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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Diana Role-play #1
Here we go,...

Here we go, folks! The Diana Wynne Jones role-play! Who wants to start? I don't think we should do actual characters from the books, and as Jenni said, it doesn't have to be any one book.

submitted by Aliza, age 13, Mythosphere
(April 14, 2009 - 10:11 am)

Hey, I'm gonna be the whole Fisher family!

So, 12 peoples!!!

I'll have control over 12 people!!

10 childeren and two parents!!

I'll tell the discripions and names later, because I'm sitting on Jenni's lap and she getting mad and she said she will kill me, so......



She's gonna kill me, I think, so I'd better go now!!

*runs away as fast as can*


HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Lettie Fisher/Martia, age 11/9, Ingary
(April 16, 2009 - 11:59 am)

Now, Jenjen, you know it isn't always profitable to kill your sisters! (Don't worry, cuz, I'll make sure Daddy avenges his niece, and if he won't, then either I, or Michael, or Martha, or any of your sibs and multiple relatives shall! ;) ) 

submitted by Aliza/Pippa , age 13, Howl's moving c
(April 16, 2009 - 2:55 pm)

Heehee........I did not say that I would kill her, but I sure was getting mad at her. She's too heavy to sit in my lap anymore................

submitted by Jenjen, age 12, Nowhere
(April 16, 2009 - 9:54 pm)

Uhh can we start?

(oh, Jenni, Martia. Guess what?! Right now I have finished Howl's Moving Castle and The Castle in the Air and I am reading The House of Many Ways, like page 310. Lubbocks and Lubbockins are scary!!)

Yes, let's.

submitted by Myrella, age 12, Howl's Moving C
(April 17, 2009 - 7:20 am)

Oh, u found it? you don't have to borrow it, right?

submitted by Jenni T, age 12, Nowhere
(April 17, 2009 - 11:30 am)

Did you know that Lubbock is a city in Texas? I wanted to know if a Lubbock was made up, so I looked it up, ans that's what I found! 

Yes, let's start! HP or W format?
submitted by Pippa P., age 13, Howl's moving c
(April 17, 2009 - 12:46 pm)

((I think HP format. Anyway, Aliza/Pippa, I had a really cool idea! Okay it's like this. For some reason, in the nine worlds, only you and me were born out of our seven other-selfs, and their lives were divided between us, so we had precisely 4 1/2 lives when we were born. My father, of course, having nine lives in the first place himself, noticed it as soon as my powers started developing. He sent out letters to all magical families in the nine worlds, telling anyone who a) always recovered very quickly from usually fatal injuries, b) had unusually strong magic,etc, to send a reply, addressed to Chrestomance Castle. Your parents read it and realize that the discription fits you perfectly. They send a reply, and when we both are nearing our full magical strength, you are brought to the castle so that a) Cat and Christopher (who I think could maybe, like, share the job of Chrestomanci?) could study how it happened and why the lives were split in half like they were, and b) you could be taught to use your magical abilities as a powerful enchantress properly. We can start the story when you arrive at the castle. Do you like that? You can maybe start it off when your parents recieve the letter and tell you about it if you like the idea.))

submitted by Loreli C./Jenni, age 13, Chrestomanci Ca
(April 17, 2009 - 7:16 pm)

That's sounds cool!(ok here's my story:)

I am a magical being that can transform into anything at my height of power, with my tutor, Howl, as he helps me. (He helps me a lot, and we are like, BFFs!! We fix each others hair, and stuff.) Right now I'm a beginner, so I am working on animals. But one day, as Howl was demonstrates Twinkle, he was taking away in this magical cage that drains your power, and doesn't let you change forms.  He yelled to me to take the house to Chrestomanci in one of the other dimensions, but he didn't tell me which. But I found it eventually, and told Sophie to be careful, please. She replies that of course she'll be fine as she takes the castle away, since we were the only ones in the house (Morgan and his sister were studying magic eslewhere). I go to The Chrestomanci everything except about my magic , cuz Howl said I could trust him,but not that much(???). He took me in until we could find Howl.

submitted by Myrella, age 12, Howl's Moving C
(April 18, 2009 - 9:35 am)

((That sounds great! My favorite cuz, Lettie, should come too, right?))

"You got it, Pippa! That's perfect!" My dear brother Morgan said. I winced. "Unless of course you didn't mean to turn that toad purple--but you did want to, didn't you?" Morgan sighed and waved his hand over the glowering toad, turning it back to its dull grey-brown. "Let's try again." Thankfully, at that moment, Howl ((yes, Pippa calls Howl Howl and Sophie Sophie. Don't know why.)) burst out of the bathroom in a cloud of pink, lavender-scented steam, still in a bathrobe.
"That's odd." He came down the stairs to stand next to Calcifer, who was just finishing the eggshells from breakfast. "Calcifer, did you hear that?" 
"It's the Chrestomanci." 
"I knew that! But why in all of Ingary would he bother us? I've been handling this world better than he ever could!" Sophie snorted, and Howl ignored her.
"What did the Chrestomanci say?" Morgan asked, trying to sound polite, even though it was obvious his curiosity was killing him.
"He asked me--well, a lot of people, actually, from the way he phrased some of the questions--if I had a child or knew of any child that recovered quickly from seemingly fatal incidents--something about a cricket bat there that I couldn't catch--or something of that sort. He asked me to tell him if I did." There was a long silence, in which first Calcifer fixed his gaze on me, then Howl and Sophie, and finally Morgan. I could almost hear them remembering a month or two ago, when one of Morgan's more dangerous spells got loose and collided with me as I reached the top of the stairs. That itself should have killed me, and the fact that I fell down those stairs....
"I'd better get back to him." Howl said.
((How's that? Maybe I should get her over to Chrestomanci Castle in another installment, because this is pretty long.))
submitted by Pippa/Aliza, age 13, Sophie and Howl
(April 18, 2009 - 10:06 am)

((That's good. I think we'll go with yours, okay Holla? I will now proceed.)))

I sat in the waiting area of the train station, reading my Advanced Magic textbook that my father had given me the day before. Or tried to, at least. My (other self? Twin? What is it, relly?) would be here any minute now. I grinned to myself, thinking of the party back at the Castle that Christopher and my father had prepared. Christopher's dressing gown, made especially for the occaison, was wonderfully, grandly, hilariously, overdone. Her parents had replied quite quickly. Her name was--I squinted, trying to remember what my father had told me about her. Her name was--Philippa, that was it, and her parents were Sophie and Howl Pendragon. I looked back at my book. The page my father had assigned me was about teleporting. Hah! Teleporting is easy, I thought, just as my father came out from the station, with- two? girls in tow. I looked back at the book in order to disguise my confusion. As far as I knew, there was only one girl coming. But now there were two? My father stopped in front of me. I put my book down and stood up. I looked at the two girls. The older one looked almost exactly like me, except for lighter eyes and a touch of red in her hair. It felt like looking in a mirror. I held out my hand. " Hi, I'm Loreli. You're Philippa, right? And you are........?" I looked at the younger curiously. She mumbled, "I'm Lettie Fisher, Pippa's cousin." I nodded. "Okay." I looked back at Philippa. We were the exact same height, and she had a aura of commanding power. She was looking back at me curiously, obviously wondering why she was here. "Do you get carsick easily?" I asked hurriedly. Both looked puzzled. I guessed their world didn't have cars. "We'd better walk through the village, then." I waved at my father, then set off, beckoning to the other girls.


((Aliza, Martia, does this work?))

submitted by Loreli C./Jenni, age 13, Chrestomanci Ca
(April 18, 2009 - 3:12 pm)

((Yah, that works. I'm gonna do some now.))


As I walked onto the waiting area of the train station, I immediatly felt like I didn't belong. Then we walked over to a girl who was reading a book. She glanced up, then looked down at her book again. I shifted my feet nerveosly. None of my nine other siblings were around, so I guess that was why I was so nerveous. The girl looked up, then stood. She studied Pippa for a moment, then glanced at me. She held out her hand." Hi, I'm Loreli. You're Philippa, right? And you are........?" She looked at me curiosly. "I'm Lettie Fisher, Pippa's cousin." I mumbled. Loreli nodded. I wished I had drooling baby Angela with me. Although she drooled a lot more than I liked, she was one of the less drooling ones. "Do you get carsick easily?" Loreli asked, in a hurried kind of way. I glanced at Pippa wondering if she knew what carsick was. It didn't look like she did. "We'd better walk through the village, then." Loreli said. She waved at the guy who I couldn't remember his name, then beckoned us to follow her.

submitted by Lettie F., age 11, Chrestomanci Ca
(April 18, 2009 - 8:14 pm)

Uh-oh. Holly's and my posts are conflicting: I've got Howl in mine, and she doesn't....Maybe only Sophie and Calcifer get the message, and Howl's gone? How should we work this out....

submitted by Pippa/Aliza, age 13, Howl's moving c
(April 18, 2009 - 1:27 pm)

(( I'm going with yours, because Holly's meanings and intentions aren't quite clear, while yours are. No offense meant, Holly, it's just that I couldn't quite understand you.))

submitted by Loreli C./Jenni, age 13, Chrestomanci Ca
(April 18, 2009 - 8:34 pm)

Well, maybe that (Howl's disappearance) doesn't happen. YET...

submitted by Holly , age 12, Somewhere
(April 19, 2009 - 9:55 am)

Holly, I gave ur mum the movie and some Diana books..........please try to read the Chrestomanci one at least, so u'll know more about the Castle and all that.............

submitted by Jenni T, age 12, Nowhere or some
(April 19, 2009 - 2:58 pm)