Welcome to Windclan!!!

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Welcome to Windclan!!!...

Welcome to Windclan!!! I am Miststar, leader of Windclan, and I ask you to join! 

submitted by Miststar, Windclan
(May 12, 2009 - 9:36 pm)

Okay, I'll go into Thunderclan territory with you. But just to let you know, I'm going on a 5-day trip starting today! So is Miststar. We aren't the same person, but we're friends and we;re going camping together. 

submitted by Leafpaw
(June 17, 2009 - 5:25 pm)

Okay, that's fine then. I think I'll have to make a thread though, since for some reason I can't find the one for Thunderclan.

submitted by Speckledfur
(June 17, 2009 - 10:18 pm)

Yes, you may join. And yes, you can be deputy! You know, you could have just asked!


submitted by Miststar
(June 17, 2009 - 9:44 pm)

Tsubasapaw: Here I am!

Lighningstreak: mumble, mumble MUMBLE MUUUUMMMBBBLLLEEE!!!!

Tsubasapaw: Huh?

Lightningstreak: *droppes a squirrel and 2 mice* I said, 'Hey, come BACK HEEEERRRREEE!!!' You dropped your squirrel. *flings squirrel in general direction of Tsubasapaw*

Tsubasapaw: Um, you would have got your aim right if I was standing about 2 feet to my left.

Lightningstreak: *glares* Whatever. Get your paw treated. *stalks off to warrior den while glowering fiercly*

Tsubasapaw: Maybe she's mad because I saw her try to catch--*Lightningstreak flings a clod of dirt at Tsubasapaw* OWWWW!!! *mutters* Why'd you do that?!!


Tsubasapaw: Okay, okay, OK! Whatever. *mutters again* all I did is see her miss a sparro--*Lightningstreak throws a nice sized rock at her*--OWWWWW!!!!!


Tsubasapaw:  *sqeaks*okay!

submitted by Lightningstreak&Co., age 17/8 moons, WindClan camp
(June 17, 2009 - 8:27 pm)
Tsubasapaw, I asked if your pad was bleeding, or infected, or hurting really bad, or just a little bit scratched. Because if it's only a tiny scratch on your pad, there isn't much I can do... here, I'll just take a look *takes Tsubasapaw's pad and examines closely* It's not bleeding or infected or anything... does it really hurt? Yes? Okay then. Leafpaw, can you guess what Tsubasapaw needs for this? It's one of the herbs we saw yesterday... Right! Poppy seed! Do you remember what it looks like? Yes? Can you go get some? Just a little... Thank you! *takes poppyseed* This is what you do. *treats Tsubasapaw* Do you feel better, Tsubasapaw? Good.
submitted by Speckledfur
(June 18, 2009 - 3:25 pm)

Thunderclan has been kind enough to share their catmint with us!

submitted by Ima
(June 19, 2009 - 10:50 pm)

Did I say Ima? I meant Speckledfur. Embarassed

submitted by Speckledfur
(June 22, 2009 - 11:32 am)

Can someone post? Please? We're all just sitting around camp and doing nothing! I wish something would happen! Or for that matter, does anyone out there want to join this clan?

submitted by Speckledfur
(June 22, 2009 - 7:23 pm)

were back!!!

submitted by leafpaw&miststar
(June 23, 2009 - 11:02 pm)

here is something that will happen

*is out on patrol* *goes off because she smells something odd...* *gets ambushed by... some badgers* *badgers kill* *i lose one life* *badgers start lumbering away, but turn around when they see im still alive* *come back and wound me a lot, but im still alive* *draggs herself into camp* h-help... b-badger-r-rs... out... th-there... lost...l-life-e-e... help... pleas-se... gonna...gonna d-die... again... please... help...*collapses, but still barely alive

exciting enough for you???

submitted by miststar
(June 25, 2009 - 2:49 am)

May I join? I am a young warrior, only 10 moons. I am a fierce warrior and amazing hunter, but I like fighting most and am best at it. I am a silver-blue she-cat. Please let me join, Miststar! (p.s. LOL about the "exciting enough part, Miststar!!)

submitted by Silverwind
(June 25, 2009 - 9:22 pm)

*passes out and ALMOST looses a life*

(silverwind you may join, and i love your name)

submitted by Miststar
(June 25, 2009 - 10:17 pm)

Miststar! Leafpaw, stay with him and make sure he doesn't lose another life while I get some herbs! *runs to get marigold, poppyseed, cobwebs, and whatever else she might need* Here! I think you're better now. How many lives do you have left, now? Sorry about before, I wasn't in a very good mood.

submitted by Speckledfur
(June 26, 2009 - 3:53 pm)

*doesn't lose life* f-five... go help... m-moonclan... st-starclan t-told me... t-to help...

submitted by Miststar
(June 26, 2009 - 7:00 pm)

I'm a girl.

submitted by Miststar
(June 26, 2009 - 9:30 pm)