keeping time
(July 6, 2023 - 10:29 pm)

Why is her name rhyme anyway? I don't remember her like ryhming at all... *shrugs*

Spelling Bee, are you pangolin or Artemis? 

submitted by Ryhme
(July 7, 2023 - 2:34 pm)

@Rhyme, nope n-o-p-e! Are you?

I was wondering w-o-n-d-e-r-i-n-g that too, when you look it up u-p, it says:  Phrases

rhyme or reason — logical explanation or reason.

"without rhyme or reason his mood changed"         C-h-a-n-g-e-d!
submitted by The Spelling Bee, age A-G-E, Dictionopolis
(July 7, 2023 - 5:34 pm)


@The Spelling Bee, are you Hawkstar or Peri?

@Rhyme, are you Reuby?

*Alarm starts ringing* Looks like it's dinner! 

submitted by Tock the Watchdog , age ticking, keeping time
(July 7, 2023 - 7:43 pm)

It's extremely loud on this thread...reminds me a little of when that awful Dr. Dischord came with his accursed DYNNE.


*puts headphones in *

*contentedly listens to silence at max volume*

@The Spelling Bee, are you Celine? Or Phoenix Tears? Good choice of character, by the way.

@Rhyme, are you Hawkstar or Reuby Moonnight?

@Tock the Watchdog...maybe you're Cloud Bunny? 


I couldn't believe my ears--pardon me, I meant to say eyes--when I saw this. I think I've just been waiting for this and I wish I could enter as more than one character lol (there are so many good ones...)

submitted by The Soundkeeper, age no idea, the Valley of Sound
(July 8, 2023 - 1:41 pm)

Nope. Are you? Or maybe you're Artemis?

*starts to rant about the importance of time* 

submitted by Tock the Watchdog , age ticking, keeping time
(July 8, 2023 - 11:00 pm)

No, I'm not Artemis. Could you be, @Tock?

submitted by The Soundkeeper, age no idea, the Valley of Sound
(July 9, 2023 - 3:53 pm)

Pardon me, can you tell me who I am?- I'm as curious as can be. 

submitted by Canby
(July 9, 2023 - 8:44 am)

@The Soundkeeper, thanks! I like your character too (actually, I like everyone's!) And, wow, good job, yes I AM Celine! Are you Pangolin?

submitted by Spelling Bee/Celine, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(July 9, 2023 - 5:15 pm)

You must be Canby! 

That's probably not the answer you're looking for. Hmm...are you Poinsettia as can be? Or Writing as can be?

*continues ticking away, awaiting the reply* 

submitted by Tock the Watchdog , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(July 9, 2023 - 5:54 pm)

Aha! Someone has tried to guess me! I'm as delighted as can be.

*quickly sighs* 

But I'm neither of those people, Tock... I'm as dissapointed as can be. (no, just kidding) Tock, are you Darkvine?

submitted by Canby
(July 10, 2023 - 8:07 am)


submitted by Tock the Watchdog , age ticking, keeping time
(July 10, 2023 - 10:45 am)

Let's see...are you as Rora as can be?

submitted by Tock the Watchdog , age ticking, keeping time
(July 10, 2023 - 5:04 pm)

I am not pangolin.

@Canby, could you be (hehe, did that on purpose) Zealatom, Tenbrous, or Darkling?

@Tock, perhaps you are Moon Wolf?



submitted by The Soundkeeper, age no idea, the Valley of Sound
(July 10, 2023 - 5:15 pm)

Wow you're good at guessing! You've got me! Hmm, not sure who you are though. Maybe you are Sine or Jaybells?

submitted by Tock/Moon Wolf, age ticking, still keeping time
(July 10, 2023 - 11:15 pm)