New Story Contest: Pet - Rami S. - 08/01/23

Contest: Winners

New Story Contest: Pet

Submitted by: Rami S., age 9, Avon, OH

A Bunny’s Journey Home

One year ago, my friends and I were frolicking around my backyard. Randel spotted a peculiar object lying in my soccer goal. We bolted to the goal and noticed that a furry animal leg was stuck in the net of my goal. As we approached it, we realized it was a baby bunny.

I told my friend, Ralph, to inform my dad about the bunny and to come quickly.

My dad came rushing out as we thought of ways to untangle the terrified bunny. My dad suggested we cut the net around the leg. After carefully removing the bunny from the net, my dad drove the bunny to a vet.

My friends and I scouted the internet for necessary information about baby bunnies, determined to know exactly how to take care of one. We wrote down all the facts to raise the healthiest bunny possible.

Thirty minutes later, my dad arrived with the bunny, and I made sure to show my dad all the facts we found. Impressed, my dad allowed my friends to keep the bunny until we found him. a reasonable home. We named the furry creature Randel Jr., since Randel found him.

My friends and I roamed my garage, gathering materials for the bunny’s cage. After taping together a few boxes, we took scraps of paper for his bedding. Then,voila! For now, Randel Jr. had a home and a family to care for him.

The next day my dad came home with a permanent cage, bunny food, bunny toys, and wood for him to grind his teeth on. I begged my dad to consider buying the bunny a movable fence so that Randel Jr. could play outside, and to my surprise he did.

Today, one year after the day we found Randel Jr. we decided to let him go. We watched as he skittered deeper into the woods. We were all so sorrowful, but Randel Jr. deserved to be with his own kind. Turning back to go inside, I saw my mom and dad hiding a new pet bunny, and my heart was once again full.

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