Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™



This Book of Myths and Legends is intended to inform, illuminate, educate, and elucidate. But the trepidatious Reader must proceed with caution. Once the Reader has filled their mind with thoughts of Beasts, the Reader can no longer un-know them. Sometimes, the only safeguard against the shuddersome creatures that stalk this Globe is to utterly deny their existence.

submitted by Dr. Sheepshank, Cypher Labs
(March 12, 2016 - 12:42 am)



The Diumaascan language, called Diumaascaanian, is strongly related to/derived from that of acient Pkouehrliisaahve.Sentence structure is much like that of English, but smaller connecting words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions, and most pronouns) are connected onto the beginning or end of other words, sometimes with an apostrophe. 

Diumaascans speak with a slight accent; they usually speak slowly, drawing vowels out slightly, and pronounce some consonants with a sort of harshness. 


Most consonants have the same pronounciations as in English, exept for the letter "f"; it needs another consonant before it to make sound, Sometimes those letters make sound as though they came at the end of the previous word, but in most cases they are silent.

Vowels are completely different. A single letter 'a' makes an "uuuuh" sound; two 'a's together makes a regular "aaah" sound. A single 'u' sounds like "oooo", an 'i' sounds like "eeee", an 'e' sounds like 'eh', and the letter 'o' rarely shows up in words at all; its pronounciation varies. 


The Diumaascas tribe has a single cheif, whose duties are passed down a single dynasty. The cheif can only have one child, so that there is no arguement over who will inherit the position of power; the tribe isn't picky about the cheif's gender. There is also a Council of Advisors, in which there are ten intelligent people, each with their own titles who specialize in certain parts of the society. Together, they aid the cheif in making descisions based on their own expertise/opinions.

This system has worked very well for centuries; the Diumaascans have gotten through many droughts, starvations, natural disasters and disputes with other tribes using this system of leadership/government. 

However, if the Council of Advisors feels the cheif is not living up well to their duty to serve the people of Diumaascas, they can take a vote; if the majority votes that the cheif is not doing their duties justly, they then give the vote up to the Diumaascan people; if they also agree the cheif is unworthy of their position, the cheif gives up their position to their spouse/child over 10; if the cheif is not yet married/their spuse died but their child is not yet dead, the Council of Advisors votes on which one of them is most worthy of becoming the cheif. Three cheifs have been voted out before, but never has an advisor become cheif.



All Diumaascans' last names start with "Di" to signify that they are members of the Diumaascas tribe. The next part of the last name is the family name, which was earned by an ancestor of the family long ago. These names always have a meaning rooted in the language of Pkouehrliisahve. First names are given to a child a week after birth; usually they relate to their family name or are given after an ancestor. The meanings of first names are very important while naming a child.

And yup I'm ready to post this now I've been working on it for way to long. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(January 20, 2020 - 12:50 pm)

Sanukan Info.


Sanukans are descended from giants. They live in harmony with Nanulians, a species unique to the Sanukan mountains. While Nanulians are primarily healers and sages, most Sanukans are warriors. They are an industrious people, and it can be hard to tell whether they will respond aggressively or passively to a situation.

Stance on FAFA/animals in general: They don't really like animals, and they really don't like FAFA. So, in the past, I was thinking they could be original creators of Jokull. And at some point, they probably gave it to animals as an offering or gift of some sort. But then animals started claiming they were Jokull's creators, and Sanukans started to dislike them.

But in general, they do view animals as intelligent and sentient. They just think that animal's cultures are barbaric/primitive. They are hunters, but they are very respectful about it. They only hunt weak, sick, old, or injured animals, and let healthy ones be.

If you asked a Sanukan about their thoughts on FaFA, they would probably say something along the lines of "That group of filthy cowards and liars? They're so weak! They need to man up and realize this war's a real war, not just a cutesy little 'let's-let-humans-fight-for-us-and-make-naive-and-foolish-decisions' fest!" Pretty much, they think FaFA really needs to take a more militant approach to things.

Stance On BIG: They really have no problem with BIG and honestly don't have much against animal testing. After all, they don't really like animals too much.

Stance on SOCS: They think SOCS has done some pretty twisted things, and they really don't like them, but not quite enough for them to attack any SOCS workers on sight.

Stance on the Resistance: They've got no quarrel with the Resistance. In fact, they like them, because they oppose Catastrophe.

Stance on Catastrophe: They might have remained neutral towards Catastrophe, but then his soldiers started attacking their towns and caravans. They really started hating him after his army ruined Jokull.

Stance on the Powers: They acknowledge their existence, but don't think they're very powerful. They mostly just think they're immortal mythical creatures, not gods.

Stance on SAPs: They really don't believe SAPs are much to worry about, and give them even less credit than they give the Powers.


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(February 1, 2020 - 4:55 pm)

More on Sanukans



G'night/Goodnight= goskägen

G'morn/ Good morning= gerkaumo

Snow= svokagu

Hey (common greeting)= Äulja 

Gbye (common farewell)= g'dujaul 

Name of past nation= Guskäka (winter home)

Species name= Svoguusk (snow warrior)

Sanukans were not originally called Sanukans. They call themselves Svoguusks, but it was hard for Kyngdom natives to pronounce 'Svoguusk', so they called them Sanugans. Sanugan then became 'Sanukan'. 

The Sanukans were originally a tribe of giants. They come from the land of Guskäka (pronounced goo-skai-kah). It is located across the Northern sea, northeast of Kyngdom, and is a land of ice and snow. 

But one particular winter in Guskäka was harsher than most. It was called the Great Frost. The Sanukans were lead to the brink of extinction.

But hope came in the form of Hvumkuul (translates to Frost Queen.) Hvumkuul the Warrior-Queen banded the Sanukans together and became their first Cheiftess. Under her rule, the Sanukans created massive wooden warships. They sailed across the treacherous Northern Sea, becoming the first to do so. They arrived at Kyngdom, and conquered the native peoples. Most fled, but not the Nanulians. In exchange for protection from other tribes, the Nanulians agreed to become healers and medics for the Sanukans.

Hvumkuul ordered the construction of Jokull and Sanukaville. Jokull was later gifted to animals as a peace offering. 

Hvumkuul passes away at the age of 87. She is buried within a cave system in the mountain, later known as the Weeping Caverns. They become the Sanukan graveyard. A statue is created in her honor. 

Fortunately, Hvumkuul had prepared for her death. She had selected a second-in-command, a male warrior named Skjöduu. This method of chieftans selecting their successors remains permanent. If a cheiftan becomes corrupt, then the Nanulians are allowed to decide the next Cheif. 

Time passes on. The Sanukan flag is designed by a Nanulian named Star Over Mountain. It is black, with a golden mountain. There is a red circle around the golden mountain.

Neighboring people begin to call the Sanukan leader 'Mayor' rather than 'Cheif'. Nowadays, it is acceptable to call them either Chief or Mayor. Sanukans began to take over surrounding towns. They began to loosely control the entire Northeast. 


Sanukan names are typically the combination of two words in their language. For example, 'Hvumkuul' is the combination of the Sanukan words for 'Snow' and 'Queen'. They are also in modern times named regular Kyngdom names, like Gamgi, Victor, Rubiana, or Davina.

Nanulian names are typically things like 'Flies Greatest Distance', 'Star Over Mountain', 'Bird of White', or shorter, two word names, like 'Ice Heart' or 'Star Shine.' 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(February 3, 2020 - 7:10 pm)

Even more on Sanukans...

They have specific titles for specific things. When someone has a boy/girlfriend, they do not use seperate terms for each gender, but instead use one singular term, which is  Kaskvroäer. When someone is married, instead of using the term spouse, they use erjakaoka. They do not have separate terms for each gender.

This tradition of not sepzrating the two genders continues. They have one basic term that can be used in place of mister/misses/mrs./ma'am/sir, which is  Äoumka.

The title of highest honor is  Eräumvrka. It is used ONLY for the chieftan/tess.

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Sanukaville
(June 10, 2020 - 7:59 pm)

The legend of me: once upon a time there was a raging fire lasting through rainstorms the fire burnt on but then it had nothing to feed it. then as a coincidence a meteor flew over it the luck from the meteor created a 12 year old faerie who is powerful and chaotic but not evil out of the shadow embers and cinders of the fire and that is me.

submitted by scathath, age 12
(February 4, 2020 - 10:24 pm)


An obscure species that has mostly kept to itself. They call themselves the Torwuwkuniqv (tor-WOO-koon-EE-kiv), but it was somehow discovered that that translated to Reptithilans. (By somehow discovered, I mean I'm telling you.) The Reptithilans are a race of humanoid reptiles, something like reptile anthros. Each one has the coloring, patterns, and characteristics of it's reptile, and occasionally a few characteristics that that reptile would not normally have. One example is Karthicha, a Monitor Lizard Reptithilan, who has a hard black ridge going along his back that is not normally characteristic of his reptile. 

They can be any type of reptile, aquatic, amphibian, or otherwise, all snake Reptithilans have arms and legs, although they may be stunted. This includes dragons and similar reptiles. Although families often have a collective two reptiles (the reptile of the mother and of the father), there are cases where one or two members of that family have a different reptile. For example, a family of Black Mamba and Komodo Dragon Reptithilans may have one or two family members that are Rat Snakes. 

They live all over Kyngdom, generally in the places that suit their reptile's needs. They live, for the most part, in extensive but small family units, including the Immediate Family, Less Immediate Family, all the way out to Obscure Relative Family. On occasion, two or three families will ally together against a common enemy, as their numbers are not great.

Their names are whatever their parents decided to name them. There is no official method or theme for choosing names. They live for 150 to 200 years on average, and don't marry often. Families are typically small, hence the need to ally with other families. 

They like their privacy, rarely even visiting outside of their own families and allies, so they've hidden in plain sight and tried to avoid the events unfolding in Kyngdom. Unfortunately, many of them feel that they are now in danger, with the new developments of strange black pools, and the rumor that Catastrophe is building something. They have started to come out into the open, and it is unsure of how they will ally themselves. It will likely be with anyone that a Reptithilan sympathizes with. Two of the first Reptithilans that have come to join the outside world are Karthicha and me, Nyx. (Nyx is my newest character btw. Felt like I needed to join the crowd of CBers that had characters with their name.) 


Is fairly simple to translate, although difficult to pronounce. The bit below translates it fairly well. For example, "Jaag oxoquqj, py qipo uv Qitif." is Reptithilan for "Good evening, my name is Qitif." 

A B C D E  F G H I  J K  L M N O P Q R S T  U V W X Y Z 

I  D F G O H J  K U L M N P  Q A R S T V W E X  Z A Y B


They celebrate the same holidays as the rest of Kyngdom, albiet very privately, and the nocturnal ones tend to celebrate them at night. The only holiday that they celebrate that is different is the Scales Ceremony, near the beginning of January and as a result, coming up soon. All the Reptithilans gather in one place once a year, the location spread by word of mouth several months prior, and they initiate any Reptithilans that were born over the past year. The initiation is that they pull off three scales at the top of the younglings' back. The scales grow back fairly quickly, and the younglings never seem to feel much pain, so it's purely ceremonious. There is also no punishment, or even acknowledgement of the fact, if a youngling misses the Scales Ceremony. 


Let me know if anything is unclear about the Reptithilans, or doesn't match up. Also, feel free to suggest additions to this.  

submitted by Nyx
(November 22, 2020 - 5:04 pm)

So cool! I love reptiles, so this species is one of my favorites...Also *flourishes* welcome to the club of people who share a name with their charries! :D

submitted by Hazel C.
(November 22, 2020 - 6:46 pm)


submitted by Nyx
(November 23, 2020 - 6:52 am)
Sanukans, for the most part, do not worship the Powers. Rather, they worship their ancestors, and they believe Hvumkuul to be a deity of some kind. They also worship their own set of gods, who are many in number. These are their ‘main’ gods:
Guvnosken: The god of war, courage, strength, and adventure. He is typically portrayed as holding a battleaxe, wearing steel armor, with long braided hair and a beard.
Hvuasven: The god of the Hunt, wilderness, and animals. He is typically portrayed as having the head of a stag rather than a human head, wearing traditional Sanukan clothing. Generally depicted as being somewhat crazy and wild, he is also sometimes called the god of madness and insanity.
Svokasken-- The goddess of family, memory, the home and the heart. Sometimes considered the goddess of love. Usually portrayed as wearing an elegant dress with her hair in a complicated bun.
Svenkaja-- The goddess of winter, cold, and storms. Generally considered to also represent wisdom and government power.
Okasvuluvl-- The being of death and the afterlife. They are sometimes portrayed as female, sometimes as male, sometimes as neither. It is said that Okasvulul wears red to collect souls who died in battle, white of old age, black of sickness, and blue for any other cause. 
Hvumskuul-- Hero-goddess of the people, journeys, quests, adventure, and the force of good.
Hvskumsven Duakakaer (First Bloom)-- The first day of spring. This holiday is celebrated by literally breaking the ice. The residents of Sanukaville gather at a frozen pond at the base of the mountain, and shatter the ice on the top. For the rest of the day, nobody works and most families typically have a special dinner. It is common for families to leave offerings of animal’s winter furs to their ancestors. 
Kägen kahv Uojöulsvenkaumsv (Night of Ancestors)-- A night to honor passed away family members and ancestors. During the day, nobody works and families gather together to build ancestral shrines. Offerings are generally left for Okasvuluvl and Svokasken and many families sing special songs. At night, offerings are left for ancestors and families usually leave flowers at burial sites and tombs. Special lanterns that glow purple are lit, and left on for the entire night. 
Hvskumsven Hvumkasven (First Frost)-- The first day of winter. Nobody works for this day and it is generally spent gathering firewood and hunting. Offerings are left to Svenkaja. At night, a special ceremony is held where spring flowers are plucked and burned as an offering to ancestors. Afterwards, a feast is held that all Sanukans are invited to.
All Power’s Day-- Sanukans don’t really worship powers. Rather, they spend the day celebrating the Sanukan arrival in Kyngdom. The night before, pathways and roads are covered in golden petals, and a massive bonfire is held at the bottom of the mountain. The next day, nobody works and families gather to leave offerings to Hvumkuul. Many people also make wooden or stone carvings depicting the Powers, Hvumkuul, and Sanukans. 
Birthdays-- Birthdays are very important to Sanukans. Gifts are given to the person who the birthday is of. Offerings are left to Svokasken and Okasvuluvl. If the Sanukan celebrating has a job, they do not have to work for the day. If a Sanukan is turning sixteen, they are then considered an adult. The next day, they either go on to further education (which, if they are going to the Sanukan college, this is free) or they are required to serve in the military for one year. If they are turning sixty five, they retire the next day.
Funerals-- Sanukan funerals are very unique in the sense they are not treated as an occasion to mourn the lost life. Rather, the family and friends of the deceased gather to share stories and celebrate the life of the person. They are buried in the Sanukan graveyard and offerings are left for them. Offerings are also left to Okasvuluvl. Non-Sanukans are not allowed to have this kind of funeral, even if they live in Sanukaville. 
Hunting-- After a hunt, unusable parts of the animal are left as offerings to Hvuasven.
Battles-- After a battle, offerings are left for Guvnosken. If the battle was won, the next day is spent to honor Guvnosken.
Lesser Gods: 
There are many lesser gods in Sanukan religion, who typically do not appear in many of their holidays or offerings but exist in the religion nonetheless. Typically, lesser gods are said to be the children of the main gods, and usually represent something related to the thing their parent represents. Hvuasven is the only god with no children.
Umkagu-- Represents archery and sharpshooting. Generally presented as not having a gender, child of Guvnosken.
Jökaa-- A goddess of art, specifically drawing, painting, and sketching. One of the Svokaskvr, the children of Svokasken who represent the arts. (They are similar to the Muses of Greek mythology.)
Erulsk-- God of music and song, and voice and hearing. One of the Svokaskr. 
Ukavl-- Goddess of sculptures, pottery, and carving. One of the Svokaskvr. 
Skov-- God of writing, poetry, ink, and stories. One of the Svokaskvr, generally presented as always changing appearance, gender, etc.
Ksvul-- Represents intelligence and strategy, and science and learning. Child of Svenkaja, generally presented as having no gender. Usually also represents schools and education systems.
Gäkasven-- God of ghosts and spirits. Son of Okasvuluvl. Generally described as having no eyes.
Duulskad-- God of the forge, weapons, armor, and construction. Son of Guvnosken. Oddly enough, usually presented as being a very peaceful and kind god.
Kaodu-- Goddess of marriage and promises. Daughter of Svokasken.
Väka-- God of magic and the arcane. Child of Okasvulul, sometimes depicted as female, sometimes as male, sometimes a mix of both, but never said to lack a gender.
Askuu-- Trickster god. Son of Svenkaja.
Vkovr-- God of children, youth, and joy. Son of Svokasken.
Oumsvu-- Goddess of health and healing. Daughter of Svokasken.
Skaadumo-- God of illness and pestilence. Son of Okasvuluvl. 
submitted by Sybill, age ?, Ikea
(December 5, 2020 - 6:57 pm)

woo time to post about the lunae


a moon-faery of sorts. they have typically long silky hair, pale skin, and obsidian eyes. some have wings- mostly invisible. 

they're able to collect starlight, moonlight, and sunlight. 

they live in the skies. very few have the chance to travel down. 

iris luna [my charrie <3] is the only one currently known to be down. they're currently in prison. [you'll see.] 

they're very mysterious, as not many have the chance to know one. 

their language is called "The ĽĭĢħʨ"


submitted by lynxie_
(August 12, 2021 - 11:19 pm)

Alekhin Lineage of Vampires

The Alekhin Lineage began with Boris Alekhin, a half-Sanukan man who was a scientist. Hundreds of years ago, he sought to create a Philosopher’s Stone that could cure any illness and change common metals to gold. However, his experimentation led him to becoming cursed into a bloodthirsty creature of the night: a vampire. 
These vampires, sometimes called Alekhins after their sire, are in no way related to the vampires of SailHaven. Their abilities are different, as such. They are able to go out in sunlight for a limited time, though they burn easily. They need to consume blood to survive, though it’s more specifically “life-force”. Animal blood does not sustain them well. But they can just use blood bags or donated blood instead of hurting people, should they wish. If they do bite people, they are able to heal and disguise the bites they inflict. They also have a non-lethal venom in their fangs: when people are bitten, they become highly disoriented and typically don’t even remember the event. 
They also cannot use telekinesis, mind reading, or shift into a bat like some other vampire lineages can. Becoming a vampire requires the consumption of vampire blood as well as being injected with vampire venom (usually through being bitten).
While the line has spread, many of the Alekhin vampires are from the northeast, which is where Boris Alekhin still lives. As far as vampiric lineages go, it is one of the more recent ones. 
submitted by Sybill, He/him
(April 8, 2023 - 7:40 pm)

A touch of al-Mari family history~

The first known al-Mari was a shepherd who was made a noble by the king at the time. He had done many brave deeds that were later immortalized in ballads and stories, but the most important one was counseling the king during a period when it looked as if Kyngdom might be going to experience civil war. His wisdom and strategy were what saved the day, and in gratitude the king gave him a title. This man's name was Zetar al-Mari. Not much is known of his past, except that his mother was a washerwoman and his father a hunter.

Zetar built himself a modest palace in his homeland, the beautiful, sunny lands that comprise the south of Kyngdom. Soon he had married the beautiful shepherd-girl whom he had loved since he was a boy, and they had many children together and lived to a prosperous old age.

After that the al-Maris were mainly unremarkable; mostly kind, good-hearted people verging on middle-class instead of the dazzling elite most Nobyls belonged to. About the most famous of them, aside from Zetar who became a folk hero, was the poetess Eldina al-Mari. She wrote mainly love poetry, of exceptional beauty and insight, and her verses were collected into the great work Verses of Love, which many Kyngdomers are familiar with and can quote from memory. 

After many generations, Astrakhan al-Mari became an enemy of Lord Helion, one of Catastrophe's generals, for several reasons. He refused to follow the other Nobyls and support Catastrophe; he had excluded Helion, a violent and unscrupulous man, from his parties; and he had refused to let Helion marry his beautiful daughter, Zara. As Catastrophe gained power, so did Helion, and soon he had invaded the old al-Mari palace and taken it for himself. Astrakhan and his children had to flee; they eventually settled in a small cottage, living quietly and hoping to avoid Catastrophe's soldiers.

submitted by Poinsettia
(August 7, 2023 - 8:03 pm)

There is an island, like a jewel rising out of the sea, that can only be reached by sailing for nine nights while the moon is in the sky. Only one sailor has ever seen it. What he saw there has not been revealed in this book; it is said that he wrote his own book about it, and buried it under "two pines that meet the sun." That is all we know. But it is certain that this island holds secrets, secrets that may bless or curse Kyngdom.

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(December 27, 2023 - 12:23 pm)

The Origin of Homo Lupus

Circe, the blessed leader and Wise One, was the current leader of the magicians of Lupine Island, an island off the coast of Kyngdom. These magicians specialized in a variety of things, with each leader bringing in a new specialty and focus throughout their reign. When Circe came to power, she turned her focus onto shapeshifting.

Shapeshifting came easily to quite a handful of the magicians, who once they mastered it, began teaching it to others, gradually spreading it across to everyone. Each week, there seemed to be a new particular creature which the magicians were trying to shapeshift into.

In some cases, one magician would love the shapeshift so much that they would permanently wire the shapeshifting into themselves—that is, making it much easier to transform into a creature and back. The downside was that you could really only hold one creature transformation at a time, unless you were skilled enough, which most magicians were not.

However, this did not stop magicians from finalizing transformations, as it was called. This became a very popular trend among the magicians, filling Lupine Island with a variety of animals, humans, and other creatures. One trend in particular was growing—the transformation of wolves to humans. Thus, when Eclipse Peak, a stratovolcano dormant for thousands of years, erupted, quite a handful of the magicians had a finalized transformation of wolves.

The Eclipse Peak Eruption of XXX was an infamous one, killing many of the magicians of Lupine Island. Those that survived fled to either nearby islands or Kyngdom, though a few of them, including Circe, stayed, remaining to this day…

* * *

Most of those magicians that fled to Kyngdom coincidentally were wolf-transforms. The magicians traveled mostly as a group to a forest in Northern Kyngdom, likely the Great Forest that is currently next to Bog & Burrow Inn. In the forest, the magicians stayed mostly secluded in the early years, steering clear of the troubles plaguing Kyngdom at the time, such as the rescue of Zephyra and the Power of Wing. No one took notice of the magicians, as they also used invisibility powers to conceal themselves whenever a Kyngdomer did come by. 

However, as the years went on, it seemed that the magicians were losing their knowledge on magic from their time on Lupine Island, as leaders within them began to bicker over power. Gradually, the magicians dispersed and lost all their magic power—except for their power of transformation, which was wired into their blood and passed on to their descendants. 

Thus, this was how homo lupus came to be. No longer are they seen as one big group that could once rival Kyngdom itself…now they are mainly loners, with a few stray packs once in a while, blending into Kyngdom society. The Great Forest still is the best place to find these homo lupus, though you would be lucky to encounter one at all. These days, almost no Kyngdomer knows of their existence…

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Kyngdom
(March 18, 2024 - 7:45 pm)

Ohh.... thank you for this!! So cool to read about, and also such a great insight into Celestia!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age So cool 2, Evryne who pstd here
(March 19, 2024 - 12:14 am)