F: Greetings!!! I

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

F: Greetings!!! I...

F: Greetings!!! I am Flamestar and this is my mate, Duskmoon. She will have kits soon.

D: *Purrs* Hello. I am Duskmoon.

F: I need a loyal deputy, medicine cat, warriors, queens, elders, a medicine cat apprentice, warrior apprentices, and kits. I need your description, too. Fill this out:







Place in clan:


Ok. Please fill that out. Here is mine:

Name: Flamestar

Age: 48 moons

Gender: Tom

Pelt: Large, Flame orange tabby

Eyes: Striking green

Personality: Loyal, strong, and friendly

Place in clan: Leader


Ok. Here is my mates:

Name: Duskmoon

Age: 31 moons

Gender: She-cat

Pelt: Shiny, pretty, dappled calico

Eyes: A shiny blue

Personality: Sweet, kind, friendly, and helpful

Place in clan: Queen


Ok. That is my mates. We need a medicine cat very soon becuse Duskmoon will have kits any day now. Please join. May Starclan light your path.

submitted by Flamestar, Duskmoon, age 47 moons, The Tallrock
(December 7, 2009 - 5:51 pm)

I have no idea, Sootpaw. Oh! Maybe she is supposed to be your mate one day??? No, that can't be right...

submitted by Flamestar
(February 13, 2010 - 10:48 pm)

Maybe we should go to the Crystalclan camp and ask there?

((Ha, Spamboy is ppie))

submitted by Sootpaw
(February 15, 2010 - 2:08 pm)

Sure, Sootpaw. Lets go.

submitted by Flamestar
(February 15, 2010 - 9:33 pm)

Okay. *Leaves camp with Flamestar*

submitted by Sootpaw
(February 17, 2010 - 9:12 am)

Name: Mosspetal 

Age: er, 8 moons? 

Gender: female 

Pelt: speckled with black/brown, white and orange 

Eyes: Varies with green and orange 

Personality: sometimes slightly shy, helpful 

Place in clan: Thinking of becoming Warrior apprentice, but is also very interested in being a Medicine cat apprentice

Ooh, this'll be fun! And I just finished the first one a couple of days ago!

-♣♣ <-----This will be my symbol when I'm on this thread instead of this:☺☻. Can you guess who I really am now?;)  

submitted by Mosspetal , age 8 moons, (What's the nam
(February 21, 2010 - 12:45 pm)

The thread is dead. Flamestar, I am leaving to go to Crystalclan. I will visit, though. Goodbye!

submitted by Sootpaw
(February 22, 2010 - 7:55 am)

Sure you can join, Mosspetal! Sootpaw, PLEASE don't leave! The thread isn't dead all the way! Cry Please! I'm so sorry I haven't posted! I've been so busy! *Sobs*Cry

submitted by Flamestar
(February 22, 2010 - 4:56 pm)

Sootpaw! No! Why are you deserting us?!

submitted by Eastflower&Northwind
(February 22, 2010 - 7:31 pm)

Just to get things completely clear, this is a role play right? And what is the name of our clan??? *Licks self* Murrrr-ow


submitted by Mosspetal♣♣, age 8 moons, middle of fores
(February 22, 2010 - 9:12 pm)

@Mosspetal: Are you Hannah??

submitted by Eastflower&Northwind
(February 22, 2010 - 10:19 pm)

@Eastflower&Northwind: Yes I am! Are you Alexa and Olive?


submitted by Mosspetal♣♣, age 8 moons, Forest
(February 23, 2010 - 8:47 am)

So could you guys catch me up on what's been going on in this clan since I'm new please??


submitted by Mosspetal♣♣, age 8 moons, Forest
(February 24, 2010 - 4:45 pm)

Greetings, Mosspetal! Flameleaf??? WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

submitted by Snowpetal
(February 24, 2010 - 11:05 pm)

@Mosspetal: No, I'm Emma O.

So, this is- umm, actaully, I can't remember our clan name! Flamestar, do we have one?! So sorry, Flamestar, if I'm having a total memory loss here!If we don't, I vote Duskclan. Anyway, Mosspetal, I am Eastflower and this is my mate, Northwind. Our leader is Flamestar. His mate, Duskmoon died recently. *bows head* It was hard for our whole clan. Our clan seems to be falling apart. Sootpaw, who we took in after an evil clan he was in was defeated and Duskmoon and I took care of and Northwind tought to be a noble and loyal warrior, he deserted us! Really, the only posting memebers are Flamestar, you, and me! 

submitted by Northwind&Eastflower
(February 24, 2010 - 11:21 pm)

Time: Moonhigh

A winter breeze blew through the air. Stars,
cold and bright, shined through the leaves. Suddenly, a great voice
split the silence.

The age of warriors is coming to an end

Many twolegs will to the bottom send

Brave clans, the places of much sorrow and joy

All thrown away in one strategic ploy

In dens the elders slumber nevermore

You must struggle, fight the twolegs or

Forever will be lost our ancient lore

In nurseries the kits no longer play

We have come to the very end of day

submitted by Unknown
(February 27, 2010 - 8:40 am)