Hey Cho, Cockleburr.

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Dreams Are For Real
Hey Cho, Cockleburr....

Hey Cho, Cockleburr. Welcome to this thread, designed specifically for us! (Although anyone else who wants to join in or just comment is welcome.) 


Below, I have copied and pasted Cockleburr's comment on Cho's post which inspired this whole thing...

 "That sounds like a really good story. Every night, when this girl falls asleep, she is visited in her dreams by a boy. A prince of the DreamRealm. They have adventures together every night, and every day she does her normal thing. She knows that in the night, her friend will come. Eventually, the boy tries to convince her stay in the DreamRealm with him forever, to be his princess. The boy's sister knows that a LifeRealm person living in the DreamRealm will make the connections to both worlds shaky and unstable, so she does all she can to keep the two apart..." 


So, feel free to edit this plotline... I've already started writing my story and will post soon.

I was thinking we could all post our own stories and criticize and comment on each other's... this is going to be fun! I'm so excited!

submitted by Daisy,Cho,Cockleburr, age All of us!, In DreamRealm...... sigh.
(October 18, 2016 - 8:17 pm)

Can I join? 

submitted by September
(October 18, 2016 - 8:50 pm)

I'm fine with that!

P.S, I can't really post now, but soon! 

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 19, 2016 - 1:31 pm)

Its fine with me! The more the merrier! 

submitted by Daisy
(October 19, 2016 - 2:11 pm)

Thanks Daisy! I'll start writing my story... when I finish all my boring homework. *sigh* P.E. homework stinks. Espesially when you have to take it online in order to take an art class for your only elective! TOP!

submitted by Cockleburr
(October 18, 2016 - 9:03 pm)

That does sound pretty awful. Best of luck to you my friends!!

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 19, 2016 - 1:32 pm)

@Cockleburr, why do you have PE homework?! I thought the only thing you did in PE was excercise! 

Anyway, first part of my story:



Rebecca eyed herself critically in the mirror. Her dark hair fell in loose, heavy curls down to her shoulders. It was held back neatly with a cherry red headband that matched her jaunty red dress and fringed brown boots. 

"Gracious, are you still here, Rebecca? You are going to miss the bus, you know." Her older sister said, on her way out the front door. Rebecca grinned and grabbed her backpack full of books. "I'm never late. Well, I haven't missed it yet, anyhow. Is Patrick picking you up again, Diana?" She said. 

Diana smiled. "Yes." She said to Rebecca dreamily. 

Rebecca rolled her eyes at Diana, but could hear the school bus rattling down the old dirt road. She tore outside and skidded to a stop in front of bus, just as it arrived. 

"Cutting it pretty close, Miss Rebecca." The driver called down at her. 

"But I made it!" She laughed and jumped on. Stepping around people's bags strewn carelessly across the floor, Rebecca found an empty seat and sat by herself and pulled out a book from her bag. 

"Doing homework?" A boy asked her incredulously. 

"Nah. She always reads on the bus." His partner answered for her. 

"Oh." The boy turned again and peered at Rebecca curiously. Then he forgot about her and began talking to his friend. 

Rebecca didn't care. She was too immersed in Polly Milton to care. 

Books were her way out of dreary school life. The people in books always had an adventure waiting for them just around the corner. Also, she liked the fact that they were never lonely. 

Rebecca had been homeschooled for most of her life- she used to have separation anxiety and she would get really nervous in new environments, but gradually, with therapists, she had overcome that, and now she went to school. 

However, she hated school. She didn't understand all the friendship drama around her- why were once best friends never speaking to each other again? Why even have friends if that's all they came to? She questioned it all- the only friendships she believed would last existed in books. 

But she did her best to be cheerful and friendly, and she did have several people that she talked to, but she knew that if she one day disappeared off the face of the earth, they wouldn't notice and wouldn't care. Not that she would notice, or care, either. 

Soon she arrived at school, and pushed her way through the crowds. 

submitted by Daisy
(October 19, 2016 - 2:13 pm)

~Chapter 1~   

I lean up against the couch, tears rolling down my cheeks for the millionth time. Controling my emotions is hard, yes, but I don't want Tori to see. Luckily, she's often away, as are our parents.

Beowulf, the family dog, jumps up onto the couch beside me. I hug him to my chest, sobbing some more. Why does Tori have to hate me?! And why do my parents ignore me just because Tori is so PERFECT!!!

Tori was the most popular and prettiest girl through Elementry, Junior High, and now High school, as well my older sister. Sure, I'm not that bad-looking myself, but I'm a geek and extremely unpopular. I'm happy with being a geek too!! Ainsley thought fiercely, glaring at the picture of Tori on the mantlepiece.

I turn my face back toward the couch, another onslaught of tears forming. Beowulf polietly holds still while I squeeze him tightly. My watch starts beeping, reminding me that Tori would be home in half an hour from her date.

Beowulf leaps up, as though he realized that his time for tolerence had ended. His curly little tail wagging behind him, he dissappears from the living room, heading towards the kitchen and his bed. I'm a year younger than Tori, but I might as well be a distant cousin who had come to live here after her parents had passed.

Sighing, I stand up and wiped her tears away. My heart almost convolses as I remember last night. Dad had been on a buisness trip, leaving Mom, Tori, and I all sitting around the kitchen table, eating some cold soup. Then Tori mentioned that she was going out with Anthony. Of course, Mom gets all excited, as if she's forgotten that this is Tori's second boyfriend.

And then, she manages to point out how I'm a failure, a nerd, and haven't gone out with a boy yet at sixteen in one paragraph. "Ainsley, darling, you really need to work on your social standings. They aren't reflecting well on the family. You don't have a boyfriend, but are "friends" with many guys, and are classified as a 'geek.'"

Of course, Tori smirks at me at continues telling Mom about how wonderful #2 is. I go back to my room, grab mt Ipod, and throw myself on my bed. But I don't do anything. I just lay there. Waiting. For something.

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 19, 2016 - 5:52 pm)
It was the morning rush, as everyone tried to organize themselves and get to their classes. Someone bumped into Rebecca, nearly upsetting the books she was carrying. 
"Really?" She said, annoyed, at the guy who did it. 
"Sorry! Didn't see you there." He smirked and darted away. 
Rebecca sighed. No one seemed to notice her. Unless, of course, they wanted someone to pick on. She was quiet, for the most part, and kept to herself, so she was the perfect target for bully's. Luckily, Rebecca didn't expose herself to many situations where they'd notice her. 
I'm invisible. She thought. 
"Hi, Rebecca." Someone said behind her. 
Rebecca started, and turned around. 
"Oh, hi." She said, staring at a young blonde with scarlet nails and lips. She didn't recognize this girl at all. 
The girl laughed. "Don't you remember me?" She said mischievously. 
Rebecca blushed. This was very awkward. "I- I'm sorry, but no. Should I?" 
"Uh, yeah! I'm Mia, remember? Your BFF? Last summer, c'mon, it wasn't that long ago!" 
Rebecca remembered a little bit now. "Wait- Mia! Of course! How could I have forgotten?" Indeed, Mia had been in her cabin group last year for the summer camp. Rebecca now grinned and hugged Mia so tight, it was like a bear hug. 
"Oooph. You're squashing me." Came a very muffled voice. 
"Whoops, sorry Mia. I'm just so happy to see you!" Rebecca glanced Mia up and down. Yes, it was the same Mia she now remembered. 
"Still wearing that horrid pink eyeshadow, I see." Playfully nudged Rebecca and they walked quickly to their next class. Mia tried to push Rebecca. "Horrid! It's perfectly lovely!" She cried indignantly. 
"I'm just teasing." Rebecca reassured her, but Mia kept grumbling to herself, "Horrid, indeed!" In a very affronted manner. 
Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Diane is still going out with Patrick." She said. 
Mia squealed, "No way! Aww, they're the perfect couple!" 
Rebecca grunted. 
"Aww, Rebecca! It's time you accepted it- it's their fate!" Proclaimed Mia very dramatically. 
submitted by Daisy, age Yay! , Next part is OUT!!!!
(October 19, 2016 - 8:10 pm)

I'm really liking it so far, Daisy!! Although she doesn't seem quite as ajusted to school life as the narrative says she is. However, this is my point of view and I have never gone to a public school. :D

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 20, 2016 - 1:57 pm)

Is this something where we all write different stories about the plotline above? Also, what thread was the original post on? I'd like to take a look. 

submitted by @Daisy,Cho,Cocklebur, age September, Confused
(October 19, 2016 - 11:53 pm)

Yes, it is. It started it out on the dream thread on DtE. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 20, 2016 - 1:14 pm)

Right, we all make up our own stories about the above plot line. It was on the Dream Thread on DtE, on page 1 I believe. 

submitted by Daisy
(October 20, 2016 - 4:44 pm)

Here is the link: 




submitted by Daisy
(October 20, 2016 - 4:45 pm)

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I just lost all I had, almost all the box ful!!! (Before having to scroll, that is.) And my Dad's home from work early and he'll ant me to give up the computer!!! *sobs* 

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 20, 2016 - 1:55 pm)

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll try to write soon! I just have so much work to catch up on! NOOOO! Homework!

submitted by Cockleburr
(October 20, 2016 - 9:17 pm)