June MCU Questions

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

June MCU Questions

June MCU Questions 2024

Hello all, it's almost the next month (yay, summer!), which means we're concocting a new MCU and need you to answer some questions (slightly last minute, but we'd appreciate it if you could real quickly type something up?)

LMWAY: If you were a dragon, what would your name be?

Important Dates: birthdays, CBversaries,  misc. dates, and etc.

Advice column: We're making a collaborative summer bucket list!! What should we add?

LotM: where are you going to be this month? Add a June-themed location (note: it must fit in the location box, meaning it unfortunately cannot be something like supercali--you get the idea)

Jokes: Send June themed jokes to our mailbox (aka. This Thread) 

submitted by Lyric, age :D, Jellyfish
(May 25, 2024 - 8:01 pm)

LMWAY: hmm maybe something Moon Wolf related. Moonlight, Star Moon, or Moonbow?

Important dates: 

6/5: world environment day 

6/8: world oceans day 

6/11: making life beautiful day 

6/15: nature photography day

6/16: father's day 

6/19: juneteenth 

6/20: summer solstice 

6/21: world day of music 

Advice column: go see the Perseids! (During august) Trust me, they are amazing to look at! Or just stargaze since this is June

LotM: Lost in the Taiwan metro

Joke: I feel bad for the fish. They don't get out of schools even during the summer.

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(May 26, 2024 - 12:08 am)

Yayy, MCUs forever! Thanks for posting the questions, Lyric :D

LMWAY: Probably something like Firespell :)

Advice Column: Go to parks, read romcoms, explore new music, stargaze as Moon Wolf says

LotM: Supercalifragalistic-- no, I'll go with "azure, sun-tinted waves" (the quotation marks aren't part of the actual location)

submitted by Amethyst, spring enchantments
(May 26, 2024 - 11:54 am)

LMWAY: ooh. Umm. This is hard (even though I wrote the question lol why did I say that I can't even answer it :P). Um. Should I go with something ~magical~ or something ferocious or something graceful/beautiful or something hilarious! or something solemn... oh! How about Sunbeam? Sunbeam burning Bright. The "burning" isn't capitalized for mysterious dragon name structure purposes :D :p yes! I am the ferocious dragon, Sunbeam burning Bright!! Come to fear my wrath, and eat ice cream!!!

Important Dates: well, as Moon Wolf said, third Sunday in June is Father's Day!! nO I totally forgot about that we did Mother's Day questions but not Father's Day questions!! NOOOO. :/ dads I think are sorta underappreciated when put with moms. I mean, in school we do something for Mother's Day, but by the time it's Father's Day, we're out of school!! And a lot of media portrays moms as loving and kind and amazing parents, mother and child, y'know?, but fathers aren't really portrayed as much (I may be wrong, I'm not exposed to a ton of media, so :p). Hm but is there any way to put this rant in the MCU and say do something really special for your dad (if you have one :) ) this Father's Day?

also, June 1 is National Pen Pals Day, June 6 is National Drive-In Movie Day, June 8 is National Best Friends Day, and the day of the summer solstice is I think (please check my facts) June 20, the longest day of the year and Anne and Samantha Day!

gtg but more later! :) 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age RARW!, The FireMist Sea
(May 26, 2024 - 2:11 pm)

since it's last minute would you be interested in some sea animal facts maybe? i could do that if it would be useful. or i could do a specific animal (sea jellies, sharks) or even a specific species (like a specific sea jelly or a specific shark). idk it might be a nice filler, and you could take out as much as you want. it could be a non-sea animal but i'd probably do better with a sea animal.

as for a joke...  oh gosh i can't think of one. i'll think about some names for dragons though!!

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(May 26, 2024 - 3:44 pm)

LMWAY: Maybe Katra? Idk, it just feels dragon-y and sounds cool so :)

Important Dates: I see @Moon Wolf already posted quite a few but here's a some that are (hopefully) not repeats~

June 7: National Donut Day

June 8: National Best Friend Day

June 18: International Picnic day 

Advice Column:

-Make flower arrangements

-Read a book from a genre you usually don't read

-Make a bike obstacle course with chalk

LotM: Reading in a sunny corner

Jokes: Q-what do you call a snowman in June? 

A-a puddle 

submitted by WildWolf, Reading in a sunny corner
(May 26, 2024 - 6:22 pm)

thanks for doing the mcu again, you guys :D

lmway: hmmmm probably something that sounds super cool and atmospheric and magestic...how about Barbara

important dates: well, june is pride month :D 

lotm: searching for sea glass

i'll be back with the advice column later (if i remember ahaha)!

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, searching for sea glass
(May 26, 2024 - 6:35 pm)

"searching for sea glass" is such a beautiful location, I love it <33 It seems to encapsulate early summer sO wElL.

submitted by Amethyst@pangolin
(May 28, 2024 - 6:09 pm)

LMWAY- maybe Nuvoletta? It means little cloud in Italian. Seems like that would fit a dragon.

Advice Column- go hike around a lake

LotM- swimming in lake lugano 

submitted by Sempreverde , swimming in lake lugano
(May 27, 2024 - 12:19 am)

LMWAY: *thinking noises* maybe... uh... I don't know? maybe must Darkvine? Duskfeather sounds kinda nice, but I'd be a scaly dragon and not a feathery one. 

Important Dates: June is Pride Month! plus my birthday is July 1st, which is kind of June? close enough? idk

Advice: go find a forest that's really far away from people, sit in the middle of it, and just stare at the way the sunlight streams through the leaves as the branches sway slightly in the wind. and then look for frogs.

LotM: Searching for Frogs!

Jokes: I BEE-lieve it's time for me to BLOSSOM with bee jokes... I've got a whole HIVE of these >:D I'm just WINGING it for now, but if you don't like bee jokes, you'd better BUZZ off before you get SWARMED

idk lol 

submitted by Darkvine, searching for frogs
(May 27, 2024 - 7:47 am)

LMWAY: Rainbow, because my WoF oc is named Rainbow (that's why my CB name, as well as many other character versions of me/pen name is Rainbow)

Dates: June 28th is the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which was celebrated the year after as the first pride parade! :D

Advice Column:
- Roll down a grassy hill (safely)
- Contact an old friend
- Try a bold new look (it can only be for a day) (ex: clothing, hairstyle, makeup, etc)
- Make a flower crown / other flower crafts!

LotM:  Painting the Rainbow (it relates to pride month?)

submitted by Rainbow, Painting the rainbow
(May 27, 2024 - 1:43 pm)

LMWAY: oh definitely something super mysterious and powerful and all-knowing... yk, like Bruce

Important Dates: well you probably already have this but June is Pride Month!!

LotM: idk firefly pyrotechnics

submitted by Hex, firefly pyrotechnics
(May 27, 2024 - 1:55 pm)

i'm back!

also not me spelling "majestic" wrong ToT i'm TIREd okay?

anyway, here's the advice column: paint rocks, make friendship bracelets, make a playlist for someone, visit a museum, look for frogs/newts/salamanders/etc 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, searching for sea glass
(May 27, 2024 - 5:30 pm)

LMWAY: I'd have to go with Eleanor Rigby, because who doesn't love the Beatles, or Sylverwing

Advice column: Go on a hike! Draw how the sun reflects off something!

LotM: swimming with the newts!

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 27, 2024 - 7:55 pm)

LMWAY: Probably Diamondscale. Yeah... I like that.

Important Dates: June 12th is my 16th b-day! Whoo-hoo!! Also June 20th is Moon Jelly's b-day (she's my cousin).

Advice Column: Go to the beach. I hope to do that this summer with my friend and someone... special (what does that mean??? Stay tuned!).

LotM: Jumpin' on a Trampoline (I have a trampoline in my backyard and yes, I DID get the location from a song LOL)

Jokes: What do you call a snowman in June? A puddle!

submitted by Thunder, age 15almost16, Jumpin' on a Trampoline
(May 28, 2024 - 10:15 am)

Advice column: like lots of people have already said, go on a hike! Just remember to bring lots of water!! :D (says the girl whose hydration consists of like one glass of juice on school days lol um)

also, go swimming!! In a swimming pool, in a lake, in the ocean... just make sure it's safe! :)


If you have a pet, make sure to play with them and give them treats and cherish the moments you have with them <3

bake! And if you've never baked before, now is a good time to start!


make things out of reused materials!

garden! Sew! Knit!  

try your hand at something new!

wake up extra early to watch the sunrise!!


LotM: poolside mischief :D or what about hills of green? Eh I'll come back later :)

Joke Column: what do cats like to do in the month of June? They Jun-i-purrr!! No? :)

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, hills of green
(May 28, 2024 - 10:34 am)