Story Contest: Scary Stories - Alexander M. - 01/18/13

Contest: Winners

Story Contest: Scary Stories

Submitted by: Alexander M., age 11, Las Vegas, NV

Evil Ghost
Based on a true story

It was a dark and stormy night. Rain was pouring, and there was thunder and lightning. I was hearing strange sounds all over the house. There were heavy thumping noises: THUMP! BUMP! BANG! and high-pitched screeching sounds: RAAAAAA! EEEERRR!

At first, I thought the sounds were just the rain and cars. However, I realized that they did not happen enough to be rain, and they happened too much to be cars. I decided to go have a look around the house. I checked everywhere: under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom. I did not find anything but I kept hearing the frightening noises. I looked out of the window to see if the sound was coming from outside, but again I found nothing. There were still the loud thumping and screeching noises.

I only had one room left tot search, the laundry room. As I approached the room, the noises got louder: THUMP! BUMP! BANG! EEEERRR! I realized that the terrifying sounds were coming from the dryer. I carefully opened it and . . . RAAAAAA!!!!! A terrified cat came springing out, roaring loudly. I jumped out of the way; then I realize that it was my cat, who I had not seen all evening!

I was shocked to find my cat in the dryer. The noises must have been my cat rolling in the machine, which was making the thumping noise, and my cat meowing, which was making the screeching sound.

So, next time you hear thumping and screeching noises in the night, remember to look for your missing cat!

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