*You hear lots

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Kit stealing clan!!!! Kitclan!!!!!! Click here!!!!!
*You hear lots...

*You hear lots of kits mewling. You see lots of dens and sevaral kits playing. You wonder were they all came  from. How many kits can a she-cat have???, you wonder. Suddenly, a dark grey she-cat with peircing green eyes trots up to you. She speaks to you.*

Greetings. You may be wondering were all thse kits have come from. This is Kitclan. It is a kit stealing clan. *You gasp with horrer* Oh, no, no, no. We aren't as bad as you think. You may wonder why all these kits are playing so happily. The truth is, we steal kits for a very good reason. We steal them if we find them all by themselves, if their mothers are abusing them, if we want a certain kit and if they stranded close enough for us to get to them. Do not worry about them. We treat them very well here. We give them mossballs to play with, lots of prey to eat, honeycomb to lick and we need a kit medicine cat that does not mind all this and is very good with kits. We also need hunters (very good ones that get alot of prey for all the kits and are members), cats that will play with kits (Kit players), kit stealers and toy and sweet collecters for the kits. we also need five camp guards and a deputy for when I die. If you have come to steal a kit or want one back and you happend to pass the guards tell me how you did it with detail and which kit you got back. Limit yourself one kit. Here are all the kits we have so far: (with their genders)

Firekit, Tom

Lilackit, She-cat

Milkkit, She-cat

Tinykit, Tom

Riverkit, Tom

Leafkit, She-cat

Sweetkit, She-cat

Briarkit, She-cat

Tigerkit, Tom

Flamekit, Tom

Rainkit, Tom

Dovekit, She-cat

Ivykit, She-cat

Those are all the kits. If you will join do a description. Here is mine:

Name: Wolfstar

Gender: She-cat

Age: 25 moons

Pelt: Calico

Eyes: Green

Personality: Grouchy somtimes but LOVES kit more then anything. SOMTIMES friendly.

Ok, done with that. Starting soon, I will write a journal about one of the kits. That will be Sweetkit.  Please do not steal her. Please join.

submitted by Wolfstar, age 25 moons, Kitclan camp.
(December 1, 2009 - 9:54 pm)

Please join!! ( I cannot write Sweetkit's journal today because I have to go to bed now because my dad's yelling at me to.)  Anyways, PLEASE JOIN!!!!

submitted by Wolfstar
(December 2, 2009 - 9:04 pm)

I will start writing Sweetkits journal:

I woke up. Were was I??? Everyting looked and smelled different. Were was mamma??? I did`nt see her. All I saw was a lot of kits I did`nt reconize. Then a calico she-cat walked into the den and walked towords me. I was so scared, I hissed with all my might. But that was before I saw the mossballs, catnip and honeycomb she was carrying. "Ohhhh, whos that for?" I asked. "I am Wolfstar and This is for you," Wolfstar said. "It is?" I meowed. "yes, it is, Wolfstar said. "What am I doing here?" I asked. "Were is my mamma and the nursery and my brothers?" "You have been taken away from them and over here to kitclan. "W-whats Kitclan???" I asked nervosly. "Kitclan is were we keep our stolen kits. When you grow older, you will have a mentor to teach you whatever you choose to do here. Kitstealing, kit toy and sweet collecting, kit medicine cat and a camp Guard. Do`nt worry, we take very good care of all the kits here. Now what is your name?" "M-my name is Sweetkit. Why do you steal kits??? Why do you keep them captive here???" "We keep kits here for a very good reason. We steal them if they have wondered off, been abused, if I really want that kit and if we find a kit in the forest by itself." "I-I want my mamma and siblings and home back though. I wanna go home." "We will take very good care of you here. I promise you, we will. Now, heres your treats and toy." Wolfstar left. I started to lick the honeycomb. It tasted sweet. Maby it is`nt so bad here after all, I thought. I saw a kit pacing it circles and wailing. "WERE AM I? WHY AM I HERE? I WANNA GO HOME!!!!" She wailed. "Calm down. Its okay", I soothed her."NO!! ITS NOT OKAY!! MY MAMMA IS`NT HERE!!!" "Do you have any of your siblings here with you?" I asked the kit. "NOOOOO!!!!! I DOOOONT!!!!" "Here, you can share my honeycomb", I said to her. "Whats your name?"

"M-my name is Briarkit", She said. "Ok, Briarkit. Here, have some of my honeycomb. "o-ok." Briarkit started licking at the honeycomb. "Thanks", she mumbled. "Your welcome." A little after that, we played a game with the mossball with the other kits. We had alot of fun. I wonder what my mamma and brothers thought when they saw me gone?? I wonder if they were trying to find me?? A lot of thoughts like this ran through my head. By the end of the day, I was best friends with Briarkit.  Before I knew it, we had to go to sleep on our moss beds lighned with feathers and sheep wool. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

And that is part one of Sweetkits journal!!! Part two will be coming soon!!!

submitted by Sweetkit,Wolfstar, Sweetkits Journ
(December 3, 2009 - 3:26 pm)


submitted by Wolfstar
(December 3, 2009 - 1:56 pm)

Name: Moonbrink

Gender: She-cat

Age: 15 moons

Pelt: White

Eyes: Dark Brown

Personality: Bubbly and playful. Loves kits and is good at telling stories to them to keep them quiet. Is a medicine cat.

Moonbrink was apprenticed to the medicine cat Liontongue in far off
clan. Liotongue was cast out by the clan and Moonbrink chose to go with
him. Liontongue has just recently died and so Moonbrink wandered alone
until now .

submitted by Moonbrink, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(December 3, 2009 - 6:38 pm)

Hello, Wolfstar. I am Blackfur. I will be the medicine cat.

(Description: Slender black she-cat with amber eyes. Limps on left hind leg. Normally kind and gentle, but stubborn and can be irritable at times when others try to boss her around. Always gentle to kits. Sometimes just sits and stares into space for long periods of time.)

submitted by Blackfur
(December 3, 2009 - 7:25 pm)

*Purrs* Greetings, Wolfstar, I will be a Kit player. I have kits of my own. 

Name: Moonpetal

Coat Color: Pure white.

Eye Color: Orange with brown streaks.

Personality: Calm and Helpful.

Gender: She-cat. 

Special markings/behaviors: Has gray/black spots and twitches ear every so-often.

Name: Bristlekit

Coat Color: Light brown.

Eye Color: Green with yellowish green streaks.

Personality: Loyal and strong.

Gender: Tom. 

Special markings/behaviors: Has dark brown spots and can never sit still.

Name: Thistlekit

Coat Color: Dark brown.

Eye Color: Yellow with greenish yellow streaks.

Personality: Out-going and willing to please.

Special markings/behaviors: Has light brown spots and can sit still for long periods of time. Wants to be a medicine cat!

submitted by Moonpetal
(December 3, 2009 - 11:45 pm)

Sorry for trespassing, but were you talking about the Firekit who was in Roseclan?

Because he came to Breezeclan and now he is my apprentice.

So really, you can't steal him. 

submitted by Bluemoon, Breezeclan Medi
(December 4, 2009 - 8:45 pm)

No, I was not talking about that Firekit. I was talking about the firekit I made up to be in this clan as a stolen kit. Not your Firekit.

submitted by Wolfstar
(December 5, 2009 - 10:28 am)

Moonbrink, you can join. So can you, Blackfur. Blackfur, You can be medicine cat. Moonbrink, what do you want to be?

submitted by Wolfstar
(December 5, 2009 - 10:31 am)

I am a medicine cat by trade. I was just made one by my mentor when he... he.. he... died

submitted by Moonbrink, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(December 5, 2009 - 12:38 pm)

Oh my! I am so sorry your mentor died!!! You may become a medicine cat, too. We probably need at least two medicine cats for all the kits and this clan.

submitted by Wolfstar
(December 5, 2009 - 1:50 pm)

Moonpetal, you and your kits may join. You may be a kitplayer to. How old are your kits? If  six moons, they may become apprentices.

submitted by Wolfstar
(December 5, 2009 - 10:36 am)

If any of you think we do not believe in Starclan, we do.

submitted by Wolfstar
(December 5, 2009 - 1:52 pm)

Hello! I'm Larkchatter! I'll apply for the kit rescuer position! (Steal isn't the right word...)

I won't, however, take kits just because you like them, okay? My name is Larkchatter because I talk a little fast, okay?

submitted by Larkchatter
(December 6, 2009 - 4:45 pm)

My kits are almost 6 moons old.

submitted by Moonpetal
(December 6, 2009 - 9:41 pm)