New Poetry Contest: Friends - Jaslene K. - 04/10/24

Contest: Winners

New Poetry Contest: Friends

Submitted by: Jaslene K., age 14, Lisle, IL


We are rivers
When we first met, we merged together
We hollowed the ground to make way for a journey
We flowed past mountains, caverns, valleys
When rocks blocked our path, we squeezed through the crevices and cracks
We broke through stone
From our friendship, saplings burst forth from the ground
Within our connection, life blossomed

When we clashed, our currents frothed and boiled
In storms, we were scarred and shaken by debris
But no matter how murky or cloudy the water
We shimmered like jewels shining the light on sunny days

Soon, we will both make it to the sea
Our waters will be separated and scattered
But thanks for all the good times
Thanks for being there, pushing me forward with steady tides
For showing me beauty and darkness and everything in between
Thanks for being my river
For sticking by no matter where the currents took us
No matter where I go, memories of our happy times will sparkle and dance
Like droplets twinkling in the sun

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