Greetings!!! I am

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Greetings!!! I am...

Greetings!!! I am Seastar and this is Seaclan!!! I need a deputy, medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, warrior apprentices, warriors, queens, kits, and elders. Any cat is free to join. even kittypets and roughs. our camp is in a forest very close to the sea. that is why we call it seaclan other then I, Seastar, am the founder. Here, I will show you around. *waves tail towards the warriors den. over there is the warriors den. all the warriors and the deputy sleep in it. *Points tail towards the apprentices den* thats were the warriors-in-training sleep. *flickes ears towards the queens den* thats were the pregnant she-cats and she-cats with kits sleep. *points tail towards the medicine cats den* thats were the sick cats, medicine cat, and medicine cat apprentice sleep and store herbs. *waves tail torads the elders den*that is the elders den. the old cats sleep there. *points tail at the leaders den* thats were I, or any other leader in this clan sleeps. *walks towrads a pile of fresh-kill* this is the fresh kill pile. all of are food is put here. all the dens have nice and soft moss to sleep on and the den wall are very strong to keep intruders out. thre is a dirtplace behind every den. you can go poke your heads inside all the dens later. at this moment, I will need your description. here is mine:

Name: Seastar

Personality: calm, smart, friendly (most of the time), and loyal.

Pelt color: Tortishell

Gender: She-cat

Eye color: green

Special markings: Long fur

That is my description. I already have two members named Lightdream (cream colored she-cat), and Emberstripe (Amber tabby tom. They are mates and Lightdream will have kits soon. Please join my good and loyal clan. May Starclan light your paths.

submitted by Seastar, age 35 moons, Seaclan camp
(November 18, 2009 - 5:20 pm)

POST!!!!!!!!!!!!! P-O-S-T-!-!-!-!-!-!-! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Seastar
(December 1, 2009 - 8:34 pm)

H-HELP!!! *Gasps for breath* I-I AM H-HAVING KITS!!!!! *Nearly faints*

submitted by Lightdream, Oceanclan queen
(December 1, 2009 - 8:37 pm)

Lightdream, remain calm. You are a strong cat. *mutters something to self*



~While Later~

Good job, Lightdream! You have __ new, healthy, beautiful kits! 

submitted by Leafsong
(December 2, 2009 - 12:48 pm)

Oh, thank you!!! They're so beautiful!! *Lightdream has three kits. Here are their descriptions:

Kit one:

Name: Dovekit

Gender: She-cat

Pelt colour: Silvery-white

Eye colour: Silvery-blue

Personality: Helpful, Sweet, friendly and playful. Never gives up. Should be a medicine cat apprentice.


Kit two:

Name: Flamekit

Gender: Tom

Pelt colour: Firey orange tabby

Eye colour: A striking green

Personality: Lots of courage, Friendly, spirited, and feirce.


Kit three:

Name: Ivykit

Gender: She-cat

Pelt colour: Bluish-silver

Eye colour: Blue

Personality: Friendly and never gives up.


Well, those are my kits!!! Thank you, Leafsong!!!!

submitted by Lightdream, Nursery
(December 3, 2009 - 6:37 pm)

Great job, Leafsong!!

submitted by Honeywind&, Littlebreeze
(December 5, 2009 - 12:19 pm)

Hello! I am Mousepaw. May I join? I lived with some Loners, but I had heard that Clan life was fun, so I left them to try and join a Clan.

submitted by Mousepaw, age 8 moons
(December 6, 2009 - 4:05 pm)

Yes, you may join Mousepaw. Could you please give me a description??? I will try to find you a mentor as soon as I can. Is there anyone who would like to be a mentor to this appentice???? Mousepaw, Who would you like to be your mentor???

submitted by Seastar
(December 7, 2009 - 3:49 pm)

Thanks, Seastar! I really don't care who mentors me, just as long as they want to mentor me. Oh, a description.


Name: Mousepaw

Gender: She-cat

Pelt colour: Grayish brown

Eye colour: Blue

Personality: Friendly, kind and helpful. Clumsy, though.

Outstanding features: Rather large ears.

submitted by Mousepaw
(December 7, 2009 - 7:09 pm)

Brown: Shouldn't Tawnypaw and Dawnpaw become apprentices before Mousepaw? I know he's older, but they asked 1st.

T and D: Yea! Wanna be apprentices! 

submitted by Leafsong, and family
(December 7, 2009 - 7:43 pm)

Oh. Sure.

submitted by Mousepaw
(December 8, 2009 - 5:00 pm)

Tawnykit and Dawnkit shall now become apprentices. Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!!!! *Motions tail for Tawnykit/paw to come forward* Tawnykit, from this day forward until you recive your warrior name, you will be called Tawnypaw. *the clan starts to chant,* TAWNYPAW!!! TAWNYPAW!!! Your mentor will be Honeywind. (You dont have to be a mentor to Tawnypaw if you dont want to, Honeywind.) *Motions tail for Dawnkit/paw to come forward* Dawnkit, from this day forward until you recive your warrior name, you will be called Dawnpaw. *The clan starts to chant,*  DAWNPAW!!! DAWNPAW!!! Dawnpaw, I will mentor you. *Clan starts to chant more,* DAWNPAW!! TAWNYPAW!! DAWNPAW!!! TAWNYPAW!!! Congratulations, Tawnypaw and Dawnpaw!!! Come on, Dawnpaw!! Lets go hunt!!!

submitted by Seastar, Highrock
(December 8, 2009 - 5:08 pm)

Thanks! *Goes over to Seastar*

submitted by Dawnpaw
(December 8, 2009 - 7:47 pm)

Umm.. who will mentor me, now? I mean, if somone wants to.. it's okay if they don't...

submitted by Mousepaw
(December 9, 2009 - 8:06 am)

Mousepaw, I can mentor you. 

submitted by Brownspots
(December 9, 2009 - 10:44 am)

You may become an apprentice now, Mousepaw. LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY GATHER BENEATH THE HIGHROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!!!! *Moitions tail for Mousepaw to come forward* Come forward, Mousepaw.

Mousepaw, from this day forward until you recive your warrior name, you wil stay Mousepaw. *All the clan starts to chant*, MOUSEPAW!!! MOUSEPAW!! MOUSEPAW!!! Mousepaw, your mentor will be Brownspots. Brownspots, pass your great warrior skills onto this apprentice. I know you will be a great mentor. The meeting is over, now.

Okay, Dawnpaw!!! Lets go hunt!!!


submitted by Seastar
(December 9, 2009 - 11:06 am)