I, Pebblestar, am
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
I, Pebblestar, am...
I, Pebblestar, am calling all cats who are looking for a clan to join. (that's me)
submitted by Pebblestar, Riverclan
(April 22, 2009 - 5:01 pm)
(April 22, 2009 - 5:01 pm)
O.K. Pebblestar, that apprentice (no hard feelings, I just have a bad memory) is not the only cat that was wating to goin the clan. I DO TOO!!!!!! Don't you read posts?!!!
(June 3, 2009 - 8:43 pm)
Pebblestar, please hurry with your decision. I am heavy with Slymist's kits! *Slymist gives Swiftstream a happy look and Pebblestar a hopefull glance* If you don't soon I will leave for apprentice clan.
P.S. The kits are due in a moon!!!!
(June 3, 2009 - 8:51 pm)
Umm, I think that Winterheart is still deputy. Also, can I have some specifics on what exactly I am doing wrong??? I see no posts lately that have been at all like that! My BFF, (Slymist/Firespirit/Swiftstream) totally agrees with me. Also, not to be disrespectful, but HELLO!!!! SWIFTSTREAM WANTS TO BE IN THE CLAN!!!!! Aren't you going to let her in??????
(June 3, 2009 - 11:34 pm)
((To Pebblestar)) My sister would like to join the clan!!!!! You've been on here enough times to wrongly criticize Silverbrook, can't you let her in?????!!!!! Also, you've been really random lately! You don't post for, like, ever, and then you show up, take an apprentice (which leaders aren't really supposed to do unless they have to...which you didn't! there are a lot of cats that could mentor!), and suddenly tell us to march in to battle!!! Uggg!!! I know your so much better of a leader than this, so act like the old Pebblestar, the one we were all happily willing to follow, not this new one! Please! Our clan can't fall apart!
((To Firespirit)) I'm going to have your kits! Finally! Firespirit! I'm so excited!
((To Swiftstream)) We're going to have ktis at the smae time, almost!
p.s. I'm friends with Firespirit and we planned this....It isn't just random.
(June 3, 2009 - 11:43 pm)
You may all join!
(June 3, 2009 - 10:46 pm)
Pebblestar, I have been trained as a medicine cat, but ever since I came back I have not been doing anything. Can Mistymoon and I both be medicine cats?
(June 4, 2009 - 10:54 am)
Wait... I am still deputy??? I thought that I was deputy when Silverbrook's kits were only kits, and then I went back to being a warrior...
(June 4, 2009 - 1:39 pm)
You never answered my question, Pebblestar! What have I been doing??? I really want to know! Thank you for letting everyone in. Also, can my kits become warriors??
(June 4, 2009 - 5:10 pm)
Umm, I think that he already said you could. Also, Firepaw, you haven't posted in a long time. If you're still here and want to be my apprentice, you'll need to speak up...Also, Tanpaw, I believe you were Goldendream's apprentice, but you haven't posted in even longer that Firepaw! If either of you are still here, speak up, or you might loose your apprenticeship to one of the kits that are coming soon.
(June 4, 2009 - 7:29 pm)
Thank you Pebblestar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(June 4, 2009 - 10:39 pm)
Silverbrook is deputy again now that her kits are grown, and yes, Goldendream, of course you can both be medicine cats.
(June 4, 2009 - 6:30 pm)
go here plz
(June 4, 2009 - 11:21 pm)
*comes out of den, looking rather plump... she is usualy skinny* Ahh... i think that i'll go and hunt. anyone care to join me?
(June 5, 2009 - 10:58 pm)
Sure. *glances at Winterheart* Let's go.... *out in the forest* Anything going on, Winterheart??
(June 6, 2009 - 5:31 pm)
*is back to normal size* maybe.
(June 6, 2009 - 11:36 pm)