Percy Jackson RP!!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Percy Jackson RP!!!!

Percy Jackson RP!!!! Who wants to do won with me??????? PLEASE :)

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:)
(December 15, 2010 - 9:03 pm)

@ Analesia So, they went to the Titan's lair and escaped into some clearing. There were a lot of fights none of them causing major injuries. Now we're in Miami so I'll write my part now.



I inhaled the beach air quietly and breathed a sigh of relief. I walked towards the water and lay down floating. I was in peace. Peace. The ocean. "mmmmm" I sighed quietly. Suddenly a voice broke into my dreaming. "Eh... Sam, you know it's not that normal to start floating in street clothes." Jennifer stood over me with a face that seemed like it would crack up any minute. My face turned tomato red. "Eh... Right... Sorry." I got up and walked totally dry out of the water. People stared at me.I kept my head down and walked up to my friends. Jason punched my arm. "Haha!" He laughed awkwardly. Everyone looked at him and started laughing. Their faces were full of joy. But where was Tray? I looked around wildly, noticing that Tray was up at the far side of the beach with her arms crossed. "I'll be back in a minute." I hurried over to Tray. "Why won't you join us? I mean you don't have a problem do you." Her gray eyes were deep in thought. She looked up and said quietly: "I can't. I mean..." Her face turned read. "I'm scared of the water. It makes me nervous." Tray's face was full of embarrassment. "It's OK. I'll get the others to come over here." I ran down and stopped. "GUys, are you ready to go?" They al looked up. Nell and I exchanged a glance. I had a feeling that she knew what was wrong with Tray. "Come on guys! Let's go." Jennifer beckoned us to come nd we followed.

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 21, 2011 - 10:04 am)


I walked next to Sam and Jason. "Thanks, I don't like admiting to things like that." I admited. Sam smiled. "It's ok, I get it. I was scared half to death going into the underworld, I can imagine how you feel." Sam said. I smiled. "Ya, thanks." Jason whispered, "Tray, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure." I turned to Jenifer, Sam, and Nell. "We'll be right there, just give us a minute." They nodded. "Ok." Jenifer sounded suspicious. He lead me to the edge of a forest. "Why wouldn't you go down to the beach?" He asked. "I'm scared of the water. Just thinking about Poisidans little fishy friends coming and grabbing me and pulling me down, I just can't do it." I finished. He nodded like it made sense. "And, how'd you know to go to Miami?" He asked. Great, now I was gonna have to lie to Jason, could this get ANY worse?! "I just had a feeling it's where we should be." I lied. I knew by the look on his face that he didn't completely believe me, but he said nothing. "Let's go back before they begin to wonder." I said. He nodded, and followed me back. "So, where to next Jenifer?" Sam asked. I rushed up to Jenifer and whispered to her, "I know there's something at this warehouse, I, I think it's really important." I whispered. "Great, where is it?" She asked. "I told her wear it was. "Ok." I walked back inbetween Jason and Sam and Jenifer said, "I think we should go to Warehouse FL in Mamouth Park Warehouse &Co." She said. Her voice was so full of confidence and persistance that no one asked, why warehouse FL?

submitted by ~Sam~
(February 21, 2011 - 11:13 am)


My stomach churned as I stood a few feet from the ocean. Warehouse FL... I thought. What if it was a trap? Tray and Jason stood next to each other, and Nell and Sam were playing with some fish, asking for directions or something. And me? Well, I was always scared. I belong in the sky, and here I am, next to the ocean and above the underworld. A shark could come up and eat me, or skeletons could pull me down. I looked up, force of habit, I guess, but I looked at the clouds. They were in a pattern, a group of five little cumulus clouds. There was a large cumulonimbus cloud, that looked like a square. A part of the square broke off, and formed into one of the biggest clouds that I'd ever seen in my life. Then it consumed and five little ones and floated back to the square. I don't know how I know, but that was our fate. "Tray, get over here, now. Sam, Nell, stop playing in the water. Jason, help them dry off. Tray and I need to talk." I said in a cool tone. Tray and I walked towards a pond, then walked back when we saw a face appear within the fish. Naids freak me out. Both of us, I guess. "Tray, I've been seeing things. I can't tell you how, but I have. We can't go to the warehouse. I-I don't know why, but if we do, we will all die. Horrible deaths. So, yeah, we can't go there." Yeah, we argued. Yeah, we fought. And yeah, we ended up spliting up. Tray and Nell went to the warehouse, but Jason and Sam agreed with me. That got Tray mad. But hey, I am the leader. I'm the princess of the gods. Who would believe the princess of dirt and worms? So Jason, Sam and I sat down next to the campfire to plan, and Tray and Nell went off into the forest.

submitted by ZB <3percy+potter :D
(February 21, 2011 - 1:37 pm)


As Tray and I walk into the forest, I trip over something.  I hit the ground so hard that I black out.  When I come to, I'm in my father's palace.  "Hello, Nell," he booms.  I wave, still a little dazed.  "Let's get right down to business," he goes on, "I need you to do me a favor."  I nod wordlessly.  "When you get where you are going, I need you to keep spraying water at Jenifer."  I try to ask why, but before I can, I black out again.

submitted by Analesia, age 12, RP-ing
(February 21, 2011 - 5:10 pm)


We all sat in silence around the campfire. I couldn't stop fidgeting.  What if something happened to Nell?  Again we'd split up because of a fight between us. Was it the pressure? I needed to try to keep my friends together. Otherwise... OUr quest would fail. We didn't want that to happen. That would be the worst thing possible. "Guys, maybe we should go to bed." Jennifer's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah, sure." Jason and I mumbled. I walked robotically into my tent and lay down without taking my shoes or anything off. I had a feeling something was going to happen. I just didn't know what. 


My head flew up quickly. It was as dark as coal. "Nell!" I let out a small whimper. I shook Jennifer who was sleeping soundly next to me. "Mmmmm... What?" HEr eyes opened groggily. "Tray and Nell are in danger." Her eyes opened widely. "WHAT? Did you have a dream?" "No, I can feel it." Her face fell. "Feelings aren't everything and I know that place is dangerous." "Well, if it is they may die and I would rather die with my sister than sit here and wait." Jennifer's face looked upset. "Sam! Listen, it's a trap." She sounded so sure, I felt like believing her for a moment but then I remembered Nell and Tray. "No! And if you don't want to come you can sit here and bake waffles until we come back." Jennifer seemed offended. "Hey! MY love for waffles is nothing you should make fun of!" I giggled but became serious again. " Okay! Get Jason! We'll pack this up and go." I hugged her tightly. "Thank you!! Thank you so much!!" 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 22, 2011 - 9:55 am)


I was extremely annoyed with Jason and Sam for not helping me. Still I was grateful for Nell. I've never really noticed how helpful Nell really was until now. "So, how do you think you're going to open the warehouse when you get there?" she asked. I thought about it. "No idea, I'm just gonna wing it." Nell smiled. "You do that a lot, don't you?" she asked. "Yup" I said without hesitation. "Force of habit I guess." She grinned. "Jason seems to like it." I blushed. "Anyway." We both laughed. After about 5 more minutes we were there. "Ok, here it is." The warehouse was average-looking, big, brown, made of wood. But I could feel the power inside of it. "Umm, Tray, what's in there?" Nell asked; she sounded worried. I couldn't blame her. "No idea, I'll just have to wing it." I walked up and smashed the lock with my knife. I opened the doors; inside you will not belive what I saw, a giant silver orb, but it showed the future. I had an idea. "Who gets the shell Poseidon gave me?" I asked it. It showed the picture of a girl, but she was covered in armor, so I couldn't see her face, but I heard her voice. "CHARGE!" Somehow I'd known it all along. "So whadya find?!" Nell called. I knew I had to tell her the truth. For some reason I knew she was the only one I could trust. "Nell, I need to talk to you. But you have to keep it a secret!" I walked out the door of the warehouse when something grabbed me. I couldn't see it, but Nell could. I could see the horror on her face. "Time to take that to the titans!" it growled. "You can't take me back there!" I shouted. Too late it plumeted down a hole, faster and faster, dragging me along with it.  When we reached the titans' lair it dropped me. "OW!" I shouted. "Deal with it tiny demi-god!" the thing snapped. I looked up but it was gone. "What the-?" I was cut off as a man walked toward me. He had on classic Greek armor, with a deadly looking celestial bronze sword in his belt. His face was covered by a mask, and I had a feeling I didn't want him to take it off. "What's wrong? Never seen a titan before?" He laughed. "No, not in person!" I snapped. "Watch your language with me." His eyes narrowed. "Did you bring it?" he asked greedily. I reluctantly held out the orb. "At last! The future is mine!" he shouted. "Show me the future!" His voice boomed and echoed around the room. Nothing happened. "Why isn't this working?!" He sounded ready to kill. "Try to be more specific?" I suggested. "Show me what will happen to the gods after I win the war." I had a bad feeling. Nothing happened. "Of course!" He slapped himself and I cringed at the horrible sound. "Only the chosen daughter of Hades can open this relic!" It sounded like it should have been obvious. "Um, what?" I asked confused. "Don't you know?" "Umm, obviously not," I answered. "Well there are three relics. Each daughter of the big three can open one. One of Poseidon's daughters opens that shell I know you have." How did he know?! "I see everything." As if he'd read my mind. "Anyway, only the daughter of Zeus can open her relic, and only you can open this one. I think the Zeus one has something to do with controling light or dark? Oh! That's right! Hers controls the power of opposites. Day and night, dark and light, water and fire, life and death. Well, actually not life and death. That power's reserved for Hades." I felt like vomiting. My dad held the power of life and death?! Did that mean I did too?! "Ya, well, hers is in like the Grand Canyon or something. Anyway, I need you to open this orb, and give me the power of telling the future!" His voice was so menacing I wanted to say, ya ok, sure. But of course, I didn't. "Nope." "What?" "Nope, nada, zip, zero, el zipo! No!" I repeated. The last thing I saw was those deadly black eyes staring into me, killing me from the inside. Then, of course, I fainted.

submitted by ~Sam~
(February 23, 2011 - 8:10 pm)


I sat up reluctantly. I knew it was a trap. I knew it. But she insulted me. And I don't do happy things if someone insults me. But I decided that it would be best for all of us to die and not three of us and leaving two of us left. I know. I'm crazy. But anyways, we packed up, sharpened our weapons (I knew there was going to be a fight, why not be prepared?), and soon we were off, to our deaths. We trudged through swamps, wandered over hills, and swam (with Sam's help) through rivers and lakes. By nightfall we had sight of the others and were in a few hours distance. We woke up early that next morning to try and catch up to them. I tripped over a rock but as I was falling, I imaginined a mattress of air under me and took a nap, floating in midair. Jason got mad at me and put his knees on it to push me off, but soon he asked me to make one for him because of its softness. Sam got mad so soon we were off again.

submitted by ZB <3percy+potter :D
(February 23, 2011 - 8:23 pm)



I could smell something foul ahead. Worse than wrotten eggs. "UGH! What is that?" Jason demanded. "It smells like dog poop!" Jenifer added. I stifled a laugh and sniffed the air. "A marsh... Most likely." We looked at eachother and took another step. Suddenly I felt like my leg was sinking. "Uh, guys?" I was thigh deep in mud and it was working like quick sand. As they turned around mud was all the way up to my waist. "GUYS! IT'S SOME WEIRD QUICKSAND MUD!! GET ME OUT!!!!" Jason grabbed my arm and tried to pull me but it was no use. Jennifer's eyes lit up. Her face wrinkled with concentration. I could suddenly feel myself being lifted up by a soft pillow of air. Man, that was seriously comfortable. I wanted to doze off but in the blink of an eye I was lying flat on the ground. "Hey! What was that for?" I glowered at Jennifer. She giggled and Jason started to laugh. I was covered in mud lying on the ground. A great sight. Jason turned stern and said: "COme on, let's go." We trudged through the marsh and up a steep slippery hill. As we got to the top, I squinted my eyes. "There!" Jennifer exclaimed. I followed her pointing finger and my heart fell. The warehouse.

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 24, 2011 - 9:19 am)


When I woke up I was back infront of the warehouse, I knew the orb was in my backpack because I could feel it. "TRAY!" I heard Jason's voice. My eyes blinked open. Jason was standing over me. "What happened?" I asked. Nell walked up. "After that thing took you I looked all around, and you were no where! Where did you go?!" She looked like she might faint. "What? Something took you?! I knew I should have come!" Jason sounded mad at himself. I smiled. "Well, when that thing took me it-" I stoped, I couldn't tell them. "You took the orb!" Someone behind me shouted. Jenifer looked like she was going to faint. I turned to see thet guy that had kidnapped Jenifer at Camp Half-Blood. "How would you know?" I snapped. "Because I was the one who hid it there!" His voice rose. "Well not a great hiding place for something that tells the future." I said matter of factly. Jason, Nell, Jenifer, and Sam gahsped. "Tell's the, the future?" Nell sounded mistified. "Ya, about that." I turned back to the guy I guessed was Nick. "So Mr. Genius, do you wanna tell them, or should I?" I asked. Nick didn't hesitate. "You." He said. So I started. "Ok so first of all this thing," I pulled the orb out of my backpack. "Can tell the future. There are three relec's as the titan's call them. One's the shell, one's this thing, and ones a thing, I don't know-" "It's a blue rock with a lightning shaped crack." Nick cut me off. I glared at him. Then I turned to Jenifer. "Get a politer boyfriend!" I pleaded, she looked half annoyed, half embarased. "Anyway, the rock controls all oposites, except life and death. Hades controls that. The shell, I don't know-" "It controls the sea." Nick cut me off again! "JEN!" I pleaded. She looked just about ready to smack me. I needed to watch my back tonight while I was asleep. "ANYWAY," I said stiffly. "This thing," I held up the silvery orb, "tells the future, oh and only I can control it." "WHAT?!" Corection NOW Jenifer looked ready to slap me. "Listen, only you can control the rock, and either Sam or Nell can control the shell. And, umm, I know which one it is."

submitted by ~Sam~
(February 24, 2011 - 1:25 pm)

I have to do my homework so this'll be short.


I tried to soak that in. So I can control opposites. Maybe I'll be able to control everything, because almost everything is opposites. Night, day. Sunrise, sunset. Me, Tray. Black, white. You see what I mean? So I might be able to control the world. Better not get too cocky. Sam and Nell stared each other down, trying to figure out if she was the one who controlled all of the sea.

submitted by ZB <3percy+potter :D
(February 24, 2011 - 9:08 pm)


I gave Tray a cold look. "Why are you keeping this for yourself?" I demanded. "I..." She was cut off by NIck (again). "She doesn't know if either of you are ready for it." Nick said. Oh great. I was stuck. Who could it be?! Nell was the very reasonable but slightly shy one and I was the one who kept everyone together... This wasn't helping at all. Nick looked around and caught Jennifer's eye. "Hello! LOng time no see!" Her face was half engulfed in the shadows but I could see her blue eyes full of fear, worry, sadness and something else... No, it couldn't be. Jennifer's hair swished around and she stomped off. "I'll get her!" I exclaimed immediately.  I ran quickly after Jennifer and stopped as she sat down on a boulder a few yards outside camp. "Jen, what's wrong? What happened between you and Nick." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I... I didn't mean to... I didn't want it to happen... I---" She put her face in her hands. This was something secret a story from Jennifer's past and I was pretty sure she would never say anything. I put my arm over her shoulder saying: "It's OK... Don't cry." Jennifer sobbed harder.

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 25, 2011 - 7:58 am)


Raindrops fell on my stomach as I lay down, looking through the trees. Sam was sitting beside me, asking constantly what was going on. "Look. All I know, is that, well, Nick, Zeus was, oh, I don't know how to explain this. The point is, is that Nick is my brother, I guess. And, well, he has a prophecy of his own. All Zeus has told me is that, well, he has to kill me to complete it." She swallowed, and then made some lame excuse to water the trees or something. Tray came to the camp, along with the others. With Nick following. Great. My cup'a tea, eh? But anyways, Nick came, started a fire, and sat back to relax as the rain stoped falling (Yeah, I did that. Cool, huh?) as if he was at home. Tray and Jason sat on another log, Sam and Nell sat on another, so that left the only spot open was Nick or mud. I chose mud. "What, lil sister, don't wanna sit with me?" he asked. Jason frowned as if he was thinking, but Sam filled the rest in. Soon I was so tired' that I left to the peace and quite of my tent, away from any brothers.

submitted by ZB <3percy+potter :D
(February 25, 2011 - 8:17 pm)



I felt a hollow pit in my stomach as if something was missing. I felt queasy so I excused myself and walked into the tent. I sat down and wrapped my arms around my legs, trying to keep Jennifer's words out of my head. She didn't deserve to die and I didn't want her to. We'd become friends through our journey and I wanted it to stay that way. Jennifer couldn't die! I would stop it. Yes! I would. Suddenly I heard the tent flap open and Nell walked in. Her forehead was slightly creased with worry. "What's wrong, Sam?" She sat down next to me. "Nothing."  I tried to muster up a smile but it didn't work. Nell looked at me quizzically but she got the feeling that I wouldn't say anything so she stayed quiet. After a while I felt my eyes begin to close and I fell asleep. 


I was underwater and guess where! Poseidon's palace. I walked down the light hall and came into a room covered in shells and Poseidon was sitting on a big throne. He turned to me. "Hello my dear." "Why am I here?" I asked quietly. His face turned stern. "Come over here." I walked up to him cautiously and he lifted me up into his lap. "I know you want to save your friend but do not ever mess with the profecies, it makes it worse. Be brave and fight for her. Maybe, just maybe you'll find a little hope." He kissed me on the forehead and I felt something tug at me and I was wrenched back to my tent.

I sighed and fell asleep quietly. 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 26, 2011 - 4:16 am)


I walked around the tents restless; it was so annoying having nothing to do. Usually something exciting's happening, not now. I was so bored. Jason's head poked out of his and Nick's tent. "You better get some sleep; we have to figure out what we're doing next tomorrow," he said. I nodded. "Ya, I'm just so board." We sat down on a log. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, there just isn't anyone trying to kill us, and there's nothing life-threatening going on. It just feels weird." "Nick's here." Jason suggested. "Ya, but ya know what I mean."


submitted by ~Sam~
(February 26, 2011 - 9:23 pm)



I woke up with the morning sun shining in my face. I threw an orange Camp Halfblood sweatshirt over my blue-green sea horse t-shirt. Nel land Jennifer were sleeping soundly but Tray’s bag was empty. I slowly opened the tent flap and walked over to where Tray was sitting, looking absentmindedly at a rock. “May I?”  I asked cautiously. Tray nodded so I plumped down next to her. “What’s wrong?” Tray seemed to think for a minute and then answered: “It’s too quiet. Something is going to happen and I think we should move on… I just don’t know where to.” “What if we went and got the last relic. Jennifer’s relic.” Tray’s eyes flashed. “I don’t know… “ “Tray, it can’t be that bad. Anyways when Nell gets up you are going to tell all of us who the shell belongs to!” Tray fingered what must have been the shell in her pocket. “Yeah, sure…” I heard footsteps and Nell and Jennifer walked out of the tent. Jennifer’s eyes were red and slightly puffy as if she’d been crying and Nell, well she had her usual thinking expression on. “What’s going on?” Nell inquired curiously. “Tray has something to say, don’t you Tray?” Tray looked a little uncomfortable but then took the shell out of her pocket.

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany
(February 27, 2011 - 1:53 am)