Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Harry Potter


submitted by The Man For Aeiou, age 12, Museica
(August 11, 2008 - 9:37 am)

And don't forget, Helena Bonham Carter was Mrs. Lovett in Burton's Sweeney Todd. <3 forever... :)

Bellatrix's character was extremely underused, and mutilated, and generally there wasn't any of the set-up for her obsession with Voldy in books 6 and (mostly) 7... Which has me worried, but oh well... 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(September 16, 2008 - 7:07 pm)

You're so right!!!!!! I'd join you on the punishment thing...Though I think they chose a good actress for Bellatrix as far as looks go! Though I personally wouldn't mind it if the movie was 9 hours long lol. But it's great that they're doing that with the 7th. if they had put it all into one movie again, it would have been the WORST by FAR! And it also would have been a bad ending to the series, to make matters worse!!!!

submitted by Karen B., age 14, The Boonies
(September 7, 2008 - 10:07 am)

They earned my eternal and unending gratitude when they cast Bonham Carter as Bellatrix. First she's one of my favorite actors anyway, and then she's just amazing at being insane, so... And her hair was *perfect*.

I could go on... And on... 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(September 16, 2008 - 7:10 pm)

Oh my gosh, you are so right about that! She is *perfect*-ly insane. But yeah, her hair is awesome, how it's like all white on one side and dark on the other! And her escape from the Azkaban scene is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think i'm in love, no, wait, that sounds so wrong...with the MOVIE people, not Bonham Carter!

submitted by Kit Kat
(November 5, 2008 - 4:50 pm)

If you look at it one way, Voldemort isn't really a great villian. He's too flat out evil with no real touch of humanity and his motives aren't easy to relate to. It's the characters like Karkaroff and Pettigrew and even (depends on which way you see him)...Snape who make the big evilness in the books more believable.

submitted by Lena G., age 11
(January 18, 2009 - 8:18 am)

1. Snape wasn't evil.

2. Voldy was, yes, a very very flat character. And very mean to poor Bella. :( 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(January 20, 2009 - 11:07 pm)

He wasn't evil, just, ah, unpleasant. And for the bulk of Deathly Hallows, Harry thought he was evil.

submitted by Lena G., age 11
(January 22, 2009 - 8:29 am)

Even though he so obviously wasn't.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(January 23, 2009 - 4:35 pm)

I know!! And at the beginning of the movie they don't add that Ron & Hermione become prefects! Or that Ron becomes keeper.:(

submitted by Lee P., age 12, North Dakota
(August 18, 2008 - 4:27 pm)

Yes, I noticed. I also noticed that in the 4th movie it was only sunny in the last scene.


submitted by Melaina D., age 13, Chapel Hill, NC
(August 21, 2008 - 12:41 pm)

Dark is GOOD. We likes darkness, yesssss.... ^_^

They were way better, though, before EVERYBODY started obsessing over them. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(August 31, 2008 - 4:01 pm)

I can't BELIEVE that you didn't think these books are awesome!!!  I've read them probably 4 or 5 times.  I think that they are really, really good, except I do think that the fifth book is kind of gross with Harry and Umbridge in detention. :-(  I love the ending because I really wanted that to happen.

submitted by Charlotte C., age 11, Northern Michig
(September 1, 2008 - 6:36 pm)

I have to agree aboat that.  They are pretty spooky.  And a bunch of important characters are getting killed.  I also think that the author tries to put too much into the books, which makes them rather hard to follow.  I'm not even going to read the last one.

submitted by Jonathan F., age 10, Ithaca, NY
(October 7, 2008 - 4:45 pm)

Spooky? No. Grim? Yes. Dark? Yes. But not spooky.

And if you want hard to follow, check out Les Mis. Now that is a author who likes minute details... Like the fifty page section detailing the Bishop. Or the Battle of Waterloo. And he'll add in characters with no explanation as to why (Marius, for example), and then suddenly tie it all together, brilliantly.

HP's cake, really.

And the last one's easy to follow, but dull, because it's basically:

Harry: Oh, I'm so brave and heroic! Lets wander- OOPS! Someone died. Lets wander around aimlessly!

*much wandering*

*much dying*

*an interesting scene or two with Bellatrix*

*Harry is BRAVE and HEROIC and generally continues to be a complete numbskull*

The End! 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(October 9, 2008 - 12:43 am)

Agreeed... I HATE Harry Potter!!!

submitted by Mattie.
(November 4, 2010 - 3:20 pm)