Welcome to Windclan!!!
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Welcome to Windclan!!!...
Welcome to Windclan!!! I am Miststar, leader of Windclan, and I ask you to join!
submitted by Miststar, Windclan
(May 12, 2009 - 9:36 pm)
(May 12, 2009 - 9:36 pm)
Okay, I'll go into Thunderclan territory with you. But just to let you know, I'm going on a 5-day trip starting today! So is Miststar. We aren't the same person, but we're friends and we;re going camping together.
(June 17, 2009 - 5:25 pm)
Okay, that's fine then. I think I'll have to make a thread though, since for some reason I can't find the one for Thunderclan.
(June 17, 2009 - 10:18 pm)
Yes, you may join. And yes, you can be deputy! You know, you could have just asked!
(June 17, 2009 - 9:44 pm)
Tsubasapaw: Here I am!
Lighningstreak: mumble, mumble MUMBLE MUUUUMMMBBBLLLEEE!!!!
Tsubasapaw: Huh?
Lightningstreak: *droppes a squirrel and 2 mice* I said, 'Hey, come BACK HEEEERRRREEE!!!' You dropped your squirrel. *flings squirrel in general direction of Tsubasapaw*
Tsubasapaw: Um, you would have got your aim right if I was standing about 2 feet to my left.
Lightningstreak: *glares* Whatever. Get your paw treated. *stalks off to warrior den while glowering fiercly*
Tsubasapaw: Maybe she's mad because I saw her try to catch--*Lightningstreak flings a clod of dirt at Tsubasapaw* OWWWW!!! *mutters* Why'd you do that?!!
Tsubasapaw: Okay, okay, OK! Whatever. *mutters again* all I did is see her miss a sparro--*Lightningstreak throws a nice sized rock at her*--OWWWWW!!!!!
Tsubasapaw: *sqeaks*okay!
(June 17, 2009 - 8:27 pm)
(June 18, 2009 - 3:25 pm)
Thunderclan has been kind enough to share their catmint with us!
(June 19, 2009 - 10:50 pm)
Did I say Ima? I meant Speckledfur.
(June 22, 2009 - 11:32 am)
Can someone post? Please? We're all just sitting around camp and doing nothing! I wish something would happen! Or for that matter, does anyone out there want to join this clan?
(June 22, 2009 - 7:23 pm)
were back!!!
(June 23, 2009 - 11:02 pm)
here is something that will happen
*is out on patrol* *goes off because she smells something odd...* *gets ambushed by... some badgers* *badgers kill* *i lose one life* *badgers start lumbering away, but turn around when they see im still alive* *come back and wound me a lot, but im still alive* *draggs herself into camp* h-help... b-badger-r-rs... out... th-there... lost...l-life-e-e... help... pleas-se... gonna...gonna d-die... again... please... help...*collapses, but still barely alive
exciting enough for you???
(June 25, 2009 - 2:49 am)
May I join? I am a young warrior, only 10 moons. I am a fierce warrior and amazing hunter, but I like fighting most and am best at it. I am a silver-blue she-cat. Please let me join, Miststar! (p.s. LOL about the "exciting enough part, Miststar!!)
(June 25, 2009 - 9:22 pm)
*passes out and ALMOST looses a life*
(silverwind you may join, and i love your name)
(June 25, 2009 - 10:17 pm)
Miststar! Leafpaw, stay with him and make sure he doesn't lose another life while I get some herbs! *runs to get marigold, poppyseed, cobwebs, and whatever else she might need* Here! I think you're better now. How many lives do you have left, now? Sorry about before, I wasn't in a very good mood.
(June 26, 2009 - 3:53 pm)
*doesn't lose life* f-five... go help... m-moonclan... st-starclan t-told me... t-to help...
(June 26, 2009 - 7:00 pm)
I'm a girl.
(June 26, 2009 - 9:30 pm)