Has anybody read
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Daniel Pinkwater books
Has anybody read...
Has anybody read something by Daniel Pinkwater? He is the wackiest author ever. Some of his books include "Borgel", "Yobgorgle: Mystery Monster of Lake Ontario", "The Worms of Kukumlima", "The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror", "The Neddiad" and I think there is another one that has something to do with the Hotel Larry. It has to do with a muffin eating polar bear. If you read old newspapers, see if you can find the story about the fairy tale they messed up to put on State Tests. None of the kids understood it, so they aren't counting those questions! Your mission (Should you choose to accept it) is to read something by Daniel Pinkwater.
submitted by Holmes S., age 11, The Universe
(May 14, 2012 - 3:26 pm)
(May 14, 2012 - 3:26 pm)
Okay, this might sound stalkerish, but I know what book those are from, or collection or whatever. FIVE NOVELS (or is it five fantstci noevls?). I received it during the hoildays and I only have finished ALAN MENDLESON BOY FROM MARS; SLAVES OF SPIEGEL; and YOUNG ADULT NOVEL. So DID you get the idea for the avacodo of death in "Another Storychain" in Inkwell from THE SNARKUT BOYS AND THE AVOCADO OF DEATH? I asked that, but I don't think you've been on that thread recently, and if you have, you have remained mute.
Sorry if this is totally weirding you out!
(February 14, 2013 - 6:25 pm)
Just finished the Yggyssey. Probably as good the Neddiad. The Blue Moose books are also good. And The Hoboken Chicken Emergency.
(October 28, 2012 - 7:05 am)