Hello! This thread

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Brookclan, Warriors Roleplay
Hello! This thread...

Hello! This thread is for all cats that need a strong, loyal clan. I also made this thread for people who are tired of  Riverclan. I was Silverbrook, the deputy, there. I'm was tired of Pebblestar's leadership. I want to make a strong clan with a leader that cares and deputy that can fill in when I'm gone. Come join me! I want everyone! Warriors, Medicine cats, Kits, Apprentices, Elders, Loners, anyone! Brookclan will take care of you!

Here is my description: Silvery-blue-white she-cat. Thin, wiry, fast. Proud, blue eyes.

p.s. Just to let you know, I am creating this on the 5th. I leave for camp today and I wont be back untill the 10th. I'm not sure when this will post, but just so you don't think I just left, I wanted to let you I'm going to gone. :-)


~Silverstar :)

submitted by Silverstar, age 24 moons, Brookclan Camp
(July 5, 2009 - 8:44 am)

Hi appleflower!!! Nice name. My name's winterheart. I'll show you around camp. This is the warriors den, theres the apprentice den, theres the nursery, Brookkit! Go back inside *scoldiny but loving voice* Creamkit, I see you. go on! Sorry, those are two of my kits, well, actualy, creamkit is adopted, i treat her as my kit, because she practily is.There is the medicine cat den, right there next to the elders. That over there is silverstars den. Lets go ask her if you can join! *walks to the entrance* silverstar?

submitted by Winterheart
(September 3, 2009 - 11:23 pm)

Oh, hello Winterheart. *nods to Winterheart* Appleflower *repeats, but to Appleflower* I was just about to come talk to you, Appleflower! Of course you can join! Make yourself at home. Winterheart, thank you for showing Appleflower around. *smiles* Oh, and do you want  to organize a full border inspection today? If not I'll asign cats to come with me. Just wanted to check up on things.... It would be nice for you to come, to. I want both the leader and the deputy's scent on our borders, and of course other cats, but... Well I'm just rambling now, so I'll be quiet. ;)

submitted by Silverstar
(September 4, 2009 - 6:06 pm)

Greetings, Appleflower. I am – *dies of olde age and never finishes sentence*

submitted by Goldberry
(September 4, 2009 - 7:25 pm)

Sure, Silverstar. Appleflower, you can- *sees Goldberry's body* *shrieks* GOLDBERRY! *rushes over* SILVERSTAR! COME HERE! GOLDBERRY DIED! *wails* Travel safely and quickly to Starclan, Goldberry. *dips head* What I was saying, Appleflower, was that you could come on the patrol, but we must wait, i think.

submitted by Winterheart
(September 4, 2009 - 10:32 pm)

Goldberry! I just met you, but I don't like it when cats randomly die for no reason!


Anyways, I would like to go on a patrol.

submitted by Appleflower
(September 5, 2009 - 9:30 am)

Do not worry. I am safe, and watching over you. Although deaths are always sad, especially a clan's first, I was olde. It was my time, and I will still drop in to speak every once in a while in dreams.

Take care. Farewell.

submitted by Goldberry, StarClan, speak
(September 5, 2009 - 10:59 am)

 Do not worry. I am safe, and watching over you. Although deaths are always sad, especially a clan's first, I was olde. It was my time, and I will still drop in to speak every once in a while in dreams.

 Take care. Farewell.

submitted by Goldberry, StarClan, speak
(September 5, 2009 - 11:02 am)

Goodbye, Goldberry. *sniffes* *is back on duty* Yes. Right. Appleflower, and Silverstar, we should head out. Hollypaw, you too. *heads out of camp*

submitted by Winterheart
(September 5, 2009 - 7:23 pm)

GOLDBERRY!!! Travel safely to Starclan, my friend. You will be missed. Winterheart, will you please get a group of cats ready to burry him. I need a minute to *starts to cry* to- to- *runs in to den, crying* *calls out in a shaky, sad voice* I'll be there in a moment. We bury him at Sunhigh.

submitted by Silverstar
(September 5, 2009 - 7:43 pm)

May I join? I will have kits soon, so I need a clan fast.

(p.s. this is Silverstar's sister who is 8 and 1/2. I've never read the Warriors books, but Silverstar has told me about them. Sorry if I can't get on all the time, but I wil try. Also, Silverstar is typing this because she can type faster than I can.)

submitted by Seabreeze, age 12 moons
(September 5, 2009 - 7:49 pm)

Yes, Seabreeze, you may join. Welcome. Now we must sit vigil for Goldberry. *sadly walks over to Goldberry's body and lays down, touching her nose to his fur* Travel safely, My Friend. I will never forget you. You were the first cat to join, and I will always remember that.

submitted by Silverstar
(September 6, 2009 - 9:57 am)


I would like to be a  cat in this clan. I am Dreamstar, leader of Sunclan but I would like to be a normal cat in this clan and have a different name. Could I do that? May Goldberry rest in Starclan.

submitted by I don't have one yet, age 13, (aka Yellow Ban
(September 5, 2009 - 8:37 pm)

Silverstar? It'll be alright. Greetings, Seabreeze! If silverstar says so, you may join. Twillightmist, Eaglespirit, and I and if she wants to, silverstar can help. We will go on the patrol after goldberry has been burried *sits vigil*

TWILIGHTMIST: ok, i'll help. *sits vigil*

Dawnshadow: *sits vigil* 

its my b-day!!!!!!!! 

submitted by Winterheart
(September 6, 2009 - 10:24 am)

Silverstar? It'll be alright. Greetings, Seabreeze! If silverstar says so, you may join. Twillightmist, Eaglespirit, and I and if she wants to, silverstar can help. We will go on the patrol after goldberry has been burried *sits vigil*

TWILIGHTMIST: ok, i'll help. *sits vigil*

Dawnshadow: *sits vigil* 

its my b-day!!!!!!!! 

submitted by Winterheart
(September 6, 2009 - 10:24 am)

Yes, you may join! Here, I can make some names that you can choose. How about...









Feel free to make your own. Or mix them. :D Have fun!

submitted by Silverstar
(September 6, 2009 - 10:46 am)