Daydreams Cafe-ish 

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Daydreams Cafe-ish 

Daydreams Cafe-ish 

It's been a long day, and you're glad to turn down a quiet side street that seems dreamy, enticing, and welcoming all at once. Passing by the stucco-walled houses that line the sides of the streets - most of them have arched doorways, and they look like some sort of half-forgotten memory - you catch a whiff of something fragrant. Turning, you see a small building, with soft-peach-colored walls and a sign hanging above the front door: Daydreams Cafe II.

Well, why not? You enter. A young woman, with short blond hair and high heels, smiles at you from behind the counter and hands you a menu. "Welcome to the Cafe!" she says. "I'm Ms. Amber. Order whatever you want."


Happiness Cookies

Sunlight Muffins

Ocean Cupcakes

Chocolate Cake (that's automatically special, right?)

Positive Hot Chocolate

Sparkling Water

Summer Lemonade


So this is an RP-thing where everyone is welcome - that includes CAPTCHAS, AEs, and CBers (old, new, and everything else)! Just to hang out, chat, and have a good time.

submitted by Ms. Amber, waker of dreams
(June 1, 2024 - 5:15 pm)
submitted by Upside down top, age Lol, It's Lyric
(June 2, 2024 - 5:11 pm)
submitted by Right side up top, age XD, Amethyst here :)
(June 3, 2024 - 8:20 am)

I look at the menu and, after a minute, decide on a sunlight muffin. Ms. Amber gives the muffin to me, and I make my way to a table in the middle of the room to eat. The muffin is moist, and crumbles when I bite into it. I can understand why it's named the sunlight muffin, because rays of sunshine seem to stream from the muffin into my body, warming my chilly hands and lighting my heart. I close my eyes, and soon the muffin is finished. A bit embarrassed, I walk up to Ms. Amber, fighting with the hem of my shirt. "I don't have any money." What was I thinking, buying a muffin? I was only stopping by the cafe to warm up -- it was a cold afternoon, even though it was summer, and the place had smelled so good...

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age :), Daydreams Cafe II
(June 3, 2024 - 1:28 pm)

I gaze at the menu, and eventually choose a happiness cookie. Biting into the soft and crumbly dessert, I can feel happiness seep through my whole body, filling up every neglected corner. Making my way to a table by the window, I spot Celine finishing up her sunlight muffin in a table towards the middle of the cafe. After finishing the cookie (it was gone so fast), I sit at the sunny bench near the window and retreat into my thoughts for a few moments, basking in the cozy sunlight. Remembering the cookie, I dig through my pockets for spare change to pay Ms. Amber with. My hands come out empty. Looking through my jacket pockets as well, I start to panic, realizing I can’t actully pay for what I bought.

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 3, 2024 - 2:47 pm)

I walk inside the Daydreams Cafe, noticing that someone else had already gone in. They look content, eating a sun-yellow muffin. My stomach grumbles. I reach the woman at the ordering counter, and her name says Ms. Amber. I order the Happiness Cookies and Positive Hot Chocolate, pay, and go sit next to the only other person in the Cafe. "Hello," I say, as they finish their muffin. "I'm Cloud Bunny, who are you?"

submitted by Cloud Bunny@Celine, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(June 3, 2024 - 3:28 pm)

"May I have an ocean cupcake and summer lemonade?" I ask. Ms. Amber hands the items to me, and I go over and sit where three other CBers are gathered: Celine, Verde, and Cloud Bunny. "Hey there!" I greet them. "How are you all doing?"

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost on the Taitung beach
(June 4, 2024 - 12:07 am)

Two other CBers enter the Cafe as well; first Cloud Bunny and then Moon Wolf. Walking over to join the other three, I remember my money problem. “Hi. Can anyone lend me spare change?”, I ask hesitantly.

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 4, 2024 - 2:33 pm)

Me and Celiine are joined by two others: Moon Wolf and Verde. They sit down, and Moon Wolf says, "How are you doing?" I smile; the Happiness Cookies and Postive Hot Chocolate have done their job. "I'm good, how about you guys?" Verde says hesitantly, "Well, I got my Happiness Cookie then I realized I didn't bring my money...could you maybe lend me some so I can pay?" On a normal day, I would've said no. But the happiness from my treats made me change my mind. I pass them money saying, "Of course, friend." 



Sam says "afcfb" if you take away the f's it says "a cb" 

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(June 4, 2024 - 3:51 pm)

The first person who entered comes up to the counter, looking nervous. "I don't have any money," she murmurs. Another of the people at one of the tables seems to be in a similar predicament.

I smile. "Don't worry," I say, loud enough that everyone can hear. "This is a Daydreams Cafe. Where you can relax and be happy. There's nothing to pay - and I'm not just saying that to be nice. We run on daydreams, and as long as you have plenty of those, we're all good."


Also forgot to say, I'm going under an alias - you can try to guess me! (I'm thinking that's going to be very easy)

submitted by Ms. Amber
(June 4, 2024 - 5:53 pm)

It's rained all week, and I've been feeling gloomy, so I head to the local cafe. I order Chocolate cake and Positive HOt chocolate. As I eat the cake, the gooey choco deliciousness melting on my tongue, and tasted like the perfect beam of rainbows spreding throughout my body. THat was good, but i'm still sad. I'm about to head out, when I notice the hot chocolate, my favorite. As I gulp it down, the warm delicousness spreads warnth and positiveity throughout my body, and I isantly feel better. Then I see other CBs chatting at a table. I turn to leave but the others welcome me with smiles. THis day has gotton better, after all!

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 4, 2024 - 7:26 pm)

*fidgeting, not fighting, lol 


"Don't worry," Ms. Amber smiles. "This is a Daydreams Cafe. Where you can relax and be happy. There's nothing to pay -- and I'm not just saying that to be nice. We run on daydreams, and as long as you have plenty of those, we're all good."

I walk back to my seat, relieved, as a few other people walk into the cafe. I recognize them as Sempreverde, Cloud Bunny, and Moon Wolf. "What did everyone get?" I ask.

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, Daydreams Cafe II
(June 4, 2024 - 7:36 pm)

Celine looks at us (me, Moon Wolf and Verde) and asks, smiling, "What did you guys get?" "Happiness Cookies and Positive Hot Chocolate," I say. "It really cheers me up :). And you, Celine? What did you get?" All of a sudden, Ms. Amber says, "You don't need to pay for your food! This is a place to hang out." 


Ms. Amber, are you Poinsettia? 

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age hpypride!!, Up in the Clouds
(June 5, 2024 - 4:48 pm)