I thought the

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Overrated Books
I thought the...

I thought the last version of this thread was pretty interesting, and I've got some new opinions on these things, so here I go.

Twilight, primarily. Ugh. My Twilight story:

 I was at the library, casually walking by the M's. The word 'Twhlight' randomly popped out at me. I was intrigued, because I was in fourth grade, had never heard of the Twilight saga,  and 'twilight' was one of my favorite words at the time. Plus the T wasn't capitalized, which I just found plain weird. 

I picked it up and saw the back first. Instead of a description, it was an excerpt -- a whole paragraph of Bella's soppy whining about Edward's awesomeness. I wrinkled my nose, though a part of me was still telling me that to give it a chance, maybe one of the more romantic parts. When I turned the book over and saw KStew and James Pattinson together, I just shoved the book onto the shelf and went, "Nuh-uh. I'm not reading that thing unless my grade or life depends on it."

Later, I found out more about Twilight, and, well. Ugh. I've nothing against romance, but some authors can make their MC fall in love without them whining about it for half the book.

Not to mention the sparkling.

And the animal blood thing.

And the fangirls' obsession and T-shirts and 'OME' and 'OCD' and you get the point.

And the stalking.

And the vampire baseball.

And the other bad morals.

And did I mention the sparkling?


Also The Clique series, which I mentioned before.


And Percy Jackson And The Olympians. Percy's a boring, annoying, predictable character who takes risks that, if they go wrong, would get everyone into a bigger mess that they were in before. But of course they never do go wrong. Gah. (example: he tells Geryon he'll clean the stables and his terms.) And he battles what's-his-face in The Battle of the Labyrinth. And he takes the sky from Artemis or Annabeth, I can't remember which one.

 Anabeth was almost just as annoying, except for the fact that she had interests and a fat ore imaginative and realistic fatal flaw. 

submitted by Tiffany W., age 12, About to revive Tozi
(September 2, 2012 - 10:14 pm)

Ugh- MAXIMUM RIDE. Prepare yourselves for the Rant Of L. 

Be warned: This post contains both spoilers and strong emotions. If you have not read all of the books, or happen to like them, read no further. Or do. I can't control anything except my fingers, which are typing angrily right now.

So, I want to get this fact out right now. I liked the first book. It was a well-done sci-fi/action novel that made some semblance of sense. But there are limits to my liking a book that trespasses this much into the territory of unacceptable.

First point: I DO NOT appreciate Angel's character. On the surface, she is a demanding but lovable six-year-old girl with wings who can fly and stuff. But as you get deeper into her character, she becomes this perfect little girl who can do no wrong. She talks to fish, she breathes underwater, she's telepathic, she can make people do things with her mind, she's- aggh. THE most aggravating character ever. And she thinks she should be in charge of everything*, and she is, essentially. In Fang, WHO was it that was "leading" the non-Max group? Angel. 

Second point: Max. The typical "tough girl". The Mom Complex was a nice twist, but she is a stock character for sure. Observe: Grew up in scary place of scaryness with wings and things. Escaped magically. Fights like a boss. Flys really really fast. Little Miss Sarcatic Face. Falls in love with the "strong silent guy" (who I actually have no problem with). Is described as strong and stuff, but gets stuck in this fantastic love triangle with said strong silent guy and her "perfect other half" who happens to know everything about her.** Has a scary clone who she eventually gets to turn good. Has to SAVE THE WORLD***. There's not much development at all. Ooh, and she has a magical chip inside her arm that may or may not be allowing Erasers to track your every move? Hey, let's worry about it for a book and a half and then get it CUT OUT leaving your entire arm USELESS and then it fixes itself by the next book.

Third point: Um, waking up and discovering it was all a dream? HELLO? Did JPatterson pay ANY attention in English class? That is not a viable excuse for wanting your main's arm to go back to normal unless you have a REALLY GOOD reason for it. The fact that you cannot write your main with el floppy useless brazo is not. Also, what happened to Ari? He "died" during that time, and did he come back magically? Well, yes, but that was a complication and anyway, he died later.

Fourth point: Ooh, I have to save the world. I have to save the world BY MYSELF, without the rest of my flock who I used to consider my family, and apparently nobody cares about Itex anymore or who their real families are or the mutants who are still stuck in the School****or any other random plot points that hop in and out of the story every now and then, but global warming. Yes. Global warming. Didn't The Day After Tomorrow already cover that (and very well, I might add)? Why can't you save the world from something Mutant-People-Related?

Fifth point:  CONFLICTING INFO. Remember when Max said that Ari couldn't even write
his own name? Three letters, relatively simple, spelled like it sounds.
Now somebody, please tell me how he can write "Wolverine" on some kid's
shirt in Disneyland. Hello? Anybody? Exactly.

Sixth point: What happened to Iggy's***** family? And all the other minor characters who were once integral parts of the story and have now petered out fantastically?

Seventh point: Gazzy. WHY, oh WHY can't he have a real name?


*This is not actually a problem, it actually can make a pretty good character. IF they are taken down a notch by having somebody do so or having them run something and epically fail. I dislike how the other characters go along with it and it turns out okay.

**Remembering Twilight? "I watch you while you sleep" "LOVE XD" and "I know everything about you but I'm only 6 months old, technically" "LOVE XD"

***See point the fourth.

****Who really SHOULD be their priority, yes?

*****I like Iggy. And Nudge.

submitted by L
(September 12, 2012 - 6:03 pm)

I dislike Twilight with a burning passion.  My mom didn't let me read them because I was in fifth grade when they were popular.  I didn't care because I wasn't big on vamps back then.  Now I refuse to read them because VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE.  My friends actually got kicked out of the theater while watching one of the movies for laughing too much.


On the name thing, it's Robert Pattinson.  I know because Blu has practically shoved tween magazines down my throat.  I don't normally mind though.  I mean, 1D!


I found "Life as We Knew It" to be really bad.  Has anyone else read this?  It's about the moon being pushed closer to Earth and stuff.  It's basically "This is horrible.  I hate my life." alternating with "I should be thankful.  I mean, I have food.".  Now it's on the reading list for my old middle school.  The librarian there has a penchant for picking out depressing books. 

submitted by Melody, age 14, The Jungle Cruise
(September 5, 2012 - 5:48 pm)

I kinda liked the Hunger Games, besides the part about me disliking the characters that is....

I read Twilight on a bet, my friend would have to read the whole Harry Potter series (she didn't get past the second book), and I would read the whole Twilight saga. I finished it in about a week, it was too easy to read, I don't really care for either of the male leads, and as my Aunt put it, it's pointless. Edward was the forbidden fruit, she (Bella) ate it. Then, after falling into temptation, she had sex. I thought that was a bit to far. Because didn't that defeat the purpose of her becoming a vampire, yes, I know she became a vampire b/c of her baby, but it doesn't really add up to me, the whole plot I mean...

I have never read Warriors, and I liked Percy Jackson at the time I first read it, then I began to find it a bit repetitive. I hate Maximum Ride. Clique sounds a bit stupid.

What I hate (and think is overated) is that all these series are coming out about "monster schools" now.

Basic Plot: Girl finds out she is magical, a monster, special, ect. She goes to a school for others like her. She meets a hot guy usually with nasty girlfriend in tow. Through a series of events, she becomes his girlfriend, they go through a adventure/tradgey together, story ends.

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(September 9, 2012 - 1:52 am)

Some of them have multiple storylines! 


OK, I have a weakness for the "monster school" types of writing.  Mainly because they have their own brand of suspense.  And because I like to read fluffy stuff in between heavy books.  Although some of them aren't fluff. 

submitted by Melody, age 14, Pride Rock
(September 10, 2012 - 6:59 pm)

Twilight: I haven't read it and have no interest in doing so, but I was forced to watch the movie and... retch. It was awful.

HG/HP/PJ (a.k.a. ridiculously popular book series with two-letter acronyms): I really liked the Hunger Games, but I can understand why people might not. PJ was fine. Yes, Percy was very Gary Stu-ish, but it was entertaining enough to read and pretty interesting. And Harry Potter... well, I love Harry Potter, but they're definitely overrated. Say what you like, I don't think they're the best books in the world.

The Clique: TOTAL AGREEMENT. It's awful, shallow, and poorly written, and the only remotely likable character (Claire) ends up being just as stupid as the rest of them. And TNÖ, it is not, unfortunately, satire.

Pendragon: I have a lot of friends who like this series, so I read the first book. Honestly, it was pretty awful. Maybe it gets better (hopefully), but the writing style was just so... aggravating. It was kind of like the casual, teenage tone in Percy Jackson, only worse. So much worse.

Wrush: I've read better fanfictions. And I'm talking about the average-quality, everyday fanfics, not just the amazing ones like Blue Sky or HPatMoR or TNÖ's War's Descent and Fear's Growth (Which she hasn't updated in FOREVER!). That book... was awful.

submitted by Alexandra, age XIII (13), Never Land
(September 11, 2012 - 10:08 pm)

re: Clique: ...but... then why... *buries head in hands* in that case, there needs to be dark fic/deconstruction fic written. IMMEDIATELY. but not by me because I've only ever read one or two (my sister likes them, and they were in my general vicinity during a period when I had nothing else to read. I just assumed they were satire because nobody's that shallow. Apparently, yes, they are. x_X).

I've never read Pendragon, although I remember them being a thing during my middle school years.  

re: my fanfics: find me on ao3. I, um, started over again. THIS IS THE LAST TIME, I PROMISE. #shame

submitted by TNÖ, age 19, Deep Space
(September 12, 2012 - 12:02 pm)

Wait, what? You mean you didn't just stop? I am so very glad I decided to look at the ChatterBox again; I can't wait to read the next versions! (ao3 is not working for me right now).


submitted by Ima
(November 3, 2012 - 9:10 pm)

I know some people who actually sound like the people from the Clique.  No lie.  The Clique is a series I do not enjoy.  I like her other series, Alphas, only because those characters all have talents at least.  And I like the technology.  Ad Charlie reminds me of myself,

submitted by Melody, age 14, Pride Rock
(September 12, 2012 - 2:00 pm)

The Clique: yes, somebody needs to write a deconstcruction fic and show it to the girls in my grade. See, there are the sensible people who a) don't read it because it's girly b) don't read it because it's shallow, c) don't read it because they have no plot, et cetera. Some don't because of all of the above, but many, many of the girls in my grade spend their time reading them, laughing about them, and, may I add, showing them off to the boys.  


GIRL1: Haha! Look at this!

GIRLS2 and 3: Hahaha! Who could be that shallow?

Some boy: Let me see that! *proceeds to read the back of the book out loud in dramatic tone, pointedly ignoring the misspelled words*

Once, I ended up snatching the book and reading it in dramatic tones, pointedly pronouncing the misspelled words: hawwwwwttt. Ahbviahsleee. EhmaGawd (I kid you not).


Famfics: YAY! Will go find them! 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(October 8, 2012 - 9:31 am)

Pendragon: I hated the ending so much. ~spoiler alert~


A summary of the ending:

Press: The new Halla must be founded on what has happened blah blah blah... *lectures for a while*

Pendragon:wow! I learned so much! *clearly wasn't listening*

Courtney: Oh, bobby.... Let's run away together into the sunset! :D <3<3<3<3

Pendragon: Okay. I've just finished saving the universe... What should I do now? *thinks for a moment in his shallowminded way* Well... Uncle Press said to not travel back in time- but that obviously doesn't apply to me because I'm some super-awesome spirit who just saved the universe- who cares about the numerous other spirits who helped? *Somehow takes his love interest and best friend back in time* Okay... What now?....................... I know! Let's all forget this ever happened and get married and have kids, even though I clearly told all of the readers that I was going to be scarred for life. 

Me: 0.o .............................

submitted by Blue Moon
(October 17, 2012 - 4:16 pm)


I hate this book with a burning passion. It's just so bad. I mean, the only book I've read worse than it is The Golden Goblet, and let me tell you, if I could erase anything from my memory it would be that book.  

Here's my Twilight story:

So everyone loves the books at my school except for my friends and I, so I never had an interest in reading them. But when I got to 6th grade my English teacher LOVED them, and I mean LOVED them. I figured, she's an English teacher, if she likes them, they can't be that bad. Oh my god I was so wrong. I got to page 3. I could not go on. Page 3, and I just had to stop. It was just so bad. 

Percy Jackson-

S1- I absolutely LOVE this series. It's funny. Not everything I read needs to be deep. I like this series a lot, and I'm glad I read it. 

@Tiffany W. - Meh, that's your opinion. 

S2- I still love the origonal characters, but all the new characters except Leo annoy me. Especially Piper. Her and her stupid charmspeak, and her strive to be not fancy even though she's automatically georgous being the daughter of a movie star and Aphrodite. I really don't like her. I don't like Frank because he can morph into any animal he wants, I think that's too much, even for PJ. Sometime's Hazel's ok, but I don't like her whole Sammy/Leo/Frank issue. It annoys me that that's all she does 24-7 is worry about whether she's ganna pick Leo/Sammy or Frank. It's like a mini Twilight. Also her stupid 'I'm so cursed because I can make bad luck gold and jewles appear'. Seriously? I also think it's weird that she came back from the dead. But I like the fact that she's from the 1940s. That's the only thing I like about her. Jason is so-so. I mean I like him, but he's so stereotypically perfect. Brooding guy, blonde hair blue eyes, son of Zeus, messed up past, hot girlfriend. He's too perfect for me. But I like him at times. 

The Hunger Games-

I love The Hunger Games. I think the writing is amazing, especially since before I read that I've never seen that type of writing (like current time first person right?). I think the story's really creative too. Of course while the first book was amazing Catching Fire and Mockingjay weren't half as good. Catching Fire was ok, but I didn't like the fake pregnancy, and fake wedding thing. Mockingjay, I just didn't really like. I mean it was ok, but it was definately the worst of the series, and they didn't do much. I think it would make a better movie though, because it's in the middle of a war, and writing a book about that is hard, and doesn't usually turn out well (in my experience). 


S1- It was awesome, I thought it was really creative and well written. 

S2-Well this is going places, Firestar's daughter and Brampleclaw are cool. 

S3- Ok, Firestar's grandchildren? This is a little much. Jaypaw's cool though

S4- Ok, still going? Read for the sake of reading the others. NOOOOO! Firestar! 


submitted by ~Sam~
(November 5, 2012 - 1:57 pm)

Sam, I totally agree with you about the HoO. Leo has now become my second favorite, only because no book character will ever replace Percy as my number one favorite. I find female characters can annoy me so much more than male characters. This seems to be the case with Piper and Annabeth. They both seem so involved with their personal problems, especially boy problems. It seems to be the same with Hazel.


Actually about Twilight, I enjoyed reading it. I know it sounds crazy, but with books I am easy to please. It is not my favorite series nor do I have any favorite characters amongst them, but I still liked the books. The only character I liked was that wolf-boy who's name started with S. The young one.

submitted by Lizzy, age 15
(November 6, 2012 - 12:38 am)

100% agreement on Heroes of Olympus.  The alternating narrators thing is all the rage that almost EVERY SINGLE BOOK is alternating narrators.  If you want to be somewhat omnipotent, just do third person already.

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(November 6, 2012 - 7:56 am)

Both Twilight and Hunger Games are WAY overrated. I haven't read them, but I've seen commercials and heard from friends. It's not the kind of stuff I want filling my head. PJ is great! Annabeth is AWESOME!!! Piper, I agree, is rather annoying. She hates caring about her looks and all, but is narcissistic to the other extreme. Hazel, I haven't made up my mind about yet. The Kane Chronicles were rather overrated too. Sadie is just AWFUL! My two favorite books are Anne of Green Gables, & What Katy Did. Anybody else read those?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age Unkown, Sunny Brook Farm
(November 7, 2012 - 4:58 pm)

You have to actually read The Hunger Games before you say they're overrated.  Because the movie was kind of awful.  When I read books like that (Harry Potter, Hunger Games, etc.) I really like them, then after about a year they kind of become either good or meh.  Percy Jackson is kind of all right.  I like Frank and Leo.  And the gods and other magical people that he only uses for slapstick and puns.  But books like The Fault in Our Stars, When You Reach Me, and such are amazing and can not be replaced.

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(November 19, 2012 - 6:52 pm)