Greetings!!! I am
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Greetings!!! I am Seastar and this is Seaclan!!! I need a deputy, medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, warrior apprentices, warriors, queens, kits, and elders. Any cat is free to join. even kittypets and roughs. our camp is in a forest very close to the sea. that is why we call it seaclan other then I, Seastar, am the founder. Here, I will show you around. *waves tail towards the warriors den. over there is the warriors den. all the warriors and the deputy sleep in it. *Points tail towards the apprentices den* thats were the warriors-in-training sleep. *flickes ears towards the queens den* thats were the pregnant she-cats and she-cats with kits sleep. *points tail towards the medicine cats den* thats were the sick cats, medicine cat, and medicine cat apprentice sleep and store herbs. *waves tail torads the elders den*that is the elders den. the old cats sleep there. *points tail at the leaders den* thats were I, or any other leader in this clan sleeps. *walks towrads a pile of fresh-kill* this is the fresh kill pile. all of are food is put here. all the dens have nice and soft moss to sleep on and the den wall are very strong to keep intruders out. thre is a dirtplace behind every den. you can go poke your heads inside all the dens later. at this moment, I will need your description. here is mine:
Name: Seastar
Personality: calm, smart, friendly (most of the time), and loyal.
Pelt color: Tortishell
Gender: She-cat
Eye color: green
Special markings: Long fur
That is my description. I already have two members named Lightdream (cream colored she-cat), and Emberstripe (Amber tabby tom. They are mates and Lightdream will have kits soon. Please join my good and loyal clan. May Starclan light your paths.
(November 18, 2009 - 5:20 pm)
Thank you, Brownspots and Seastar! Brownspots, could you teach me to hunt first?
(December 9, 2009 - 6:22 pm)
Mousepaw, come, and we shall explore the territory!
Dawnpaw: OK! *Follows Seastar*
(December 9, 2009 - 7:35 pm)
*Mousepaw and Brownspots are in territory* Ok, Mousepaw, what can you smell? *Sniffs air* *eyes widen* *voice drops to a whisper* mousepaw, go run as fast as you can, and get Seastar. There are rogues in the territorry! and a lot of them, by the looks of it!
(December 9, 2009 - 10:42 pm)
*is patroling borders* *smells rouges, too* *smells another Seaclan cat* *slinks over to Brownspots* *wispers* Brownspots! What do we do? Do you want me to get more warriors??
(December 9, 2009 - 11:53 pm)
*Eyes widen* Oh no! *Runs back to camp* Seastar! Seastar!
(December 10, 2009 - 8:19 am)
*whispers back to Honeywind* I sent Mousepaw back, so we probably just wait*the two wait*
(December 10, 2009 - 11:49 am)
*Rushes over to Mousepaw* What is it, Mousepaw??? Is somthing wrong??? Are you and the patrol okay???
(December 10, 2009 - 1:55 pm)
Oh, oh, Seastar! *Breathes heavily* There are rouges out there! The others are still there! Hurry!
(December 10, 2009 - 6:29 pm)
I'm coming, Mousepaw!!! Come on!!!! *Runs out of camp quickly and over to the patrol Mousepaw was on*
(December 11, 2009 - 10:18 am)
Oh, I wish I had learned to fight instead!
(December 12, 2009 - 6:52 pm)
Mousepaw! Seastar! The rouges are over here *Points tail to big tree* They are waiting for us to walk under that tree their in. *Muttered cat-curse comes from tree* See?!
(I will say the cats in tree, and do descriptions because I'M BORED)
Name: Lemon
Coat Color: Yellow
Eye Color: Yellow
Personality: Sour, Mean, Strong (SHE-CAT) Leader
Name: Rock
Coat Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: Large, Sharp Claws, Strong (TOM)
Name: Tree
Coat Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Personality: Weak, Small, Timid (TOM)
Name: Leaf
Coat Color: Gray
Eye Color: Blue
Personality: Angry, VERY STRONG WATCH OUT!!!!!!, Loyal (SHE-CAT)
Name: Rabbit
Coat Color: Russian Blue
Eye Color: Orange
Personality: Strong, Mean, Sharp teeth (TOM)
(Any one can play them, and kill/hurt them, but I want to play Lemon)
Seastar, did you bring any other cats?
(December 13, 2009 - 12:41 am)
Psst. Mousepaw!! C'mere! I need to show you something! *shows Mousepaw a few fighting moves* If you ever need help, just yowl for me! I'll be right there!
(December 13, 2009 - 12:20 pm)
*Cats in petrol see a flicker of yellow as Lemon signals w/ tail to attack* *Rouges attack* They're attacking! *Grabs Lemon strongly by neck*
L: NO! YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!! *Attacks brownspots, raking her claws across his stomach*
(December 13, 2009 - 4:08 pm)
Thanks, Honeywind. Can we run now?
(December 13, 2009 - 4:32 pm)
*Hisses at roughs* You get out of our territory!!! *Starts to attack* Mousepaw!! Go get more cats to help!!!
(December 13, 2009 - 3:19 pm)