March MCU Prep
Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue
March MCU Prep
March MCU Prep Thread
Hey guys! It's our turn to do the MCU again... first thing we should probably figure out is a.) who's participating b) everyone's job and c) who the host is.
submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(February 2, 2022 - 9:02 am)
(February 2, 2022 - 9:02 am)
Um, pangolin? How's the important dates coming along? Do you need help? I can do LMAWY and all that jazz if you like.
(February 18, 2022 - 6:34 am)
Oh my gosh I am so so sorry-- I meant to get the dates out sooner, but school and life and everything.... If you could do the LMWAY, that'd be amazing. Also, I think I'll be taking a hiatus from the CB for a little bit, because of some really stressful things that are going on. Argg, this turned into me ranting :/ Here it is:
Featuring: -Kaede-, Barnacle, <Corrigenda>, ~True~, <Lore>, and :Virid, the CAPTCHA:
March 1 - World Compliment Day -I'd like to compliment everyone who reads and participates in the monthly MCUs! Thank you so much, we couldn't do this without you!-
March 2 - Old Stuff Day
March 3 - Peach Blossom Day
March 4 - National Grammar Day <See? I told you all that grammar is very important.>
March 5 - National Dress Day
March 6 - Namesake Day
March 7 - Plant Power Day :Yaayy! Plant power!!:
March 8 - International Women's Day
March 9 - Get Over It Day
March 10 - Landline Telephone Day
March 11 - Johnny Appleseed Day
March 12 - Genealogy Day
March 13 - Earmuff Day
March 14 - Pi Day <Don't forget to eat exactly 3.14 slices of pie!> ew math
March 15 - Ides of March
March 16 - Panda Day
March 17 - St. Paddy's Day
March 18 - Awkward Moments Day ~Oh no--~
March 19 - National Quilting Day
March 20 - International Day of Happiness -Aw, that's nice. We need wholesome holidays like this-
March 21 - World Poetry Day
March 22 - World Water Day
March 23 - National Puppy Day
March 24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
March 25 - Pecan Day
March 26 - National Make Up Your Own Holiday Day I can make up ANY HOLIDAY? How about...Prank Day? Yeah, I think that's already been done. April Fool's, remember?
March 27 - National Scribble Day
March 28 - National Black Forest Cake Day
March 29 - National Vietnam War Veterans Day
March 30 - National I Am in Control Day -*starts singing Hamilton* I am the one thing in life I can cOnTrOl---
March 31 - National Crayon Day <*grabs fistful of crayons* *starts drawing furiously over every available surface*
(February 18, 2022 - 6:22 pm)
Thank you so much! I will cover the LMWAY and other MCU questions, no worries. And I'm sorry you're so stressed! I'll miss you while you're on hiatus, but take all the time you need.
(February 19, 2022 - 7:10 am)
Hey guys, we have less than a week left, just posting as a reminder:D
(February 22, 2022 - 8:28 am)
Wait, are you hosting, or am I hosting? I asked to host but nobody confirmed, now that I think about it. If you're hosting, do you want the riddle? I can get it out very soon.
(February 22, 2022 - 4:15 pm)
pangolin said she could host but if nobody else wanted to, so I left the request for them to answer... I think that you're good to host if you still want!
(February 23, 2022 - 8:53 am)
Need any help? :3
I'd be happy to lend a hand! Although I have no idea what's going on, to be perfectly honest...
(February 24, 2022 - 1:14 am)
Sure, add whatever you like! I do need it in by the end of the month though so I can get the MCU out on March 1.
(February 24, 2022 - 7:49 pm)
Here are the quotes!
"You could call me a creature outside of time and space. But that would be a lie. I'm fourteen." --Darkling
"Would it be demanding too much to demand full citizenship rights in exchange for the sacrificing of my life?" --James G. Thompson
"There's an easy method for finding someone when you hear them scream. First get a clean sheet of paper and a sharp pencil. Then sketch out nine rows of fourteen squares each. Then throw the piece of paper away and find whoever is screaming so you can help them. It is no time to fiddle with paper." --Lemony Snicket
(February 27, 2022 - 6:54 pm)
(March 1, 2022 - 3:24 pm)
MCU's been submitted! Sorry I couldn't include the thread you wanted us to check out, it glitched on my iPad in a way that made it hard to copy and paste. Sorry!
(March 1, 2022 - 8:23 pm)
Okay, phew! I was just worried. It's probably better not to include the debates anyway, since this one wasn't very active/exciting.
(March 2, 2022 - 8:58 am)
No, I included the debate, I meant the other thing
(March 2, 2022 - 3:54 pm)