My first AEs!!!
Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue
My first AEs!!!
My first AEs!!!
I'm Lily... I-I like the the the flowers! A-and a-and the sun. And n-nature a-a-and anima-animals.
I'm Sun- SUN- SUNNY!!!!! I Love jokes!! And also! I lOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love everything. Wanna hear a knock-knock joke??? Ok, here's one: So how do ya do the knockknock joke stuff again? OH YEAH!!!!! NOW I KNOW!!!
Knock knock!
Who's there?
I am
I am who?
YA DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YA OWN NAME IS????????????? GET IT!!!!!! HAHAHA! Oh, I think Lily needs to say something!
I have - a knock knock joke?
Knock -kn-knock
Who's there?
Um, it's me
Me who?
I for-forgot!
Yeah, Lily's my little sister. HEEHEEHEE!
I'm not your liitle sister! We're twins!
Well, you were born 5 seconds after me, so that still counts.
Well, bye-buh-bye. Nice s- seeing you.
Ok, bye.
(March 7, 2019 - 4:23 pm)
OH HI SUN SUN SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BELAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!1I LIKE GRAPHITE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I have a feeling those two are going to get along well together.
(March 8, 2019 - 8:29 am)
top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh please please please please pleas toip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(March 8, 2019 - 12:31 pm)