Camp Pinecrest~

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Camp Pinecrest~

Camp Pinecrest~

Welcome all! I thought since some of us will be less or not at all active during the summer months, we could have a camp out a lil' early! CBers, AE's, and CAPTCHA's are all welcome here! Just fill out the form below and we'll be on our way! There is no closing date, of course, so you can enter whenever, but I was thinking of starting on the 24th, if that's alright! I will post descriptions of this camp hopefully before then. Enter as many or little as you'd like!







Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom:

DO you like smore's?:

What about just marshmallow?:

What DOES your tent look like anyway?:



submitted by Hawkstar, age ON, Seoul or NewYork or Paris
(May 15, 2024 - 10:02 am)

Just wondering, is this an RP?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 15, 2024 - 4:02 pm)

Sorry, yes, this is an RP 

submitted by Hawkstar
(May 17, 2024 - 8:18 am)

name: ophelia chen

pronouns: she/her

cber, ae, or captcha: ae

appearance: chinese, black hair just above chin length, bangs, dark eyes, usually has a sticker on her face

personality: estp

are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: *i'll share a tent! i don't really mind who though!*

do you like smore's?: *of COURSE*

what about just marshmallow?: *sure!*

what does your tent look like anyway?: bright yellow, with a lot of pillows and blankets. 

shipping: yup, she's lesbian :3

other: likes to dress kinda 90s/painter girl 


name: maurelle auclair

pronouns: she/her

cber, ae, or captcha:

appearance: long blond hair, warm brown eyes, thin eyebrows, heart shaped lips

personality: istj

are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: #no.#

do you like smore's?: #also no.#

what about just marshmallow?: #i suppose.#

what does your tent look like anyway?: green with brown flowers

shipping: if you can get her to talk to you, yeah. unlabeled, knows she likes guys but is kinda confused otherwise. #i can talk for myself, thanks. but yes.# 

other: likes to dress in a fairycore/y2k style. she's my newest ae. yes i have too many. 

both of them are really new so they're going to be the only ones coming. also good idea hawkstar this should be fun! :D 

submitted by anastasia, the archives
(May 17, 2024 - 2:37 pm)

YAYY!! so excited :3 

Name: mizuki ariadne 

Pronouns: she/her 

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: cber (cb name) 

Apperance: something like scarlet from "im the grim reaper" - short black hair, an x scar on my lip, red eyes, cropped hoodie with a red X, flared pants, boots. big fancy black cloak-like coat with matching flared sleeves. 

Personality: infp-t :) 

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: yup! sharing w/ my aes eph, ev, miye, and lily. 

DO you like smore's?: YES. 

What about just marshmallow?: yes! 

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: black tent that's like... just a tent. it's silk. expensive. 

Shipping: nope, sorry !! 

Other: n/a 



Name: ephemeral ariadne 

Pronouns: she/her 

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: ae 

Apperance: white flowy hair, white eyes. wears a white kimono with gray flower designs etched on it and a cat mask that covers her entire face (except for her eyes). the cat mask is black with gold flower branch designs. 

Personality: serene, peaceful. she disappears off to nowhere once in a while. 

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: yeah - w/ me (mizuki), ev, miye, and lily. 

DO you like smore's?: nope. 

What about just marshmallow?: yes. 

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: same tent as mine. 

Shipping: sure. 

Other: n.a 


Name: evanescent ariadne (ev/evan) 

Pronouns: he/him 

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: ae 

Apperance: idk he's kind of just there. he's like a shadow. kind of a glitching mass of a cloud. electric pink eyes though. that's probably the most you'll see 

Personality: very snappy and often can be rude but is really just a silly little goose 

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: yeah - everyone above 

DO you like smore's?: yeah 

What about just marshmallow?: nope

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: same 

Shipping: sure  

Other: nope 


Name: miyetka von engels 

Pronouns: they/them 

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: ae 

Apperance: cyan eyes and dark blue cropped hair. red rectangular glasses. like sayeon from hand jumper. 

Personality: speaks formally. believes in justice. something like sayeon. 

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: same with everyone above 

DO you like smore's?: nope 

What about just marshmallow?: nope 

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: same as everyone above 

Shipping: sure 

Other: na 


Name: lily (asteria lily) 

Pronouns: she/her 

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: captcha 

Apperance: a tiny little fox-like creature that can grow to oddly large sizes. 

Personality: just a silly little goose lol 

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: same as everyone above 

DO you like smore's?: yes! 

What about just marshmallow?: yes! 

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: same as everyone above 

Shipping: nope 


submitted by th3mysticw0lf
(May 17, 2024 - 4:40 pm)

Name: Astra

Pronouns: she/her


Apperance: shoulder-length light blonde hair, sage green eyes, wearing a star barrette, tends to have a smile on her face

Personality: *quite energetic, nature-loving, bright, optimistic, cheerful, ready to go camping!*

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: *since I'm going alone, and I couldn't drag any other AEs with me (since they don't really like camping??), I don't mind sharing a tent with anyone*

DO you like smore's?: *yess, very much so!*

What about just marshmallow?: *that's fine too*

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: *simple, green tent? probably with random nature decorations like mushroom fairy lights, and some cozy blankets*

Shipping: *open to anyone*

Other: *in case you didn't catch that, I talk like this*

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 17, 2024 - 5:28 pm)

hi! would you be open to shipping astra with ophelia? no worries if not though :) 

submitted by anastasia@moon wolf
(May 20, 2024 - 1:57 pm)

Yess they'd be great together!! :) *hii ophelia! I'm Astra! So excited to meet you!* you can meet her later while camping. *oh okay! :)) can't wait!*

submitted by Moon Wolf@anastasia, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 20, 2024 - 3:54 pm)

*hi astra! nice to meet you! :D* okay, we'll see you at camp! bye! *byeee! eeee i'm so excited!!*

submitted by anastasia@moon wolf
(May 21, 2024 - 9:37 am)

I'd love to join! I'll post a charrie later.

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 17, 2024 - 5:35 pm)

Name: bessie haversham 

Pronouns:  she/her

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: ae

Apperance: short, long straight light brown hair, dark brown eyes

Personality: infj

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: nope!

DO you like smore’s?: no 

What about just marshmallow?: sure

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: light purple with dark purple flowers

Shipping: yes (she’s straight:)



Name: pearl elwood

Pronouns:  she/her

CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA: ae

Apperance: short, mid-length curly auburn hair, hazel eyes 

Personality: enfj

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: yes! anyone is fine :)

DO you like smore’s?: yes!!

What about just marshmallow?: umm, yess

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: light blue with yellow trim

Shipping: no, sorry!



I hope I'm doing this right since I've never done one of these before!! It looks sm fun :)

submitted by starry sky
(May 19, 2024 - 1:18 pm)

Name: Daisy

Pronouns: she/her


Apperance:  On the shorter side with golden hair to shoulders. bright green eyes and a bright smile to match. a few scatered freakles on her face.

Personality: sage green long or short sleeved shirt with lavender vest that has many pockets. blue jeans and a satchel always over her shoulder

Are you sharing a tent, and if so, with whom: *I'd be glad to share a tent with any girl! But I can be by myself, obv*

DO you like smore's?: *Duh*

What about just marshmallow?: *again: duh*

What DOES your tent look like anyway?: *Nothing special, just a three person tent with mud room, a dark blue color and optional rain cover*

Shipping: *Sure! With boys only, please*

Other: n/a

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(May 20, 2024 - 10:32 am)

Pinecrest Camp is on the shores of Lake Pinecrest, a man-made but gorgeous lake. This lake is up in the mountains, and so the one one side of the lake it is rather mountain-y. There is a safe trail going the all the way around the lake, and it takes about an hour to go around at a slower pace. 

The trees mostly consist of pines, of course, and this particular campground is surrounded by them. The lake is a short walk from here. 

The lake it's self is very clear, and sandy bottomed. The water is actually pure snowmelt and rainwater, so the water is rather cold but refreshing. This side of the lake that the camp is on is sandy and fun for swimming, though you are welcome to go other, perhaps more rocky places to swim. 

You can take canoes and paddleboards out to go around the lake as you please! The rest of the area I leave up to everyone else to take on with imagination and creativity :) 

This RP starts today! 

submitted by Hawkstar, age ON, Seoul or NewYork or Paris
(May 24, 2024 - 1:48 pm)


*I step through the clearing where the pine trees part, and immediately, I find a gorgeous lake. I smile, thinking about how beautiful Pinecrest Camp is. It's weird why no other AE wanted to go with me. I understood Lyra, who was on a date with Eri, but all the other AEs just seemed disinterested. Or had other plans. Though it was wise not to bring Orion, who would cause chaos. At least I hopefully won't be alone. Moon Wolf shipped me with Ophelia, anastasia's AE, before I left, so I'll get to hang out and talk to someone!!*

*I seem to be the first one there, as far as I can tell. I'm sure the others will arrive later. I decide to start setting up my tent, humming happily to myself as I hear the birds chirping and leaves rustling with hidden animals. I love being here already!*

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 24, 2024 - 4:39 pm)


#Ophelia and I get out of the public bus, hefting our duffels and entering the camp's grounds. It's gorgeous, a paradise of pine trees and flowers. I might hate people, but nature is where I feel most at home.#

#Beside me, Fifi squeals and runs over to a lone green tent that seems to be the only one set up so far. I remember something about a girl named Astra, and I assume that's the blonde she's now talking to.#

#Luckily, no one else is here yet, which means I don't have to make small talk with annoying strangers that want to befriend me. The only thing I'll be doing here is enjoying the outdoors, and I really hope I won't be bothered.# 

@th3mysticw0lf, would you be up to shipping maurelle and evan? i do realize maurelle is probably hard to deal with, but i think it would be fun. maybe have a golden retriever/black cat vibe going on. anyway its up to you but lmk! 

submitted by anastasia + maurelle
(May 27, 2024 - 1:29 pm)

yeah i would be fs up for that!! i'll post a starter later today haha - or tmrw 

submitted by @anastasia, its tmw!
(May 28, 2024 - 11:04 pm)