I'm writing a
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
The Elementi Chronicles Book I: The Stone of Serenity
I'm writing a...
I'm writing a book. Read what I have so far to understand it.
Chapter I
The moonlight shone on the Lake's deep, fuchsia waters. Conifer trees fringed it, thickening into foreboding woods. The Lake was the center of the Faimón Forest, and it contained a great amount of magic. Its surface was smooth, undisturbed. All seemed well, yet it was not. A wild cry broke the peaceful silence. A shape tumbled down a path through the trees. Another shape hared after the first, who had a jagged gash down its side. "Tell me where it is and we can save a lot of trouble," the second animal growled. "Never! Never in my life!" the first cried, practically wailing. "Then I guess the information will die with you!" The second figure struck the first, shoving it into the Lake. After a while, its head bobbed up, gasping for air. "We. . . . won't. . . tell you! You'll never. . . find. . . . it. . . " The second animal chuckled quietly to itself. "And who's going to stop me?" It padded silently away into the trees.
Sheena opened her eyes. Squinting through the thick water, she searched for the surface. She couldn't tell which way was which in the murky fuchsia water of the Lake, heavy with magic. It was the one body of water that Aquinas leopards couldn't swim skillfully in. There! A pinpoint of moonlight shone through the water. Sheena kicked strongly towards it, propelling herself through the Lake to that shaft of light. She could feel her breath slipping away. Just as she thought she would black out, her muzzle broke the surface. Sheena gasped for air, the gash Narwhal had given her stinging. She paddled for the shore, tail boosting her forward. The leopard reached the sandy beach and heaved herself up onto it. She shook her royal blue pelt out, shuddering.
Sheena knew that the Knowledge Protector would be proud. She would not reveal the Stone's location to anyone, especially not Narwhal, even if it cost her her life. The Aquai Leopards were the guardians of the Stone of Serenity and were part of the Elementi Leopards, along with the Ignis, Ventus, Aether, and Terra Leopards. Each kept a Stone of Harmony, like the Honesty Stone and the Joy Stone.
Each cult of Leopards selected one of their kind to keep all of said cult's lore, the Knowledge Protector. The tales and secrets of each cult were passed down through generations of Protectors. Sheena was training as the Apprentice Protector for her cult.
In addition to the Leopards in the five cults, there were Leopards that abandoned their birth cult and lived as enemies of the Elementi known as Rogues. Rogues banded together, and Narwhal lead his group, which he called the Rens. Narwhal and his group wanted to get everyone in Leovie who opposed the Stones of Harmony to join him, their goal being to capture the Stones, or destroy them, once and for all. Sheena didn't know what would happen if all balance in Leovie was destroyed, and she didn't really want to find out.
Lying on the shore now, gasping for breath, Sheena recounted the day she'd been selected for Apprenticeship by the Knowledge Protector, Ciel. . . .
I'll add more later, I promise! Enjoy the story! Oh, and, biae!
submitted by Scylla
(February 5, 2016 - 10:02 pm)
(February 5, 2016 - 10:02 pm)
Also the beginning of chapter 14!
Sheena wished she could rewind everything that had ever happened, wished that Narwhal was still the cub that had once been her friend, wished she didn't know about her Hidden power. She wished many things, but they would never, could never, come true.
She walked alone through the Terra's oak forest, trying to clear her mind.
The forest was beautiful, with its wide-spaced trees, with strong trunks and vast branches. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a mystic, gentle glow. The forest was peaceful and calm. Sheena wished she could be one of those oak trees, strong and emotionless, quiet and still. What she would give to be like one of those trees.
You must embrace your power, the voice reminded her. You can be everything.
Sheena fell to her knees, dropping her head in her paws, and wept. Silent sobs shook her shoulders. Her midnight-blue pelt, with its pale blue spots, was dull and ragged, as if she hadn't slept. Sheena felt as if she hadn't slept, and desperation clawed at her insides, and she felt like she was being destroyed, silently, slowly, by this dark magic.
Sheena stared up, violet eyes wide and sad. The shifting leaves, distorted by her tears, seemed to rustle comfortingly, as if the trees were telling her that everything would be okay. Be still, they seemed to say. It will all turn out. There is always, always another way.
I don't want to think about this right now, Sheena thought. I just want peace.
There is no peace, the voice muttered darkly. It's all downhill from here.
Sheena shook her head, resting it once more on her paws. It started going downhill a long time ago.
Although she couldn't avoid her fate forever, these moments of relaxation felt good. She closed her eyes, letting the swaying boughs and peaceful stillness lull her into a black, dreamless sleep.
Sheena woke to the scent of deer. She pushed herself to her paws. She was once again in the Terra settlement, and on front of her was a deer, freshly killed by the look s of it. Around her, several Terra leopards gnawed at deer bones, some sharing, some alone. Sheena looked at her own deer. Hunger growled in her belly and she tucked her paws under her chest, stretching her jaws forward to eat.
The deer tasted good, strangely rich and woody. She purred with pleasure, but was careful not to eat too much. When she had eaten enough, she took a leg bone to chew. A Terra leopard approached her, gesturing at the remains of the deer with a claw. "Hey, are you going to eat that? I haven't eaten anything yet, and it's not good to waste that much."
"Sure," Sheena answered. "I've had enough; go ahead."
"You're that Aqua that talked to our leader, aren't you?" the Terra asked, settling beside her and taking abite of the deer.
No, really, Sheena wanted to say. I'm a blue Terra. "Yes, my name's Sheena," she responded instead. "What's yours?"
"I'm Charan," he mumbled through a mouthful of deer.
"Nice to meet you, I guess," she muttered. Appetite gone, she nudged the leg bone towards him. "Here, have this too, I don't want it."
She rose to her paws, setting off to find Flower.
"Thanks!" he called after her.
She nodded, gaze scanning the gathered leopards. But she couldn't find Flower, or her family, anywhere.
Eventually she settled under a tree to wait. She laid her head on the ground, studying the grass. Tiny blue-violet flowers budded among it, poking out from the ground to make themselves seen. And one flower in particular caught her eye. It was midnight blue, taller than the others, slightly bigger than the others. Staring at those tiny flowers, she had a sudden vision of herself.
Rise up, Sheena, the voice said. Be like that flower. No matter how small may be, it can make itself noticed. It sets itself apart from the other flowers, and even from the grass. It is special. Like you.
I'm not special, Sheena answered. She willed herself to believe it, but she couldn't. She squinted at the flowers, immersing herself in their colors, to block out the thoughts.
You can't block me out. You will never be free...
(April 29, 2017 - 1:09 pm)
I love the symbolism with the flowers in the grass. Also with the hierarchy of the Elements-- Earth seems pretty tough. Again, I'm so glad you're still doing this!
(April 29, 2017 - 2:40 pm)
Over the last four? Five? Well anyways, over the last few days I've read all of this thread and your writing is breathtaking Scylla. I love it.
Can't wait for more!
(May 2, 2017 - 6:19 pm)
I'm here! But the next installment is not. Please post soon, Scylla! I don't mean to rush, but I'm keen to see what happens next. ;)
(May 6, 2017 - 4:03 pm)
I started reading this yesterday, and I couldn't stop! Please keep writing! (I hope I'm not rushing you or anything....)
(May 6, 2017 - 7:14 pm)
I started reading this yesterday, and I couldn't stop! Please keep writing! (I hope I'm not rushing you or anything....)
(May 6, 2017 - 7:14 pm)
(May 6, 2017 - 8:02 pm)
(May 10, 2017 - 3:23 pm)
Oh my goodness, I completely forgot to post!! I'm so sorry, everyone!
"Sheena!" Flower came bouncing over, eyes shining. Her pelt was covered in dirt, but she didn't bother to wash it. "Guess what?"
Sheena looked up. "What?"
"My parents took me tunneling today! That's why I missed you at mealtime, sorry about that. But They showed me how to curl my claws so they were still effective, but didn't get all full of dirt and mud. And they showed me how to use branches to support tunnels so they don't collapse, and so many other things!"
She flopped down beside Sheena. "It's so strange to be here again. It's like I never left! Everyone's just letting me be me, and nobody even mentions my... decision."
She looked at Sheena.
"I'm glad you came to Narwhal's camp," she purred. "Otherwise, I'd still be alone. The panthers were nice to me, but I knew that they'd never really see a cub as their equal."
"I'm glad your life is good again." Sheena smiled. "I just wish I could find the same peace." She paused for a moment, glancing at Flower. "What did you dig?"
The vibrant cub grinned, lavender eyes glowing. "Momma and Daddy took me to the edge of the settlement. The soil there is nice and soft, good for digging in, but it's not so soft that the tunnels would cave in. It smells really good and feels so nice under your paws. It's where most beginners go to learn to dig.
"First we found an open spot to tunnel into. It's important because sometimes you could tunnel under or over someone else's tunnel. And that wouldn't be good, because then the earth would be weaker and cave in. Cave-ins are dangerous," she added unnecessarily, pausing to draw a breath. "We dug a tiny tunnel--hardly more than a hole, really--but it was so much fun! I love digging." Her eyes grew round. "I wonder how much I've missed out on while I was with Narwhal."
"I don't know," Sheena murmured. "But the only way to recover lost knowledge is to learn more. Dedicate yourself to what you love, and catch up on what you've missed. You'll be great at anything you apply yourself to, Flower." Sheena found that she really meant the words.
"Thanks, Sheena!" Flower hopped to her paws. "I'm going to go tunnel some more. Want to come?"
Sheena glanced at the various dark holes dotting the Terra settlement, and shook her head. "I'm fine aboveground," she said carefully. "I'm going to go run for a bit, maybe find a place to swim. See you soon!"
Sheena stood up, watching Flower dash away towards her parents. She noticed another cub, about Flower's size, standing with the two adults. That must be her brother, she decided. Then the family of four turned and walked away to the edge of the settlement, and Sheena headed in the opposite direction.
"Hey, where are you going?"
Sheena groaned. Oh no. It's Charan.
"I'm just going to run for a bit. Alone," she added pointedly.
"Can I come too?" He was catching up to her now.
"I said I was going alone!" Sheena snapped. How thick could a leopard be? She sighed, reprimanding herself for being so unkind. "I just need some time on my own," she tried gently. "I'll talk to you later."
His face fell. "Aw. See you, Sheena!"
Sheena bounded through the settlement, starting at a trot but quickening to a run. The wind whistled through her fur and she relished its sting against her face as she ran towards the forest. The strong oaks soon surrounded her, rising up to be lost in the sky. She couldn't see the sky for all their branches.
A sudden wave of homesickness nearly swept her off her paws. She missed Ciel, and her mother, and her friends, and her home. but most of all, she missed water. Water, she thought wistfully. Somewhere in this world, there is water... water: to swim in, to drink, to relax in.
But I can't go home. There is no home now... only emptiness. I must be strong. I must find the way to fix this.
She was once again at the current situation. It loomed over her head like a mountain, threatening and huge. A fifth of the Elementi were lost. How could she retrieve even one of them? She lifted her muzzle to the sky. "Ciel!" she wailed. "I can't do this!"
(May 16, 2017 - 6:37 pm)
YASSSS!!!!!! It's finally here! A new part! I din't see it until now because of my stupid piano recital though, which sucks.
(May 17, 2017 - 5:47 pm)
(May 27, 2017 - 5:13 pm)
(May 27, 2017 - 6:58 pm)
That was awesome, Scylla! Thanks for posting a new part! (I know, I haven't been commenting for a while. But I'm still reading!) Great job with that.
(May 28, 2017 - 11:09 am)
Cool! That's the coolest story ever. I really, really hope you will finish it. I'll practically copy it onto word to print out - if that's ok with you...
Anyways! I can't wait to see the next part! Sheena sounds really cool.
(May 29, 2017 - 12:42 pm)
Wow, this is SO SO SO awesome!!!! KEEP GOING!
(June 3, 2017 - 1:35 pm)