OMG! I love
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
OMG! I love...
OMG! I love Twilight!!! I've read the whole series, and hope that Stephenie Meyers writes Midnight Sun. (Twilight in Edward's perspective, for those who don't know) I'm totally obsessed with Twilight, but my sister hates it. i think it's because everyone LOVES Twilight. Like me!!!
Edward is so cool!
Bella's awesome!
I love the part when Be...oops! I almost gave away the best part of Breaking Dawn!!! I'm so stupid...
*runs and hides face behind chair*
*peeks out*
*dissapears again when sees ur still here*
he, he...
submitted by mara c., age 12, here
(May 18, 2009 - 9:40 pm)
(May 18, 2009 - 9:40 pm)
I meant everybody as in 98% of my friends, and Edward is NOT a stalker!!! Prove that he IS a stalker!
(May 22, 2009 - 10:00 pm)
1. Edward reads Jessica's mind and follows her to... where was it? Port Angeles?... while she, Bella, and Angela were having their "girls night out" deal. His reasoning? To keep tabs on a girl he's spoken to maybe once.
2. Edward turns up unexpectedly in front of her house to take her to school the very next morning.
3. Edward reads Jessica's mind in order to eavesdrop on her conversation with Bella. It doesn't matter that he tells Bella he was going to do so beforehand; he's still invading her personal space, i.e. stalking.
4. Edward is waiting for Bella after class and clearly expects her to eat lunch with him.
5. Despite having only known her for a total of two conversations, Edward asks about Bella's plans to visit Seattle.
6. Edward /sneaks into Bella's room to watch her sleep./ Every night. Without telling her. He even oils her window to avoid making noise.
7. This: "Like a stalker. An obsessessed stalker. An obsessessed, vampire stalker. " Edward says this about himself and his obsession with Bella in Midnight Sun, chapter 4, page 75.
(May 26, 2009 - 8:27 pm)
OH my gosh!!! I'm Mara's BFF, and to tell you something person...........EDWARD IS A GOD!!!! They love each other so much that they can't stand to be away from each other! And FYI person, ur a mean person to not only Stephanie Meyer the author, for telling her character is an obsessed stalker like that! Yeah he may have said that about himself but he means well to Bella. They love each other so much. And remember, they're obsessed with each other. They can't help it if that's all they think about! I know, I'm sorry I'm being so rude to you, but I believe Edward means well, he's protective of his forever love, he is a vampire, he is strong and fast, and plays baseball. What's not to like?
This is Mara. Sorry for the outburst from Syd. She is very shocked, but it's kinda funny because she doesn't even read Cricket. (Shocking, I know...) Anyway, thanks for listening. She just got protective of Twilight.
(June 14, 2009 - 8:25 pm)
I've only read "twilight". My mom wouldn't let me read it until I was 10, and I'm 10 right now, but I changed my perspective and now I don't wanna read "new moon". I don't know if I'm anti-twilight or not, though.
I haven't read much twilight, and the last time I read "twilight" was about...let me see....5 months ago? Something like that. I'm definitely NOT anti-WoT. But I guess WoT has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with twilight, so why'd I say that? I wonder.......
P.S. Did I spell absolutely right? I'm not the perfect speller, so I'm not really sure if I spelled "absolutely" right.
(May 22, 2009 - 2:09 pm)
Okay, I must say that Reuben was right in saying that Mara was writing like a "stereotypical fangirl." She was. A lot of people do, and it's annoying, and I personally think that policing that is okay. Because if you seriously don't have the time to write two more letters into a three-letter word, or stick an apostrophe in your contractions... well, that's sort of sad. And, yes, it's also a lit snob's nightmare.
However, the whole candy-on-a-stick thing... I still don't quite get it. Because, yes, that is slightly rabid antiness, especially when it's written, "TROS! TROS! TROS!" There's nothing wrong with stating your opinions, just... state them in a *sane* way. Please. We all understand that you don't like Twilight- now explain why. We all know that you think Edward is a loser, now we want to know why. (I mean, on both countswe sort of already know, but I mean from your point of view.) Clear?
The term "stereotypical fangirl" means that someone must be stereotyping- that would probably be us. It is wrong to assume that all fangirls write like, "ome- wht r u doin rite nw," but when they actually prove us correct by doing so... well, what do you want us to do? If the sterotype is not countered, then it's relatively safe to think that it may be true. Yes?
(May 22, 2009 - 3:57 pm)
@ Lena: Thank you.
@ Mara: Sorry again.
@ Jenni: Ok, sure, why now?
@ Mary W: It's not rabid anti, just bizarre me.
@ Pirocks: Please learn to spell my name!
(May 22, 2009 - 4:48 pm)
(May 23, 2009 - 11:35 am)
*hands glass of water and Chill Pill*
(May 25, 2009 - 12:35 pm)
It's all right Mara...calm down. Though I would probably respond just like you did if they were all coming at me that way. I seriously think you can enjoy literature and writing without picking on the way people type things out. Especially if they have no idea that people here really, really get annoyed by bad grammar. I myself love writing, but I think you shouldn't correct people like you're in school or something. I think some of you (I'm not pointing fingers) should loosen up a little bit, and have fun. It's not like you're writing an essay for school or something. It doesn't have to be perfect writing. This is supposed to be fun. All I can say is please, please loosen up a little. It is severely annoying when your grammar is picked at like that (I know, it's happened to me). I write with better grammar off the computer than on, myself, and I'm very precise, but I think some people should relax and let some things go.
Okay, I'm done *takes a deep breath*. Sorry, I wasn't trying to turn this into a debate more than it already is.
(May 30, 2009 - 5:40 pm)
Sorry, I thought most people spelled your name wrong, Reuben, so when I replied to someone else's (I forget whose) post, I switched it, Reuben. So Reuben, was that a good enough apology?
/hopeful *bambi eyes*
(May 25, 2009 - 11:01 am)
No one writes like that on the Lex. 99% of fans are nice, sane, polite. It's the other 1% that equips themselves with airhorns and microphones that drown out the nice ones. ;)
(May 22, 2009 - 6:21 pm)
Okay, that's the Lexicon- I wouldn't know, I'm just judging from what I see here. And here, it seems like almost every Twilight fan uses text talk and all they have to say somehow refers to Edward's personal appearance. Maybe I'm judging without looking at other fans, but on this forum, do you not agree that a good percentage all type like they're IMing? And almost never back up their opinions?
(May 23, 2009 - 12:19 pm)
Hey Mara, by the way, are you new on Chatterbox? I hope that if you are, you stay! You seem nice! :)
(May 25, 2009 - 9:31 am)
Yeah, me too! Don't worry about your spelling!
(May 25, 2009 - 5:31 pm)
It's OK, Pirocks. And Mara, sorry, and seconded.
(May 26, 2009 - 7:30 am)