Can I tell

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

The Hobbit or There and Back Again
Can I tell...

Can I tell you guys a secret?

>leans in, and whispers< A really big secret?

>leans in even further and whispers even quieter< A REALLY REALLY big secret?

Okay. >deep breath<

I'm a huge Hobbit fan.

Wait! Wait! That wan't the real secret. The thing is...

>whispers even quieter than the two other times<

I like The Hobbit more than LotR.


But seriously. I've always liked The Hobbit more because I feel I can relate more to Bilbo than to Frodo. Don't get me wrong-Frodo's cool and all, but he's too noble and kind. He's too brave. He's what I'd want to be, but I'm not. Bilbo ,on the other hand... well, a lot of people I ask IRL say I'm a lot like Bilbo. (And quite honestly, I agree.) But he's the version of ourselves we don't often admit to ourselves. He gets scared. He's rather be home with a meal in his stomach than out adventuring. He revels in the light of a warm fire and a good book. Sure, he adventures when he can, but he wouldn't do anything GINORMOUS. What I like about Bilbo is we like to think that we're always the fearless leaders in a story, but oftentimes, we'd really be the Bilbos. (And that isn't a bad thing either, Bilbo is amazing.) So what I like about Bilbo is that he's so real. He's sarcastic and optimistic, and yet he keeps in mind the comforts he enjoys, and prioritizes. But in the end, I think that if we took risks, and no matter how much we hate taking the risks, we may come out better people in the end. 

So, that's my shpiel. Have a good day, and tell me whether you agree, or maybe not. Let's have a nice friendly chat about The Hobbit-and be sure that this doesn't end in The Battle of the Five Armies. XD 

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(January 30, 2017 - 7:53 pm)

Can I just say I LOVE YALL SO MUCH!!!!I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE FAN!!! Sorry...hehe.Well guys. My friend and I are in a little dispute about who's better. Pippin or Merry? I think Merrys better but she thinks Pippin is better. Yeah dumb I know. But it's fun. My other friend and I are reading LotR and bolth of us had already watched and read The Hobbit. It's great bolth of my friends say I'm am totally Bilbo. Sometimes they call me Billyboy Baggypants. Hehe can't believe I just told y'all that!!XD I am so glad y'all know about LotR and are fans! EEEEEEE  

submitted by TUXEDO KITTIN
(February 4, 2017 - 2:24 pm)

I'm so glad you love Middle-Earth, Tuxedo Kitten! It's so very worthy of being loved.

I think my favorite of those two is Merry--one of the least understood characters in popular culture. in the films, he sort of comes across as Pippin's shadow, only present to complete the "comic duo."

In the real story, Merry and Pippin are far, far less goofy. They're not even exclusively funny. They are both quite mature and are adults is every sense of the word. Also, they don't exist only as a twosome-- they are seperate, individual, entirely different people. Merry is the person who reminds me most of me-- he loves reading and is somewhat less light-hearted than Pippin. It's actually difficult for me to describe these two accurately-- you have to read the story to get to know them. They're boh much, much deeper than you'd realize. They have a sort of sweetness difernt from what is portrayed in the movies.

General Waffleson: Those are pretty neat powers! You should write a book about them. However, they don't exist in the world of Arda. There really aren't any mages or element-based powers, and the peoples of Middle-Earth and Valinor aren't the sort of Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits and Men that poplulate today's role-plaing games. 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Ravenna
(February 4, 2017 - 5:52 pm)

I actually do have those powers in my DND world of Dacran. I basicly just rdescribed my Dungeoning Character. I would change it, but I would still be an elf with wicked accuracy.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(February 4, 2017 - 8:53 pm)

So much yes, Esthelle.

submitted by Tuxedo kitten, Bag End
(February 5, 2017 - 9:58 am)

I'm currently working on a picture of some random elf dude looking at some butterflies. Here:

submitted by HALDIR LIVES
(February 6, 2017 - 3:03 pm)

Thank you for your compliments, Tuxedo and Brooklyn Newsie! :)

Brooklyn Newsie: Never you worry-- if you love Middle-earth, no CGI or unlucky acting will ever succeed in spoiling it. The films are fun, even if they aren't true to Arda. No film is ever really accurate. It's just not possible to transmit an entire story to visual form, without leaving the heart of the thing behind.

General Waffleson: You play DND? That must be fun-- I've never played, but I'd really like to. 

Haldir Lives: Nice! What is your random elf planning to do with those flowers? 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(February 11, 2017 - 5:53 pm)

Thanks! I didn't really have a plan for what he was going to do, but this looks like a good opportunity for a story! I think that he is probably on his way to some sort of picnic thing, and is bringing decorations/gifts.

submitted by Haldir
(February 11, 2017 - 6:09 pm)

Yaah! I play DND! It's not the official one... with the Monstery and the books and stuff... But I still play it! I play it with my freind and he's a half demon with obidian knives and just beat 12 desert horsemen! His dad DM's (he's mainly DM'd until he was 15, then he stopped) and It's awsome! I could post the Camaign we're doing right now... Buuuuuuuuyt it would take three (hundred) pages. I have an army of Squirrels at my disposal and It is AMAZING! (yes, SQUIRRELS!) and I cheated Death and Death made me go through an (almost) endless nightmare... But I got to ride a 9-foot squirrel so it was all worth it!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(February 12, 2017 - 8:14 pm)

Oh, Ya, Bilbo's awesome, and totally relatable. I love the Hobbit. Actually, I'm reading it now! I haven't read LotR, but I basically know what it's about, and I know all the main charries. (Thank you, Lego LotR Video game...XD) I want to read it, but personally, I think the hobbit will always hold that special place in my heart, more so than LotR. I also am allowed to watch LotR and probably The Hobbit too, now that I'm thirteen. 

Oh, fun Sidenote: Bombur is one of my favorite dwarves. He's just funny. XD  Thorin on the other hand, I'm not a big fan of. He's just so stuck up, and thinks he's way more important than he actually is. Like he's some special little snowflake....XD 

Alright, I'll stop talking now. XD 

submitted by Leeli
(February 13, 2017 - 8:53 am)