Alice in Wonderland...
Chatterbox: Pudding's Place
Alice in Wonderland...
Alice in Wonderland...
Spoiler Alert! La la la! *sings*
Saw it yesterday with my friends. It was epic because the movie blacked out in the middle due to all. this. rain. and we went to complain to customer service.
Gianna: Sir, the movie turned off in the middle!
ML: People are threatening to sue!
Regina: No they're not.
ML: Ssshh. Sir, can you come down?
Gianna: We think it was because of the rain.
Customer Service Guy: *looks frightened*
Anyway, the movie itself. The 3D was amazing. I tried to touch things, and Alexa said I was embarrassing them. :) We had losers next to us, and they Spoiled The Move By Adding Their Own Soundtrack (their views on the caterpillar: "That is one smokin' caterpillar!" and on Anne Hathaway/White Queen/Genevieve: "She's SO GOTH!!"), but it was okay. Stayne was a good plot thread. And Heimrich (sp?). But Stayne was better. I almost cried when HBC/Redd started screaming "He tried to kill me!" because it was *exactly* *like* ReddxArch. (This was after I spent a half hour crying after finishing ArchEnemy, and then a fragile emotional day at school.)
Anyway, back to to the point, HBC was easily the most bestest (*whispers* But she did have the best character), but Johnny Depp was also amazing because that's how he is. Weird little Michael Jackson jig he did at the end bit, though. And not nice or considerate at all. Redd got banished. I was sad.
Alice annoyed me, White Queen/Genevieve annoyed me, but Anne Hathaway was better than Mia Wasikowskasomething. But AHath was all dancing everywhere and being graceful and all I could think of was Princess Diaries. :)
Kathy hated it, 'cuz that's how she is, but the rest of us, me included, all <3'd it. It made like 10million in its first week alone, which greatly ups the chances of an LGW movie. /obsessiveness
(March 14, 2010 - 6:42 pm)
Yeah, apart from the *ahem* anticlimactic/bloodless battle scene AiW was epic. I agree that HBC was by far the "most bestest" *grin* followed closely by Johnny Depp and the Cheshire Cat (who was voiced by Stephen Fry! Squee!).
The soundtrack is amazing. I have it on my iPod. Danny Elfman outdid himself, IMHO. Alice's theme is made of win.
I do love the ending. "Kill me! KILL ME! Cut off my head!" I laughed, and felt guilty because it was sad. The Red Queen needed a hug.
(March 15, 2010 - 3:34 pm)
Poor Redd.
The battle scene was a bit of a letdown, yes, but the Jabberwocky was coolly done. As to the soundtrack, I ordered the LGW CD online. Because I'm too much of a nerd to get Almost Alice or the Danny Elfman soundtrack (though it's true that it was amazing). I have to order the $9.95 spinoff.
*is on imdb* A review says "The most generic and heartless Tim Burton movie since Planet of the Apes." He directed Planet of the Apes? ...Oh, it was like a remake. My world has been turned upside down.
Though I didn't find AiW to be generic, mostly.
And I don't think I mentioned, Alan Rickman was absolutely perfect for the Caterpillar.
(March 17, 2010 - 3:47 pm)
Oh I absolutely loved it! All the actors were great, except I felt the whole thing with her Alice's sister and her husband could've had more depth. Did anyone else notice she named her ship Wonder? I was almost bawling by the end when Johnny was all like, "You can stay," I wanted her too, even though I knew she wasn't going to. And The 3D was awesome!
(March 20, 2010 - 10:00 pm)
I saw AiW! I pity Mary, I had movie spoilers too (AKA a bunch of little people who started to yap in the middle of the movie, but then quickly stopped). Anyways, HBC was the best and I dream of my school doing this version of AiW in drama next year (but I doubt it). The guy with the heart on his eye was the WORSE PERSON in the movie, not in acting terms though. I really don't like that guy. And did anyone notice that his heart (on his eye) changed colour? I was hoping for a better battle, but it's Disney so yeah... And people kept on saying Alice was pretty, I didn't really get that. No offense but her face looked kind of washed out. And I hate to admit it (JK) but it used 3D effects to its advantage more than Avatar did. :-P Oh yeah, did I mention that HBC is one of my most favourite actresses? (along with Sandra Bullock in the Blind Side (which I never saw).) Laterz! *Olive says Hi*
(March 20, 2010 - 7:14 pm)
Um.. The Knave of Hearts, which was played by Crispin Glover, I believe.
(March 21, 2010 - 4:00 pm)
I just saw AiW and it was awesome!!! TNÖ, I totally agree with you. Danny Elfman was so amazing! The music was a perfect match with what was going on in the movie and it added so much depth. HBC was fantastic. I was partly rooting for her the whole time. Anne Hathaway was so.. um... well if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about. That dancing, flirty stuff got on my nerves, but I guess she was supposed to be like that. But really, HBC acted the part of the older sister who was always ignored and hated perfectly. You're right TNÖ, she did need a hug. Johnny Depp was great too. Yeah, on a whole, it was epic. I'm really glad I saw it.
(March 21, 2010 - 4:25 pm)
I have to say I don't care much for movie adaptations of really good books, because they tend to be mediocre. (LOTR and HP3 were outside the norm.)
A couple of my friends saw it and didn't think it was all that great, but each to his own opinion.
(March 23, 2010 - 5:07 pm)
I have to say I don't care much for movie adaptations of really good books, because they tend to be mediocre. (LOTR and HP3 were outside the norm.)
A couple of my friends saw it and didn't think it was all that great, but each to his own opinion.
(March 23, 2010 - 5:07 pm)
Loved it! I loved the frog butlers and HBC's sweet little speech impediment. "DWINK!" Aww! I stole my 3d glasses instead of recycling them so I could keep them as a memento.
(March 23, 2010 - 5:59 pm)
Yeah, Alexa stole hers too. :D
(March 24, 2010 - 2:58 pm)
I loved AiW! Johny Depp was awesome! Lol. He randomly started talking in a Scottish accent. :) I thought he did great. The Queen of Hearts was awesome! "I love a warm pig belly on my aching feet." and "Hello, Umm." (when they meet [lol. Just wrote "meat" instead of "meet" at first :)] on the battlefield) were her funniest lines. :) Completely loved the movie!! I got to see it in this giant theater in Seattle on my mom's b-day in 3D. (We went to Seattle for a few days for her b-day. I love Seattle!!) I'm gonna go see it with my best friends again, because one of them hasn't seen it and one of them did and loved it, to. :) Oh, and this is slightly off topic, but . . .
YAHAHAHAHA!!!! I got Seeing Redd today!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D I have like 100 pages left out of 372. Lol, Mary, you got me completely hooked on the series. *is slightly quite obsessed*
Oooh, I saw these awesome AiW posters today. I would've gotten on except for the fact that I only have $10 and I'm saving all my money for camp this summer. Sigh. Wish I had an allowance! :D Lol. I'm really random and happy tonight. :)
(March 28, 2010 - 10:47 pm)