I think the
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
DWJ Roleplay #2!!!
I think the...
I think the other one is getting too long. So here's number two!
So, START!!!
((Holly, you got the fox idea from me.))
submitted by Martia/Lettie Fisher, age 9/11, Guess. Where. I
(April 23, 2009 - 5:25 pm)
(April 23, 2009 - 5:25 pm)
((NOT IF YOU YELL AT ME, NO!!!!!!!))
P. S. Be careful, beacuse *in sing-song voice* Holly's got a temper!! Holly's got a temper!!
(May 4, 2009 - 3:55 pm)
That sounds like: Polly wants a cracker! Polly wants a cracker! Polly wants a cracker! heehee!
(May 4, 2009 - 4:44 pm)
By the way, if somebody's going to fetch me out of my room before the
whole castle is shaking from my stomach rumbling, it had better be
soon. And by the way, I'll be on the floor, fully dressed with a pink
top that went down a little past my waist, (although it's not too big
for me,) with denim shorts that are peeking out from underneath it. And
I'm examining my pocketwatch. Not at all in P-J's, or in bed with
(May 4, 2009 - 3:49 pm)
Well, you know what? I've got a temper, too! Oh yeah. Lookie here! *dangles Stone Wheat Thins in front of Holly's nose* And this. *with other hand pulls out cherry flavoured ring pop* heeheehee. D'you like Stone Wheat Thins and cherry ring pops?
Everybody else, ignore me. And Holly, I'm not saying that you do, but don't drool anyway. @ everybody else. Just ignore me. Pay no attention to the two girls doing weird things.
(May 4, 2009 - 9:09 pm)
*breathes heavily* he...he... I'm.....sorry.....MartiMartica.....just.....please....give...Me.....THE.......STONE..WHAT THINS ANDCHERRYFLAVOREDRINGPOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE THEM....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*lick lick eat eat* Munchmunchmunchmunchmunch...munch....munch....yum.
*licks lips* More? Moremore? moremoremoremoremore????
(May 5, 2009 - 8:46 pm)
((OK. I think I can write something decent-sized. Enough chitter about tempers, eh? I don't think anyone should use another person's character very much, out of consideration for that person and that person's character. If someone really wants something to happen, she should figure out a way to do it (such as: Lettie has an insatiable curiousity and wanders around the castle, finding the breakfast room or the kitchen or something, or coming upon some adventure) What say you, mateys??))
(May 5, 2009 - 2:59 pm)
((Ok, but Loreli's used to late hours, just so you know.))
I looked at the other three girls. Pippa and Myrella seemed groggy and half-asleep, but Lettie was as perky as I was. I sighed. "Pippa, do you need any healing done?", I asked Pippa. She nodded gratefully. I imagined extra power and good health flowing into her, and she started looking more awake. ((It's kinda like using dwimmer, that)) She looked at me. "How'd you do that?", she asked curiously. "Oh, I just imagined the good health and extra power flowing into you. The spirits that my father and mother freed did the rest.", I said nonchalantly, turning to the other girl, Myrella. "You look like you need it, too, but if you don't want it, then I won't use magic on you without your permission." She nodded reluctantly, and I repeated the process. She, too, perked up. I grinned and ran towards the stairs. "C'mon! I love sliding down the banister!", I call over my shoulder. I stop by the stairs, waiting. When they finally reach the stairs, I hop onto the railing. "Here goes!" I slide down, laughing joyfully. I grab the rail halfway through, and the others crash into me. I laugh, and let go, so that we slide down the railing, tangled up in a knot. We end up hooked on the end of the rail, and I laugh and twist out of the tangle, then gracefully hop off the rail and help the others untangle themselves. Myrella looks at me, in a way that made me think that she thought I was being annoyingly showoffy, and I grin at her cheekily. She scowls. I dash into the playroom, yelling, "Mike! There's an alien out there!", making Michael look up and laugh. He's obsessed with outer space and aliens, and I like teasing him about it. I grab a chair next to him an plop down, beckoning the others in. Pippa sits down beside me, and Lettie and Myrella sit on the other side of the table. Pippa looks at Mike. "You look almost exactly like my brother Morgan!", she tells him. He laughs. "Probably because he's my double in that world. I'm Lori's bro, and so your bro looks like me.", he explains. I glare at him. Like that would clear things up for Pippa. He should have just let the Chrestomancis explain. Pippa's brow wrinkles as she tries to figure it out. "Just ask my dad or Christopher later. They can explain it better.", I murmur to her.
((likey, no likey?)))
(May 5, 2009 - 4:49 pm)
((I like it, but last time wasn't Lori's brother's name was Matthew?))
(May 6, 2009 - 7:35 am)
((omg so it was!! sorry!!)))
(May 6, 2009 - 10:11 am)
I was examining my pocketwatch when Pippa stuck her head in and asked me if I wanted to eat breakfast. I sprang up exitedly and exclaimed, "Finally!" On the way we picked up Myrella. She seemed pretty sleepy and grumpy. I skipped the whole way. We reached the stairway, and then Loreli said, "C'mon! I love sliding down the banister!" She hopped on the banister, and slid gracefully down. The rest of us followed in a tangled heap. We went into the breakfast room, and I heard Pippa and Loreli and a guy whose name seemed to be Mike, but I didn't pay attention to most of it. I heard "alien" and "double" and "world". I didn't pay attention to the rest. I just sat down and ate. It was good, and I did like it, so it made sense that I ate a lot. I felt like I had eaten too much, after we ate.
(May 5, 2009 - 5:48 pm)
As they waited for Mr. Roy ((Tac-Roy)) they were left doing nothing but waiting. Myrella bacmae groggy again. Suddenly, as Mr. Roy came in two evil-looking griffins crashede in the window. They growled, and picked up everyone, Lettie and she on one griffin, Loreli and Pippa in the other. Thety all struggled, used magic, everything, but they wouldn't bugde. They suddenly took off, with Lettie's screams drowning out the spells and incantations.
((How's that for exciteing!! I'm thinking evil guy6s wanting all power to take over worlds, wants next Chrestomanci, and two prhophociers,and happen to pick up Lettie also, not knowing she's powerful too. ))
(May 6, 2009 - 6:54 am)
((eh, I'll get us out of this easy, just you watch, and you really shouldn't do that without asking us first))
As we sit there, waiting, I notice that Myrella has fallen asleep and is appearing to have a nightmare. I shake her. "Myrella, wake up!", I yell in her ear. "Wha-where'd the griffins go?", she mumbled, opening her eyes. "It was all a bad dream, don't worry, Myrella.", I say soothingly. "But we were kidnapped!", she protested. I stifle a laugh. What an idiot. Can't she tell what's a dream and what isn't?, I think. I roll my eyes and go back to my seat, only to hop up again when Mr Roberts walked in the door with both Chrestomancis. "Tacroy, why-", said Christopher in his usual vague, sarcastic manner, cutting off upon seeing us, and looking at us sardonically. "Tacroy?", whispered Myrella and Pippa in unison in my ear. "That's what Christopher calls him, but to be polite we call him Mordecai or Mr. Roberts. I would recommend you to call him Mr. Roberts.", I whisper back. "Tacroy is his spirit-name, you see." "Huh? Ok, I guess?", Myrella whispered back. "Hey, Mordecai, these people don't have cricket in their world!", I say, ignoring Myrella's further attempts to question me. He laughs. "What, no cricket? We better fix that lack of knowledge real quick, then!" he says, winking. "I assume I don't need to refresh your memory on cricket, though!" "Why, you know that I am as good as you are at cricket, if not better, and I need no coaching!", I say mock-defensively, but my act was foiled by my laughter. "True, true. Exept for you being better than me, that is.", he admits. Father clears his throat. "I believe we are here to discuss a certain matter?", he says, looking at Myrella, Pippa, and I. I shrink against the wall, then remember what Father and Christopher had said about Myrella's charm necklace last night. I looked at her sideways. She seemed to have come to the same conclusion, and was looking for an escape route apparently........
((hehehe i toljer I would get us out of it!))
(May 7, 2009 - 9:07 pm)
Lettie noticed some people coming in, but as usual, didn't pay attention until it was something important. She looked up, and started really listening, instead of fiddling with my pocketwatch. One guy was saying, "True, true. Exept for you being better than me, that is." She wondered what they were talking about, and the guy went on talking. He cleared his throat. "I believe we are here to discuss a certain matter?" He said, looking at everyone except me. They all shrank against the wall, then Pippa and Loreli both glanced sideways at Myrella. Lettie looked at Myrella too, wondering what they were staring at. Five pairs of eyes stared at her. Myrella shifted uncomfortably. She seemed like she was looking for another door to escape from, almost. Lettie anounced in a small voice,"What is going on?"
Um, I really am not quite sure what's going on, soo.....
Somebody tell me, OK?!?!
(May 8, 2009 - 2:19 pm)
(Jen?!? That was to make this exciting!!!! GRR!!)
Myrella shifted uncomfterbly. She was having a nightmare. No one realized that she was in a trace. Until now. She suddenly got up as Mr. Roy was talking, anfd he stopped. "What are you doing?" he say cautiously. "Restroom," the in-trace Myrella muttered. Both Pippa and Loreli and Lettie realzed she was under a trance, after she had left the room, and went racing after her. They sped through the hallways, looking, searching. They finally found the door she was behind. Pippa tried to thrust i t open. It was locked, so they used their magic to open it. She was stepping onto a hovercraft with an handsome, but sinister looking young man. He was sixteen, at most. He was wearing all black. But his most notible thing was his hair. Black, with tips of a bright, almost blood, red. Time seemed to stop. Then Myrella stepped onto the platform. The boy was pulling them with his magic to him. They fought as hard as they could, thrashing at the spot. Suddenly, Lettie accedentally lost focus(she tripped over something), and gave into the spell/trance, and rushed forward and stepped on as well. Suddenly he flashed a brilliant smile and they were gone, snapped out of the trance, momentarily confused, but then with looks of horror. All there was left was a piece of paper. It read:
The two prophets that I seek, must come find me in five less than a week.
To see their friends ever again, come find us by the strike of ten.
Trade yourself for your friends, they will see the true daylight again.
Find my castle by 10 o'clock on Wednesday, or they will perish in all arrays? ((today is Monday...)
Thank you girls. I hope this clears things up.
They stared in horror.......
(he he, Jen, you actually have to find us this time..)
(May 8, 2009 - 9:03 pm)
((oh no not Drake again!? And, what's your thing for getting people kidnapped?))
(May 8, 2009 - 11:52 pm)