Hello! This thread
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Hello! This thread is for all cats that need a strong, loyal clan. I also made this thread for people who are tired of Riverclan. I was Silverbrook, the deputy, there. I'm was tired of Pebblestar's leadership. I want to make a strong clan with a leader that cares and deputy that can fill in when I'm gone. Come join me! I want everyone! Warriors, Medicine cats, Kits, Apprentices, Elders, Loners, anyone! Brookclan will take care of you!
Here is my description: Silvery-blue-white she-cat. Thin, wiry, fast. Proud, blue eyes.
p.s. Just to let you know, I am creating this on the 5th. I leave for camp today and I wont be back untill the 10th. I'm not sure when this will post, but just so you don't think I just left, I wanted to let you I'm going to gone. :-)
~Silverstar :)
(July 5, 2009 - 8:44 am)
Th-thanks, mistymoon. *eats borage* they came earlier than i expected. that gray-ish she-cat over there is Shadowkit, that brown tom with black streaks is forestkit, and that silver-ish she-cat is brookkit.
(July 27, 2009 - 2:50 am)
*staggers in, bleeding* Help! I need a medicwine cat! Please, could I join- *faints*
(July 28, 2009 - 1:44 pm)
Creamkit! *runs and grabs wet moss, miragold, and cobwebs* Here. Shhhh. You're all right. *wipes wounds* *chews up miragold* *puts it in wounds* *puts cobwebs over the wounds* (is talking to the unconcous Creamkit) Poor kit! Looks like a whole clan of badgers was after you, poor thing! You're all right now! *gently carries Creamkit to the Medicine cat den*
(July 29, 2009 - 7:38 pm)
I'm sorry I haven't been on in so long!!!!! I'm leaving for a giant trip to Moonpool (trip to Hawaii) on the fifth (of August, obviously) and I won't be back until the seventeenth, so Winterheart, please run the camp. I probably won't be able to post until I'm back, even though I don't leave for a week, because I'm packing and really busy and stuff, so don't worry if I don't show up for a while... Anyway, take care! Oh! Almost forgot! Firespirit and everyone that came with you, you may join. *does all cerimonies needed* (I'd write it all out, but I have to go... Sorry!)
~<3 Silverstar
(July 29, 2009 - 7:58 pm)
*rushes over to Creamkit* Creamkit, it'll be all right. Are you hungry? If so, I have milk to spare. May I adopt her, Silverstar? Please?
(July 29, 2009 - 9:57 pm)
ok, I'll try, Silverstar. But I still have kits... My kits just opened their eyes yesterday, so creamkit should fit in. unless she's almost an apprentice. but she talked like a kit, so I think she's a kit.
(July 30, 2009 - 12:39 am)
*wakes up* What-what happened? Momma? *looks at Winterheart, who looks like her mother* Momma! *limps over to her* I fought you had died!! Momma *purrs as hard as she can*
(July 30, 2009 - 2:02 pm)
Shh... creamkit. it'll be alright. I'm not you mother, but I'll try to be. sleep well, Creamkit.
(July 30, 2009 - 3:08 pm)
(Whew! Made it to the computer! This is probably the last time I'll be on. :/)
Oh, right! Sorry, Winterheart! If you're not feeling up to it, then just ask someone else. Its no problem! Oh, your kits are beautiful! *smiles at Winterheart's kits* Well, I've go to go, again! :( I'll see you all in a while! *bounds of into the forest* (calls over her shoulder) BE CAREFULL!
(July 31, 2009 - 10:14 am)
*comes back into camp* I managed to find a different route to Moonpool, so I have a bit of spare time (squeaked in some time on the computer). *looks and sees that no one but her has posted* Ahhhh! Where is everyone! *sees how low down our thread is* Ahhhhh! Why are we down here! Winterheart! Where are you?! Are you gonna lead? Will you pick someone else? *wails* Where aaarrrreee yyyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! *wimpers*
(August 2, 2009 - 12:13 pm)
hey!!!! calm down!!! (I'm at my dads house and he doesn't have a computer so when i go to my moms house i'll try to get on, and were going to soldovia in a week for a week, so don't expect to see me then!) some other cat, you can lead. (sorry im just llaaazzzzyyyyyy)
(August 3, 2009 - 2:06 pm)
Firespirit! Have you brought our kits? Are they okay?! Tawnykit! Darkkit! Are you there?!
(August 17, 2009 - 5:45 pm)
I'm back.... but I come back to this?! My clan, my clan! Where are you! Come back! Come back! CCCCooooommmmmeeeee bbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(August 17, 2009 - 5:48 pm)
I did. *walks to Swiftriver, sets down a small light tan bundle and a dark brown one as well* *the bundles start meowing* *Swiftriver picks them up and walks into the nursery after nuzzling Firespirit* *the kits start eating*
(August 18, 2009 - 12:04 pm)
We're here!
(August 18, 2009 - 12:05 pm)