Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Group AAM



Moon Wolf 

HI! I'm AmberFox!! 

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 4, 2024 - 10:59 am)

Hi! :D I'm not sure if Moon Wolf knows about the group change

submitted by Amity , age unknown , somewhere
(June 4, 2024 - 7:51 pm)
submitted by Top
(June 4, 2024 - 8:23 pm)

OK, here is the form.






Relationship status (If none, post n/a):

Some favorite books:


 Just copy and paste it, then fill it out!

Also, Amity, have you read divergant? In it, there are five fractions of a city, and one is Amity, and its based on happyness. 

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 5, 2024 - 5:27 pm)

THe group name should be something cool, like smokelight, or something.

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 5, 2024 - 5:46 pm)

Animal: Dogs or horses.

Pronouns: She/her.

Color: Blue.

Personality: Kind, sometimes shy, sarcastic, hardworking, a little lazy sometimes, a little more introverted than extroverted, focused.

Siblings: An older brother.

Relationship status (If none, post n/a): n/a

Some favorite books: KotLC and PJO.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, horseback-riding.                                  

No, I haven't read Divergent :) And I like smokelight as a name. What are your answers to the things on the form?




submitted by Amity, age unknown, somewhere
(June 5, 2024 - 6:54 pm)

Animal: Fox/tiger


Color:Orange, jade

Personality: Leader, creative, kind, smart, hardworking.

Siblings: 4, (5 if you count a dog.)

Relationship status (If none, post n/a): n/a

Some favorite books: kotlc,, pjo, really all rick riordan, the hunger games.

Hobbies: soccer, writing, reading, paino, singing, art.

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 5, 2024 - 7:58 pm)

Animal: wolf

Pronouns: she/her

Color: lavender purple

Personality: creative, thoughtful, quiet until talken to, impulsive sometimes

Siblings: one older sister

Relationship status (If none, post n/a): n/a

Some favorite books: warriors, wings of fire, kotlc, spark, lunar chronicles

Hobbies: reading and writing

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(June 5, 2024 - 9:08 pm)

Yeah team smokelight! So were all girls, have no relationships, and love KotLC! I'm going on a backpacking trip for a couple of days, so it might not be intil monday until you hear from me! Team somklight 4ever!

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 6, 2024 - 7:06 am)

AmberFox, the trip sounds cool :) Tell us about it when you get back. Who are everyone's favorite KotLC characters and favorite books in the series?

submitted by Amity, age unknown, somewhere
(June 6, 2024 - 5:48 pm)

My trip was fun, there was a creek, and I liked relaxing in a hammock. Although when we went up, we were hiking 1.5 miles, completely uphill, when it was very muddy and humid, and then it started to rain. It was fun besides the hike, though. Okay, my favorite KotLC character is Lihn or Marella. I'm not sophiz or Sokeephe, I think sophie should be single for a while, I mean, she's only 13. Or was it 14? Anyways, the best book was definitly Neverseen, and I also liked Legacy, except for the mushy stuff. The next book is going to be called Unraveled, and i'm excited because the last book ended in a HUGE cliffhanger. The next book is also going to be from Keefe's POV. I like Keefe, but he's kind of, you know, taking over the series, if you get what I mean. Also, StellarLune was boring mostly, but I think it had a really good ending. Well, AmberFox signing out. 

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 9, 2024 - 3:31 pm)

That sounds really fun! My favorite kotlc character is also Linh, and maybe Ro? I agree, she should stay single for a while until she's older, but I'm ultimately Sokeefe. My favorite book is Exile probably. I looove the cover art! Which book has your favorite cover? Unraveled yesss! (A bad thing about kotlc is all its cliffhangers) Is there any kotlc snack you really want to try? And any ability you want the most?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(June 10, 2024 - 2:46 am)

Ohh... I would looove to try mallowmelt or flavored air. The abilities I would want would be Froster, Guster, Hydrokinetic, or Shade. The KotLC pet I want would be an alicorn. I don't really know a lot of animals from KotLC that would make good pets, I mean, Iggy is so cute, but he smells horrible and would most likly trash my house. I have a 2 hour triathlon traning monday-thursday, and today was the first day. I've done 2 triathlons before, and today because it was the first day, we just ran a mile and swam a couple hundreds in backstroke and freestyle, so it wasn't so bad. After that, we went to CArowinds, a super fun rollar coster by my house, (I've ridden all the rides) to pick my brother up. And righht now, I'm sitting at my commputer, doing some school work. Do you want to play two truths and a lie? Here's mine!

I have never had a twinkie


I am allergic to cats


I love green apples, but not red ones. 


well, this is a lot, so I should stop now,  so.....until

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, the fox den
(June 10, 2024 - 2:04 pm)

Literally all KotLC foods sound so good, especially the desserts. For a KotLC pet, I would probably want a murcat. Is the second one the lie? Sorry this isn't a lot. I have to go.

submitted by Amity, age unknown, somewhere
(June 10, 2024 - 8:08 pm)

Yeah... you're right Amity, the second one is a lie. Right now, my sister burnt the eggs she was making, and the fire alarm went off. Today in triathalon trianing, we ran a mile, and biked two miles.

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, the fox den
(June 11, 2024 - 11:23 am)

Is it summer for either of you yet? If not, how many days are left? Here's my two truths and a lie:

1. I snowboard every winter.

2. I play the flute.

3. My favorite subjects are ELA and science.

submitted by Amity, age unknown, somewhere
(June 11, 2024 - 4:01 pm)