song lyric poetry

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

song lyric poetry

song lyric poetry contest!!!

so basically you take a line or two from some songs and make it poetry and it's a contest. PLEASE list the songs you used at the end, though. I will judge on the 25! 

submitted by KatanaLuna
(June 10, 2024 - 2:10 pm)

She flips through magazines
Of endless, colorful, edited photos
And she wonders if the angels
Have blessed them all with such
True beauty in every flawless feature
She applies makeup just exactly
The way the tutorials tell her
Yet somehow, it still isn't the same -
Beautiful, pure angelic faces,
Blemishes edited out and smoothed -
And she wonders if the devils
Drew her with scars so deep
That it touched way below the surface
Or if she just could be better
To eat nothing and achieve that
"Cover girl" look that magazines show
And if it is not achieved yet,
"What's a little bit longer?"
"I can go a little while longer - "
She's beautiful
She's already beautiful
We're already beautiful
She doesn't need to change anything
If something needs to change -
It's the world
All she needs is the true mirror
That shows her light within
Her beauty that's way deeper
Than just "skin-deep"
Because she's beautiful
Because we're beautiful
"We're stars and we're beautiful..."

(Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara)

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(June 11, 2024 - 10:23 pm)
submitted by top
(June 12, 2024 - 8:43 pm)
submitted by top
(June 13, 2024 - 8:46 am)

i love how youi renovated the song!its amazing!

submitted by KatanaLuna
(June 17, 2024 - 12:38 pm)

“They say if you love someone,

Let them go

Why anyone would do that, 

I'll never know”

Forget me, could you do that?

‘Cause I never will


We sealed a promise with a kiss in the dark,

Lights flashed across your face

Maybe I should've know it then,

To take it at a slower pace


“Is it over? Are we empty?

This is not good, this is heavy”

And I still cry

Over memories

“And you're doing fine without me”

I love you, still


Haven't seen you in months,

Broke my heart over text

When the going got tough

Said ‘Maybe being friends suits us best’


I remember, hand in hand

The sweet things that you said,

Visions of a life so much more than this,

A time before I was always left on ‘read’


“Is it over? Are we empty?

This is not good, this is heavy”

And I still cry

Over memories

“And you're doing fine without me”

But I love you, still


I wonder if you remember saying

You'd never forget me, as your first,

That we'd be this close forever, no matter what

But now how could our relationship get any worse?

hang onto every word you said,

Every promise you're so close to breaking

And treasure it, and our time together

More than anything


“And they say if you love someone,

Let them go

Why anyone would do that, 

I'll never know”

Forget me, you did that quick

But I can't, I never will


Call me immature, naïve

Maybe I'm expecting too much

But you just dropping me is still something 

I can't believe


And for some reason, I love you still

Yes, I love you, still.


Based on Amy Shark's song "Lonely Still"  

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, idk
(June 17, 2024 - 12:41 pm)