I, Pebblestar, am

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

I, Pebblestar, am...

I, Pebblestar, am calling all cats who are looking for a clan to join. Gray striped cat(that's me)

submitted by Pebblestar, Riverclan
(April 22, 2009 - 5:01 pm)

Okay, how about this being the end of my post:

*goes racing out of camp, following Flurrystom.* :-)

submitted by Silverbrook
(June 27, 2009 - 2:49 pm)

((Before they go racing to help Moonclan))

*Calls clan meeting*

Moonpaw, Flamepaw, Eaglepaw, and Goldenpaw (I'm doing Eaglepaw because we don't want 2 _ _ _ _hearts. If people dissagree, we can change it back. Is this okay wiht you, Eaglepaw/heart?)

Silverbrook: I call upon the warriors of StarClan to look upon these apprentices and commend them as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and defend it at the cost of your life?

Apprentices: I do.

Silverbrook: Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Moonpaw, you are Moondance. Flamepaw, you are Flamefoot. Dawnpaw, you are Dawnshadow. Eaglepaw, you are Eaglespirit. Riverclan welcomes you as full warriors!

Moondance! Flamefoot! Dawnshadow! Eaglespirit!


submitted by Silverbrook
(June 27, 2009 - 3:08 pm)


submitted by Pebblestar
(July 2, 2009 - 5:19 pm)

Oops! And Goldenpaw, you are Goldenfire!

Goldenfire! Goldenfire!

submitted by Silverbrook
(July 14, 2009 - 1:38 pm)

Though it is impossible for me to do a warrior ceremony while fighting badgers, Moonpaw, Flamepaw, and Dawnpaw, you will now become warriors.

*does warrior ceremony* *Moonpaw becomes Moonpelt* *Flamepaw becomes Flamefur* *Dawnpaw becomes Dawnlight*

submitted by Pebblestar
(June 26, 2009 - 10:12 pm)

Umm, any way that they could have the names I picked out....I kinda already did the cerimony....Embarassed

submitted by Silverbrook
(June 28, 2009 - 9:36 pm)

May I be an elder?

submitted by Nightspots, age 288 moons
(June 30, 2009 - 6:51 pm)

*Calm and cool voice* Pebblestar. 1, I had no choice. You never show up, and as deputy, I am forced to make decisions. If you don't like the way I handle things, you shouldn't have made me deputy. You hadn't shown up, so I made them warriors. They had been waiting, litterally, for over two moons. It wasn't fair to have some of the cats become warriors, but not thier siblings. The job of a leader is to be there for thier clan and to make things fair. Because you're almost never here for us, I need to fill in. 2, We have no elders!!! How can I clean the beds of non-existent cats? I'm sorry for my disrespect. Exile me if you want. That just means the you will loose a two strong warriors, because Goldenheart will come with me. All I said is true. All the other clans notice you never show up. On a thread, someone (Not me I swear!) said, well, at least our leader shows up unlike some clans, *CoughRiverclancoughcough.*" How does that make you feel? Your making our clan look bad. I know that a lot of cats feel the same way that I do. Your being a very flakey and unreliable leader, Pebblestar. Again, I am sorry for my disrespect, but all of this is true. You can't punish me for trying to give our clan what they need: A leader. Be one!

Do other cats agree? Say so!

(Admin, you can tone it down if you like)

submitted by Silverbrook
(July 3, 2009 - 1:18 pm)

*starts clapping (or at least as close as cats come to that)* bravo! I agree! There is a clan that i can join, so if i must i will! and if silverbrook is exiled... then, this is no longer my clan, for silverbrook is a great warrior and deputy. she filled in for when leaders are gone, isn't that the deputys job? When you only made two (three?) of her seven kits warriors, think of how they felt! You didn't even apoligize to silverbrook and her kits. And she even posted the names she wanted, so really you... did... something...

thanks, and have a nice day!!!

P.S. HAPPY (ALOMST) FOURTH OF JULY!!! PREPARE TO NOT SEE ME FOR 2 DAYS!!!* runs around throwing stremers and confetti everywhere* 

submitted by winterheart
(July 4, 2009 - 12:55 am)

Silverbrook, must I remind you again that the deputy cannot make all the choices? Only the leader can do a warrior ceremony.

submitted by Pebblestar
(July 4, 2009 - 12:30 pm)

Well, in a clan where the leader is never there, there must be exceptions. I'm getting really tired of you disspearing without warning, me filling in for you, and then you suddenly coming back and yelling at me!!!! And when you do come back, you never do anything people ask. It takes about 2 moons, litterally of asking before you do anything!! I might just leave and make a defferent, better clan! (Would any of you guys go with me? You don't have to say so.....)

P.s. Just to let you all know, I'm leaving for the coolest summer camp in the world today, CAMP TADMOR!!!!!!!!! That means I'll be gone until the 10th. I'm sure that you wont want me to pick a replacment, Pebblestar, so I wont. (but, everybody else, if Pebblestar doesn't say anything, Winterheart is deputy.)

submitted by Silverbrook
(July 5, 2009 - 8:22 am)

Greetings, Pebblestar. Some cats got sick of you punishing Silverbrook, or should I say, Silverstar. These cats went off to join Brookclan. I left because when you punished Silverstar, you shouldn't have. She was deputy, right? So she really was just doing her job. I, Winterheart, had haflclan kits from Nightclan. I left here to bear them, and now they are (almost) apprentices in Apprenticeclan. Their father was Shadowmist, a very kind Nightclan warrior. He knew about the kits, and now the kits will join Brookclan. I was planning on having them join here but... 

submitted by Winterheart, standing on the
(July 6, 2009 - 5:54 pm)

*continuation* Since i'm in Brookclan, they will join there. By getting angry at Silverstar, you lost 5 good cats (me, Twilightpaw, Dawnpaw, Silverstar and her mate, Goldenheart (I think))

submitted by Winterheart
(July 7, 2009 - 6:35 pm)

Make that 6. I was thinking about joining here, but now... I think I'll join BrookClan instead. But not yet. Go to BrookClan camp for details.

submitted by Mosspaw
(July 7, 2009 - 9:09 pm)

Hi, I am a loner who would like to be called Stealthpaw. I want a Clan to join but I need convincing to join yours. I am uncertain about this Clan. Please help me make up my mind.

submitted by Stealthpaw, age 6 moons, ever-changing p
(July 10, 2009 - 2:00 pm)