Hi buggies! I

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Hi buggies! I

Hi buggies! I just wanna say, I don't know what I would do without Cricket Magazine, I've been reading Cricket since I was very young. I read because our family is close friends with Fred Durbin.

We love the Star Shard, my mom even got a copy of the original book! I just must say, Cricket changed my life. Writing is my life, and without Cricket I don't think I would be a writer. So I just wanna say...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by Winter Firefly
(February 3, 2015 - 10:10 am)

Dear Winter Firefly,


Thank you for your nice message. Our readers comments are important to us, and longtime readers like you and your family hold a special place in our hearts. We all loved The Star Shard, too, and now we're loving the Chatterbox Crowd-Sorcery story "The Girl Who Writes the Future," also by Fred Durbin, with input from Cricket Chatterboxers. We hope you are, too.



Olc Cricket

submitted by Old Cricket, age ??, Winter Wonderland
(February 3, 2015 - 3:03 pm)

Dear Old Cricket (And the other Buggies too!!),

Thank you for responding to my letter so quickly! I'm glad the Buggies there liked reading it. I am reading and enjoying "The Girl Who Writes the Future" and just got Part Three in the mail today! I also LOVE The Chatterbox and all the Chatterboxers.

I've been following along with Cricket since I was three because my family read Star Shard together every month when it came in the mail and I have been hooked ever since. I'm so happy Fred Durbin is doing another series in the magazine and that the readers got to help with it. Thanks for making this a fun place to hang out. 

Thank you for taking your time to read our comments.

~Winter Firefly


P.S. Admins, could you please fix my typo? (vary=very) Thanks! 




submitted by Winter Firefly, age 10
(February 3, 2015 - 6:48 pm)

Hi, Winter Firefly! Thank you for these wonderful messages! It's great to hear from you and so good to know that you're enjoying the Crowd-Sorcery story, which was made possible by the creative contributions of so many young writers in far-flung places! (And isn't it fantastic to have Emily Fiegenschuh illustrating a Cricket story again?) :-)


submitted by Fred D., Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
(February 3, 2015 - 9:27 pm)

Hi Fred!

Thanks for writing me. It is to super duper awesome to have Emily Fiegenschuh illustrating a Cricket story again. Especially one with you! It's great to have you guys working together again. I love her art! I wish she could have done the illustration on your book too. She captures your world like no one else.

When I was little my brother and I wrote to you both on Author Corner and I sent her a drawing I did of the Rake cats, Miwa and Tom. Emily and I had a few letters back and forth and at the time and I was quite obsessed with her guinea pigs (especially Cedric and Milo) and the Pigloos.

Can fans of The Girl Who Writes the Future still participate and contribute input or is it closed completely? If not, I would like to draw a picture for you guys. When I found it online I had just missed deadline to reply. I hope Cricket does a story like this (with you two) again someday. I'll be on lookout from now on.

One of the coolest changes is your location. Back when I wrote to you before it said Japan and now it says Pennsylvania. We are neighbors!

Thanks for your time,

~Winter Firefly


WF, please consider drawing a picture for the February 2015 Cricket League fantasy art contest. We'd love to see your work! The complete description and rules are in the February Cricket magazine and here:




Old Cricket

submitted by Winter Firefly, age 10, Pennsylvania <3 (:
(February 4, 2015 - 10:32 am)

Hi, Winter Firefly! I heartily second what Old Cricket said--please consider sending in a picture to the Cricket League fantasy art contest! I would really like to see that! I remember your drawing of the Rake cats--I think you showed it to me, too! I also remember your brother's drawings, and your character costumes!

Yes, I live back in the States now. I loved my time in Japan, but I also love living in the beautiful, mysterious, fascinating state of Pennsylvania!

I hear that you are quite a writer--that is fantastic! Please keep it up. I'll be watching for stories and books from you in the near future! :-)



submitted by Fred D., Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
(February 4, 2015 - 9:28 pm)

Thank you Admin!


You're welcome!

submitted by Winter Firefly, age 10, Pennsylvania
(February 10, 2015 - 12:36 pm)

Hi Fred!

I'm working on a drawing for the Fantasy Art Contest and
I hope I can finish it in time to enter. I'm glad you remember the
cats. I thought I sent them to Emily, but I found that drawing on your
blog too. I had help sending it in because I don't remember it very
much. I do remember dressing up like the Sidhe characters in your story
and sending it in to Cricket. It was fun! Our photo of The Star Shard Fan Club was in The Letterbox of one of the issues. It was a long time ago.

I'll keep writing and reading great stories! Looking forward to part four.

Your faithful reader,

~Winter Firefly

P.S. Sorry it took me sooooo long to respond!

submitted by Winter Firefly, age 10, Pennsylvania xD
(February 10, 2015 - 12:35 pm)

Hi, Winter Firefly!

It's great to hear that you're working on a drawing!

You may have sent your original cats drawing to Emily. I think what I saw was a digital version--maybe on Cricket's web site. I seem to remember that Cricket had a page on-line for art related to "The Star Shard." And yes, I certainly remember when Cricket published the photo of "The Die-Hard Star-Shard Fan Club"! I hope you'll like Part 4. You're exactly halfway through the parts now!



submitted by Fred D., Pennsylvania
(February 10, 2015 - 3:15 pm)