Fantasy written picturing

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Fantasy written picturing

Fantasy written picturings! Here I go again with more picturings - these are slightly different, though; they'll all be fantasy, and probably a bit shorter than mine usually are.




Vibe (brief):

Personality trait you'd most love to have:

Favorite song:

Favorite weather:


submitted by Amethyst, age scribbling, ancient scrolls
(May 25, 2024 - 12:33 pm)

Ackk I'm sorry these are taking so long! The last days of school are always hectic :/ Anyway, Zeal, here at last is a picturing in return for the ~beautiful~ one you gave me:


He was off on another mission. Or, at least, he'd be off on another mission in half an hour. The boy leaned against the pastel-colored stucco wall that the rising sun was throwing into sharp detail, his gaze roving over the stone road leading away from the building, the valley dipping into mist and then rising into hills on the other side. His road, leading away and eventually back again, in an endless circle that he knew every deceptive step of. He had done this often enough before. He could do it again.

A horse whinnied from the courtyard beyond the arched doorway next to him. He breathed in the moment, the still-fresh air, the sunlight warming him, the peace that hung on every breeze. He seemed to belong to it as he waited there, his brown hair brushing his forehead, his sapphire-blue cloak showing up vividly against his gray tunic. His hazel eyes were thoughtful, imaginative - they looked as if they knew how to be kind; and as he turned to enter the courtyard, his head lifted in a commanding movement, and the mist below him vanished as if in response.

submitted by Amethyst@Zealatom
(June 14, 2024 - 3:05 pm)

Name: Cloud Bunny

Pronouns: They/them

Vibe: Shy, kind, but can be fierce

Personality trait you'd most like to have: Funny

Favorite song: Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown

Favorite weather: Sunny<3


cant wait to see what happens!! 

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(May 29, 2024 - 3:55 pm)


Vibe: Clouds, (blue!) stars, sky etc. 

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(May 29, 2024 - 3:57 pm)

Again, this took forever :/ Hope you like it!

~Cloud Bunny~

How could one person manage to be the most popular, most admired, most brilliantly standing-out of all the Skys? The Sky House was full of people who no one, mortal or otherwise, could ever compete with, and it was almost impossible to take the lead if you were one of them.

But, needless to say, someone had. Someone who was well-known throughout the Skys, who had managed to be the one to control the treasured sunlight, who always led the way in everything. Strange, because at first glance, the small, slightly-built figure seemed to have little potence. In fact, if anything, the word that came to mind would be quiet. Or even shy. Someone of the soft shades of twilight, not the dazzling brilliance of midday.

Yes, but there was a sort of magnetism there anyway. Even the person's clothes compelled you to stop and look more closely, as Cloud Bunny stood in a crowded party hall amidst the sunset clouds or went looking for a particular star. A soft, sparkling white top, white leggings, and a headband with rabbit's ears glowing against short brown hair.

Everything spoke of a ruler of the sky.

submitted by Amethyst@Cloud Bunny, parchment by candlelight
(June 19, 2024 - 9:03 pm)
submitted by Amethyst@KatanaLuna, top
(June 6, 2024 - 7:59 am)


Pronouns: She/Her

Vibe (brief): Foxes, tigers, orange, jade, puffy jackets

Personality trait you'd most love to have: I"d like to be a little more extrovert

Favorite song: Any song by the Fat Rat or Riell

Favorite weather: The cool fall breeze

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 6, 2024 - 10:43 am)

I'm almost a month late with this picturing?? Sorry :/ Hope you like it!


There was an impressive vista from the mountains, of the country sloping away, of a glimpse of the magical kingdom the mountains belonged to, of things hinting at what might lie beyond the horizon. Everything was held in a very faint predawn glow, nothing quite what it seemed, everything a bit uncertain.

A girl was sitting on a ledge towards the top of one of the mountains, one leg tucked under her and the other dangling carelessly over the edge. Her face was vivid and alive, her skin slightly bronzed, her eyes brown with sparks of gold in them, everything attuned to her surroundings. Her wavy black hair was stirred a bit by the chilly breeze, and the skirt of her gray dress fluttered as well.

Slowly, the sunrise was gathering strength. The sky was gradually lit up with color, heralding the arrival of the sun. The girl tipped her head back, gathering herself together, as her dress also changed hue. It was a dazzling rose now, like the sky, and there was a look of fire in the girl's eyes.

Then the sun sprang up from the horizon, and with a wild cry, the girl turned into a sleek feathered phoenix flying in an arc of glory across the sky.

submitted by Amethyst@AmberFox, parchment by candlelight
(July 2, 2024 - 1:41 pm)

This is so cool!! I'd love to do one!


Name: Blossom

Pronouns: She/her

Vibe: Light, peaceful, flowers

Personality trait you'd most love to have: A good sense of humor

Favorite song: Anything Taylor Swift!

Favorite weather: Sunny, but not hot

submitted by Blossom
(June 6, 2024 - 8:08 pm)


Pronouns:Genderfluid. They/them works fine.

Vibe (brief):Stiches, stuffies, stars, moon and lofi.

Personality trait you'd most love to have:Sarcastic, but does sarcasam well.

Favorite song:Puttin On The Ritz - Taco (?)

Favorite weather:Fall.

submitted by GloomyBear, age they/them
(June 7, 2024 - 12:31 pm)
submitted by top
(June 13, 2024 - 7:44 pm)

Oh gosh. That was... amazing. You have no idea how hard this hit me- you got so many things right about me, and actually managed to capture and put into words the essence of the sensation I feel inside me when I'm standing idle and pondering oblivion. And you got my eye color right :D I especially resonate with a couple of sentences in here, like '...leading away and eventually back again, in an endless circle...' which miraculously overlaps with the way I see the events of the world, and also 'He had done this often enough before. He could do it again.' Self-reassurance is something I often do. And also observing nature silently is exactly one of my habits... I could go on and on about this, it's just so perfect. Thanks so much for this beautiful picturing, Amethyst <3 You write wonderfully.

(I realize that this might seem rather long for feedback. I'm a bit too exited.)

submitted by Zealatom
(June 15, 2024 - 8:56 am)

Aww, thank you so much <333 It's amazing that I was actually right about some things (speaking of which, your eyes are that color??? whoa) I was basically describing the vibe that you give off, and I'm so glad you like it!! Your feedback isn't too long at all, reading it made my day :)

submitted by Amethyst, parchment by candlelight
(June 15, 2024 - 11:03 am)
submitted by Amethyst@Cloud Bunny, topping
(June 20, 2024 - 10:38 am)