Listen, can no
Chatterbox: Pudding's Place
Listen, can no
Listen, can no more people make dis-threads about Justin Bieber?
I think everyone gets the point!!! No one likes him!!
Can we stop now? It is getting really annoying!!
Admins, is there a possible way for y'all to tell everyone no more Justin Bieber threads?? Especially the threads dissing him??
Please? I mean, they can just go to old JB threads in the back -- instead of making new ones!!??
people might like him, some may not. For those who do like him, it kind
of hurts to see 10 of these threads!!!! I know we are entitled to our
own opinions, but, sometimes it can get out of hand [such as right
When I feel like making a dis-thread towards someone, I always think "Well,
what if So and So came on the CB?? What would they feel like if you
dissed them? I don't think that's a very good feeling to have when you
know people are dissing you this way!!" That is what I say!! So think, what if JB came on the CB RIGHT NOW?? What would he
feel like?? I know from experience that when people say mean stuff like
that, my feelings get hurt and I just want to crawl into a hole and
just C R Y!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY can say they wouldn't!! So please stop!!!
I'm sorry if I sounded mean. I am trying to be considerate and nice.
Thank you!
(January 29, 2011 - 5:36 pm)
First of all, there are only two JB threads, and one was made by EW, who in fact, likes JB. Second of all, they aren't new threads, they WERE the old ones from the back.
I, also, tried to defend him in one of the threads. You are right in a way... it's pretty terrible to make a thread simply for hating. Most of us don't know anything about him. Though he may seem like a jerk (and other things I and others called him) how do we know for sure? BUT, the CB is where you are free to express your opinion. From what I've learned on here, if there is a thread you don't like/agree with, just stay away from it. It won't do you any harm then, and if JB did happen to come on, you wouldn't be one of the haters.
(January 31, 2011 - 7:25 pm)
OK. Whatever. If no one seems to care maybe I should leave.
We would care. We'd miss you very much if you left, Vida! We enjoy your lively comments. But we also think that RD gives very good advice. If you aren't interested in certain threads, then don't read them and spend your time others. We aim to give each person an opportunity to express likes and dislikes while respecting those of others.
(February 1, 2011 - 11:35 am)
Why would you think that? Please don't take everything to heart, Vida, because I do care if you leave. I sai I tried to defend him also. That means I'm ON YOUR SIDE. 'Kay? But I've been on the CB for a very long time and, even though you may try, threads don't just disappear, because other people find them interesting. That's why you just ignore them. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I don't think my comment was mean at all! I said I AGREED with you. Please stay....
(February 1, 2011 - 9:27 pm)
LOL RD, I said I was joking, didn't I????
Well I don't plan on leaving anytime soon!!!!!!!
(February 8, 2011 - 12:01 pm)
No offense Vida, but I don't think you should be making a big stink over dissing Justin Bieber. Chatterbox is here so we can freely discuss our own opinions about the world around us. And if some people on here express their feelings by dissing Justin Bieber, that is fine.
You, yourself, dissed the names for my novel Five Seconds on Qwerlos Street. So out of the whole Chatterbox, you should be the last person to comment on people dissing Justin Bieber.
Sorry if I offended you.
Andy P.C. says mupd. Mud? Does Andy think we are stuck in the mud?
(February 2, 2011 - 9:19 am)
/harshness. :) JK, I know you didn't mean it that way, Choco. But you make sense. Vida, we DON'T want you to leave!!! And I guess what we're saying is, it's not a big deal. To us. It might be to you, which I totally understand, but like I said, just ignore it. It'll go away. I mean, people, even the PRESIDENT deal with criticisim everyday, and they learn to deal with it, and I'm sure JB has too. I defended him though, because I thought the remarks on his young voice were a little too much. We don't want you to leave over something like this.
(February 2, 2011 - 3:21 pm)
Hey Vida!
Don't leave! You shouldn't leave because people don't like someone you like. You could make a list with someone about things you like and a lot of the things you write the other person wouldn't like and vise versa. You shouldn't feel offended because some people don't like JB. That's life. You and me probably don't like the same things either. So don't leave.... Please? With cherries on top?
(February 3, 2011 - 10:15 am)
Hey Choco!!
How are you???
And it was not offending [just so you know].
And I loved your novel!!! =]!
I said the names were interesting!
I loved it!! IT IS VERY CREATIVE!!
(February 8, 2011 - 12:03 pm)
Thanks Vida- I was just a little annoyed.
(February 8, 2011 - 7:31 pm)
We don't want you to leave, Vida! And I'm pretty sure no one meant to offend you. If you found that what someone said was offending you, just ignore them. And, also, if you find a certain thread that annoys/offends you, don't read it. No one's forcing you to. :-) (I hope that didn't sound harsh)
(February 3, 2011 - 1:10 pm)
Ahh, the drama.....all the exclamation points and italics and capital letters!!!! The tears and gnashing teeth!!!! Lol. ;) I know that I would get way too worked up if I posted here, but I like seeing what everyone has said. Choco and R~D have made very good points, I must say.
(February 8, 2011 - 2:59 pm)
Vida, actually, you didn't say you were joking and you sounded mad and upset. So.......
well, I'm glad you're not leaving. :P
(February 8, 2011 - 3:37 pm)
I'd have to say Vida has a good point here. What if I was a huge Justin Beiber fan and just came on and heard all you guys calling him annoying or a jerk. (@ R~D~ Trust me JB is not a jerk, because if you watched the movie ((which was actually really good)) you would realize that he's just a normal teen underneath all the fame) Oh and I'm not actually a huge JB fan, I just like some of his music. :) I know that CB is a place to express your opinions, but why type about the ones that could possibly hurt someone, or someone's career even! JB isn't a jerk and most of you who might say that probably don't know much about him either. Sorry but this is a hard topic for me because I really think people should just be more careful with their opinions sometimes. (Personal experiences) And... it's just not nice to hate someone! :P
(February 22, 2011 - 4:05 pm)