I gotta rant.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I gotta rant.

I gotta rant.

So, I got $50 from some relatives yesterday, right? My original plan was to spend it immediately after Christmas, but I changed my mind and decided to save it so I could go to VidCon when I'm 18.

Well, I told my mom this, and she said "sounds good!" but then a few minutes later, when I was tellin' her that if a couple of my friends didn't want to go, I'll just go myself. You know what she said? She said, "well, your dad and I have the final say". I was all like "but I'll be 18 then" and she said "but we're still your parents."

What on earth, man?!! I'm gonna be 18 by then, I'm gonna be a LEGAL ADULT. Do legal adults need their parents constantly SUPERVISIN' them 24/7?! No.

Thankfully, one of my friends said she'd love to go and that she could probably drive us there, depends on where it is. I'll finish this on Thursday.

submitted by Thunder, age 16, Lightnin' City
(December 24, 2024 - 1:14 pm)

Vidcon sounds epic! I'm gonna look in to that actually (but I'm 14 so I won't be able to for a long time). When I got a phone my parents were like, "This is our phone, but we're going to let you use it, and if you do anything bad with it we can take it back." In my experience, parents don't want to feel left out and like you suddenly don't need them. When you're a legal adult, you can technically go if you want (not sure if you will have moved out or anything though when this happens and that could have some effect). Your mom might look at you as a 16-year-old, and not be ready for you to do something like this by yourself, but when you're 18, and have proven you're mature enough, they will likely reconsider. If you want an urgent answer, I would suggest explaining how you feel about this. She might have said this without thinking about it much, and if she thought about it more than she could reconsider. Hope this helps!

submitted by Piano Man, age 14, nowhere
(December 25, 2024 - 1:08 pm)
submitted by top
(December 26, 2024 - 11:45 am)

Ok, I'm back! Sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I kept procrastinatin' LOL.

So, I haven't mentioned it to my dad yet, but maybe sometime this week I will. I asked my cousin if she would like to go, and she said she would. Then on Saturday, I asked another friend, who I was havin' a sleepover with, if she would like to go as well, and she said she might, it really depends on what she's doing then.

R (I was havin' a sleepover with G and R that day) said that she would help pay for some of the things for the trip, such as food, gas for the car, etc. However, there's a problem. My tiny little brain thought that it would be cheaper to go as a creator, right, 'cause that's what I am. Well, I looked online, and it's actually MORE EXPENSIVE to go as a creator than as a non-creator. So I guess I better start saving my money.

When do y'all think I should bring this up to my parents again? Also, @Piano Man, thank you for your advice! I'm not gonna be out of my parents house by then (I'll still have one year of high school left then), but maybe they'll let me go when they see I'm an adult.

submitted by Thunder, age 16, Lightnin' City
(December 31, 2024 - 12:13 pm)

Maybe your parents are just concerned for you. It might not really be a matter of age; you never know what kind of weird person is going to be hanging around in those conference places, so anybody (regardless of age or gender) would probably be safer going with a group instead of alone. You're right that once you're eighteen you aren't obligated to do what your parents say, which is where your mom is mistaken; but it still might be a better idea to keep listening to them of your own accord, just to be on the safe side. I for one would feel much safer getting my parents' help and input on things. If your friends can't go with you, it might be better to wait until the next conference. If they can, though, maybe you should bring it up to your parents as soon as possible so that they have time to think about it. 

Moving on to the rest of your post, it's crazy that it's more expensive to go as a creator!! Somebody's probably getting really rich off of the whole event, which is so annoying because things like this shouldn't be money-oriented! They should be about the joy of creating! And taking into account the awful effect on climate change - tons of people transporting themselves to the conference on planes and cars, just to talk about the digital economy (which is ALSO very bad for climate change) - it seems even worse.

That's kind of a rant, sorry... but climate change is so unjust. There are places where people have been dying of thirst and heat; my best friend lives in a place where wildfires surround her town and she could lose her entire home; even in less drastic situations, it's still unfair. And people never do anything to help the situation! It's crazy!

This is giving me an idea *dramatic pause*

Okay. Idk if this would work, it might be way too much of a challenge. But what if you created your own conference? It could be hosted online, free to everyone, and geared toward young people who want to make new, innovative digital content. There's a real need for new voices and ideas in the digital world, and a new conference would be a stupendous way for people to converge and take digital content to new heights. It could accomplish three things at once: become a leading event among young digital content creators, especially those who don't have the resources to attend a big event but are just as smart and talented; help solve the issue of climate change, even if it's on a small scale; and prove to your parents that you're mature and creative enough to carry out a big project. Especially if you tell them you're doing it to help reduce climate change and improve digital content, they might be really impressed, because you'd be using your passion in a way that benefits society. You'd also be able to forgo that other conference and all the logistics of trying to get there, because you'd have your own, better, alternative. You could get the help of your friends and try to spread the word so that people will hear about it. It would probably start out really small, but over time it might grow.

Idk if you'd want to do it though; it would probably be a big challenge. But it sounds really exciting (to me, at least!)

submitted by Poinsettia, kingdoms by the sea
(January 2, 2025 - 5:46 pm)
submitted by Poinsettia, top
(January 2, 2025 - 6:03 pm)