I guess this

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Book to Movie Adaptations
I guess this...

I guess this also could have gone on the PP, but this is mostly about books, soooo:

What are some of your favorite Book to Movie Adaptation?  Do you normally like the book or the movie better?  Which one do you prefer to experience first?  And other discussions in a related topic.

I really liked the animate Charlotte's Web.  But not the real life one.  That was terrible.  The Hunger Games was decent, but they took away waaaay too much.  I thought a good part of the casting for that movie was good, too, but Josh Hutcherson and what'shisface who was Gale were really bad.  Life of Pi was really good, but there were some things I wish they had put in.  I almost always like the book better in the end.  I like to read the book first, too.

I'll post my thing about casting later. 


submitted by Gollum
(March 23, 2013 - 7:55 pm)

So: my thing about casting.

I don't normally do movie casting stalking, but I sort of did for the Hunger Games, and occasionally with The Fault in Our Stars.  Young Adult movie casting can go really wrong *coughcouhSelenaGomezasHannahBakercoughcough*, but so far, The Fault in Our Stars is going well.  As in, Hazel and the runners for Augustus are good.  Those are pretty much the only ones that matter, though. 

submitted by Gollum
(March 24, 2013 - 10:56 am)


And the rest of the day to yourself.

Toppa says tifw.  Tiffany W.? 

submitted by TOP
(March 24, 2013 - 10:57 am)


submitted by top
(March 24, 2013 - 10:58 am)

I really don't like when movies change things from books, and sometimes they change it so much! I also don't like it when I imagine a character looking a certain way, but the movie looks totally different. It just kind of ruins it! But sometimes, the movie makes the story better and adds things that help you picture the scene.

So, I guess you could say I like the book more! It just gives you so much more detail, but if the movie has more detail, then I would consider it better . 

Here is my opinion on some books that have been turned into movies :

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs--the movie took the concept into something totally different, and you guessed it............ I hated the movie!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--the two movies kind of confused me , since they had different ideas of the people and factory. This movie actually gave me a better picture, because I just couldn't really imagine all the crazy things that happened in it. 

submitted by Anania
(March 24, 2013 - 11:02 am)

I don't believe I've ever come across a movie that I like more than the book.

I think that the books are better because they leave room for imagination. You get to imagine the characters appearance and the setting.

Sometimes when I watch the movie, the character's image is different from what I thought they were like. It sort of ruins the picture I have in my head.

I also prefer to read the book before watching the movie. 

submitted by Teresa, age 13, Michigan
(March 24, 2013 - 4:54 pm)

Hmm. I don't watch movies as much as I do read.

I liked the City of Ember movie. It didn't follow the book well, but I still liked it!

Best movie based on a book I've seen; Anne of Green Gables starring Megan Follows.

Worst movie I've seen based on a book; (besides PJ and the LT) Would be; Where the Wild Things Are. Yes, it is a children's book, and that alone was weird. But the movie? Just down right disturbing! My whole family hated it! Me most of all. Frankly, I don't think I'll get over that movie! NOT MEANT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN AT ALL!!!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 24, 2013 - 5:59 pm)

@BHR: I LOVE the Anne of Green Gables movie!

submitted by Ivy
(March 25, 2013 - 12:31 am)

I know! Megan Follows just was Anne! I've been reading the book since I was 6, and watching the movies before that! I've read Anne of Green Gables over 20 times, and lost count of how many times I've seen the movie! It will always be my most favorite of all time movie!

Have you seen the sequel movie? Where she goes to Summerside?

And then the war one. That was my least favorite. And it didn't happen like that in the books. It was based off of Rilla of Ingleside. It was very sad, and I didn't like it much. But I admit, I really like the last 30 seconds of the movie!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 25, 2013 - 7:03 pm)

Anne of Green Gables is one of those books that I can read over and over again. My mom read it to me the first time when I was little, and since then I've probably read it five times.

Yes, I've seen the sequel movie. I really liked that one too.

I haven't seen the last movie. I've seen the preview, and it looked kind of weird.  It dosen't seem like the story of the last one was from one of the books.

submitted by Ivy
(March 25, 2013 - 9:46 pm)

It doesn't. It follows a few of the ideas in it, and the war theme, but other than that, it was totally different. And it wasn't very Anne-ish, if you know what I mean. It was simply dark, and sad.

*spoiler* If you want to read this, I'll go ahead and tell you the very end of the movie.     

Anne gives Diana Green Gables (being as, Diana used to be very rich, but no longer is) which she and Gilbert have fixed up. (Anne appearently had to sell Green Gables previously after Marilla died). She and Gilbert (previously reunited and have just adopted Dominic, another sad and tragic backstory about his father and mother) and are standing on the famous hill, overlooking Green Gables. They talk about having to start a new life, and looking forward to it. The take Dominic's hands, and go off laughing. It sounds bad, but after watching the whole movie, your practically in tears.*end of spoiler*

It does have the occasional humorous scenes, but still, over all very dark and sad. So, take my word for it, it's something you don't have to see, to live a long and happy life.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 26, 2013 - 12:06 pm)

Never mind. You said it was based on Rilla of Ingleside. I haven't read that one. I think tghe last one I read was Anne of Ingleside.

submitted by Ivy
(March 26, 2013 - 1:15 pm)

Ooh! Anne of Ingleside was a good one! I think there are only two more after that. Rainbow Valley, and Rilla of Ingleside. Read Rainbow Valley! It's has some very humorous parts, and is mostly about Anne's children. Though, in my opinion, the later books after Anne of Avonlea, just didn't have the same Anne-ish feel as the original. What do you think?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 26, 2013 - 7:27 pm)

Yeah, I agree. That's one of the reasons that I stopped reading them. I can't remember if I finished Anne of Ingleside or not. I'll probably pick them back up sometime.

submitted by Ivy
(March 26, 2013 - 9:32 pm)

I think I like The Little House on the Prairie movie series better than the book series.

submitted by Butterfly
(March 25, 2013 - 4:16 pm)

Hey, you know in the first Harry Potter movie, they were going to have Peeves (the best part of the books). They got a comedian named Rik Nyall to play him.

But during post-production, they didn't have enough time to put him in the movie. So they cut all of Peeves' scenes out.

Sooooooooooooo sad...

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, Somewhere in Chicago
(March 26, 2013 - 11:38 am)