F: Greetings!!! I

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

F: Greetings!!! I...

F: Greetings!!! I am Flamestar and this is my mate, Duskmoon. She will have kits soon.

D: *Purrs* Hello. I am Duskmoon.

F: I need a loyal deputy, medicine cat, warriors, queens, elders, a medicine cat apprentice, warrior apprentices, and kits. I need your description, too. Fill this out:







Place in clan:


Ok. Please fill that out. Here is mine:

Name: Flamestar

Age: 48 moons

Gender: Tom

Pelt: Large, Flame orange tabby

Eyes: Striking green

Personality: Loyal, strong, and friendly

Place in clan: Leader


Ok. Here is my mates:

Name: Duskmoon

Age: 31 moons

Gender: She-cat

Pelt: Shiny, pretty, dappled calico

Eyes: A shiny blue

Personality: Sweet, kind, friendly, and helpful

Place in clan: Queen


Ok. That is my mates. We need a medicine cat very soon becuse Duskmoon will have kits any day now. Please join. May Starclan light your path.

submitted by Flamestar, Duskmoon, age 47 moons, The Tallrock
(December 7, 2009 - 5:51 pm)

Hello, my name is Goosefeather and I would like to be deputy. Here is my description:

name: Goosefeather.

age: 16 moons.

gender: she cat

pelt: silvery blue.

eyes: orange

persinality: sweet,kind,loyal,helpful,freindly.

place in clan: deputy.

Well, that's me. I would really like to join. If there is somebody who wants to be deputy more, I'll survive. It's your choice.

submitted by Goosefeather.
(December 7, 2009 - 7:03 pm)

There was a medicine cat named Goosefeather, in "real" life. But continue.

submitted by Secretleaf, LakeClan
(December 9, 2009 - 5:25 pm)

I would like to be medicine cat, but if a cat already got it, I'll be deputy. 

Name: Snowpetal

Age: 20 moons

Gender: She-cat

Pelt: White with a odd-petal shaped brown spots.

Eyes: Brown with faint golden streaks.

Personality: Strong, Helpful, Loyal and friendly.

Place in clan: Medicine cat or Deputy.

submitted by Snowpetal
(December 7, 2009 - 8:40 pm)

F: Snowpetal, you may be medicne cat. Goosefeather, you may be deputy.

Oh!! I fogot to choose a name for the clan!!! Do you two like the name Flameclan or Graceclan better??? I like Flameclan.

D: I like Graceclan. *Collapses* OH!! H-HELP!!!!! I-I-IM H-HAVING K-KITS!!!!! 

submitted by Flamestar, Duskmoon, ___Clan camp
(December 8, 2009 - 5:24 pm)

I like... *sees Duskmoon* Duskmoon, stay calm! *helps* 


Great job! You have __ new kits, Duskmoon. Congrats!

submitted by Snowpetal
(December 8, 2009 - 7:37 pm)

May I please be medicine cat apprentice?

  Here is my description: bright orange tom with piercing green eyes.

submitted by Flameleaf
(December 8, 2009 - 10:10 pm)

As I was saying, I would like FlameClan. But either one would be fine. Flameleaf, you may be my apprentice. 

submitted by Snowpetal
(December 8, 2009 - 11:15 pm)

N: *strong voice with slight, unfamiliar accent* Hello. I am Northwind. Me and my mate, Easrflower, need a home, as Eastflower will soon have kits. This is my description

Name: Northwind

Age: 24 Moons

Gender: Male

Pelt: Dark, earthy brown with many scars crossing it

Eyes: Medium blue

Personality: Strong willed (but respectful), etremely loyal, fiece fighter

Place in clan: Warrior

E: *soft, high, chime-like voice with slight, unfamiliar accent* I am Eastflower. Can I please join? My kits could come any hour!!! This is what I look like.

Name: Eastflower

Age: 20 Moons

Gender: Female

Pelt: Soft, silver-grey with a slight pinky-ginger tinge crossed with many scars, but not as many as Northwind, her mate

Eyes: Soft light blue

Personality: Very loyal, quite stubborn, despite her looks and voice, which would make you think she's very delicate, she's a very skilled fighter and very fierce when it comes to protecting her loved-ones.  


submitted by Northwind&Eastflower
(December 8, 2009 - 11:35 pm)

You may join.

submitted by Flamestar
(December 9, 2009 - 11:17 am)

Thank you, Snowpetal!!! Thier so beautiful!!! Here they are:

Kitten 1:

Name: Snowkit (That ones named after you, Snowpetal!!!)

Gender: She-cat

Pelt: Soft, snowy-white

Eyes: Bright blue

Personality: Friendly, adventureus, enerjetic, and sweet

Place in clan: Kit

* * * * * * *

Kitten 2: 

Name: Forestkit

Gender: She-cat

Pelt: Black with Silvery-white dapples

Eyes: Green

Personality: Smart, Friendly, sweet, and helpful. Perhaps future medicine cat.

Place in clan: Kit

* * * * * * *

Kit 3:

Name: Branchkit

Gender: Tom

Pelt: Brown with white tail, ears, paws, and muzzle

Eyes: Dark green

Personality: Feirce, playful, loves to play-fight

Place in clan: Kit

* * * * * * *

Kit 4:

Name: Squirrelkit

Gender: She-cat

Pelt: Light-brown tabby

Eyes: Amber

Personality: Enerjetic, friendly, never gives up

Place in clan: Kit

* * * * * * *

Those are my kits!!! Thank you so much, Snowpetal!!! I love my new kits!!! Maybe somtime soon, I could stop by the kit adoption center I saw and adopt a tom for Branchkit to play with!!!

submitted by Duskmoon and kits, Nursery
(December 9, 2009 - 11:35 am)

should i round up some patrols now flamestar?

submitted by goosefeather.
(December 9, 2009 - 12:04 pm)

hello! my name is honeykit and i would like to be an apprentice. my momma and papa died in a great battle and now i  am looking for a home (even though i am only 5 moons its close enogh right?) here is my discriptoin :


age:5 moons

gender:she cat

pelt:creamy colored orange.

eyes:a spooky yellow.


place in clan:(hopfully) apprentice .

submitted by honeykit
(December 9, 2009 - 12:15 pm)

i vote graceclan!

submitted by honeykit/paw
(December 9, 2009 - 12:19 pm)

Aww, the kits are so cute, Duskmoon! Do you want me to reserve Forestkit's spot as Medicine cat apprentice?

submitted by Snowpetal
(December 9, 2009 - 10:37 pm)

D:Thanks, Snowpetal!! Sure!!

F: Ya!! I wanna be a medicine cat!! Can I help you, Snowpetal???

submitted by Duskmoon and kits
(December 10, 2009 - 1:59 pm)