
Story Contest: Fantasy

After reading “The Mermaid Stones,” Ladybug longed to hear the stories Miranda might have told her children about the Under Wave. What would it be like to live in a world under the sea? What kinds of amazing creatures would you find there? But Pudding was fascinated by how Sky came to life in “The Snowman’s Path.” For this month’s contest, she wanted to hear stories from Cricket readers about other things that might come magically to life or take on human qualities--like a toy, or a Christmas ornament, or an animal. Who would discover the magic? Would it be a secret? What would the magical thing like most to do? What problems might it face?

Ladybug and Pudding asked Cricket to decide on the new story contest, but he was afraid to disappoint either of them. So he declared: Let the human beans do both!

For this month’s contest, then, send us your best fantasy story of 350 words or less--just one, please--either telling a watery tale about the Under Wave or the adventure of something that comes magically to life. Ladybug and Pudding will be waiting dreamily by the Cricket Country mailbox, imagining how much they’ll enjoy your beyond-belief great fantasy stories.

    1. Your contest entry must be your very own original work. Ideas and words should not be copied.
    2. If you're 14 years old or younger, your entry must be signed by your parent or guardian, saying it is your own original work, that no help was given, and granting Cricket permission to publish prizewinning entries in the April 2011 issue or on our Web site. If you're older than 14, you must sign your own work, verifying that it is original.
    3. Be sure to include your name, age, and full address on your entry.
    4. Only one entry per person, please.
    5. If you want your work returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for each entry.
    6. Incomplete entries cannot be considered. Your entry will be incomplete if you forget to include your age or a signature verifying that your work is original.
    7. Your entry must be received by January 25, 2011.
    8. Send entries to:
      Cricket League
      P.O. Box 300
      Peru, IL 61354