Ski lodge~Element Camp

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ski lodge~Element Camp

Ski lodge~Element Camp

The days were getting cooler, and summer was almost over. One more week than you had to go back to school. No more staying up late, and no more sneaking cold treats from the freezer while you parents slept. And so, with these depressing thoughts swirling around in your head, you decide to take a walk in the woods that was only a block away from your house. When you arrive at the entance of the dirt pathway, you pause a moment and look around at the trees. There were very subtle hints of yellow and orange, though you could hardly tell. And so you start to walk into the forest. Not very far along the path, a squirrel chatters at you from a lage mossy oak. You frown at the furry creature, startled to see an envelope in their jaws. Stepping to take the note, you open it and reading quietly,

To whom it may concern,
Greetings. If you have found this note, and it was given to you by a wild animal, then you are lucky to count yourself on being invited to spend the remaining time of the summer holidays at Element Camp. Directly tommorow, whatever day that may be for you, you will be picked up at your house, tent, RV, or bush by underground travel. A young man named Thistle will be there to escort you, and you will have the best time of your life once you arrive. I hope to see you there, 

The Mistress


Well, you think to your self, why not? and with that, you head home to tell your cat.







Fire, Air, Water or Earth-

Favorite color-



Only CBers please, and I will be accepting up to 11 of you. Thanks!! 

submitted by Mistress
(February 14, 2023 - 5:01 pm)

Welcome all! I will be starting the ski lodge within today or tomorrow. 

@Avara no this doesn't have to do with zodiacs but good question! 

submitted by Mistress
(February 24, 2023 - 9:13 am)

Day one

Silver Crystal stood on her porch, peering around at her darkening neighborhood. It was the day after she had recived her letter from a shy fox, but no one named Thistle had approched her all day. Really, she was growing quite concerned. As she glanced to her left, though, a figure was running from the small clump of trees in the corner of her yard.

"Hey!" the person panted. "Hey! You Silver Crystal?"

As the person drew nearer, Silver Crystal studied the young man in the fading light. He was tall, with spiky brown hair and a wide grin. He stopped in front of the porch railing, bouncing on the balls of his feet and said, "I'm Thistle. You got your letter by a fox, right?" without waiting for an answer, he barreled on, "That sly little creature waited the last second to tell me he had delivered his letter, thats why I'm so late."

Silver Crystal leaned back a bit, Thistle's overall personality was quite overwhelming. "Yes. I am Silver Crystal," she said finally. 

"Great! We'd better get goin', a rabbit who already delivered a letter told me about someone and I alredy picked her up! Come on, Silver! Can I call you Silver?"

"I'd rather you not," she said, slowly making her way down the porch steps.

"Alright, Silver, this way," Thistle bounded his way back to the clump of trees in which he had emerged.

Silver Crystal followed at a less quick pace, so when she rounded a tree Thistle was tapping his foot impatiently on the ground at the entrance or a giant tunnel.

"Uh, my parents are going to have a fit-" she started to say, but Thistle cut her off.

"Oh, The Mistress will send someone to collapse it when we get back. Your parents won't know a thing. Now come on. Walter won't wait forever," he smiled his wide smile, then plunged into the dark. 

"I was hoping they were joking about underground travel," Silver Crystal muttered to herself, "I am a air spirit, after all. And I don't much like underground places anyway."

But she bravely followed Thistle, and before long, she spotted a white light up ahead. It seemed to be coming from a wihte flower that hung from a stick one the front of an old fashioned roofed carriage. Thistle was holding open one of the doors, but before she climbed in, Silver Crystal's eyes fell upon the worm. Not a ordinary worm, you know, small and harmless and squirming on the ground, but a giant, huge and extremly kinda creepy when that big kind. It took up the width of the tunnel, and it was hitched to the cariage.

Thistle noticed her looking and said, "Yeah, thats Walter. Come one! Just got tip off about  another camper that I need to pick up. So I have to drop you off at camp then go and collect xer."

"Alright," she said and scrambled up. Thistle closed the door behind her, and a smaller version of the white flower lit up from the middle of the ceiling, and Silver Crystal sat on the left side of the carraige, where it was covered with soft velvet. A moment later, her head jerked back sharply, and the carriage took off through the underground tunnel.

A full minute later (she had counted) the carriage came to an abrupt halt and Silver Crystal fell forward, and the door opened as she was picking herself off of the floor. 

"You need seat belts," she felt inclined to tell Thistle as she hopped down, "And a warning."

"So everyone says," Thistle lead the way past the worm, and toward a twilight filled hole ahead, "The girl I picked up before you, Hawkmoon or what ever her name is, nearly strangled me. Oh look, there she is now."

As they emerged into a evening wood, the sharped eyed Hawkstar greated them with a nod at Silver Crystal and a glare at Thistle. 

"I'm supposed to take Silver Crystal to The Mistress," Hawkstar said to Thistle, "And you go get the other before it is super dark."

"Alright," He nodded and tured back to the tunnel. "See ya, Silver."

"Come on," Hawkstar walks through the forest, her camo cape rippling, and Silver Crystal folllows, floating slightly above the ground now that she was in the Element Wood. After a moment, thay emerged into a clearing, with a stern, older looking woman in the middle of it. 

"Good evening," she said. "I am The Mistress. Welcome to Element Camp. Here is your cape, please were it when you are out of your tent." She handed Silver Crystal a blue cape. "your tent is one of those whit ones over there, it'll have your name on it." She pointed to one corner of the clearing that had exactly six small white tents line up in a semi circle. 

"Okay," Silver Crystal took the cape and placed it around her shoulders.

Then looking around, she saw in tho other three corners there were two blue tents, two green tents and one lonely red tent. Unsure of what to do, she looked around the dark clearing. The Mistress had taken a seat one a rock that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and pointed her hand at the ground. At once, flames sparked to life, though there were no sticks or coal, and crackled merrily. Hawkstar was nowhere to be seen, so Silver Crystal flew swiftly over to the white tents, and landed on the ground. Her tent was on the edge of the semi circle, and she ducked inside.

It wasn't crowded, just a sleeping bag and a pillow and a small bean bag chair, as wellas a small chest. Sudenly feeling tired, Silver Crystal crawled over to her sleeping bag and lay down. 

submitted by Mistress
(February 24, 2023 - 5:51 pm)

Hi, can you please change my element to water, please? Thanks!

submitted by ~Echo Hallowswift~, age Oodles
(February 25, 2023 - 9:05 am)

Alright will do

submitted by Mistress
(February 25, 2023 - 2:54 pm)

Yayyy it's starting!

submitted by Scuttles, age Scuttlish, The Scuttling Place
(February 27, 2023 - 9:01 am)

@The Mistress, are you Hawkstar?

submitted by Suki, age 13 eons, Nowhere
(February 28, 2023 - 10:23 pm)

@Scuttles yes its started!

@Suki alas you are correct 



Day two

Luna Sivermoon, or just Luna, was the last to arrive, and was the only one who had enjoyed her ride in the worm drawn carriage. 


"Again!" she had giggled when Thistle dropped her off. 


"No thank you!" her black cloak, Nightly complained. "I almost got killed."


"Silly Nightly," Luna laughed at her cloak. "You can't be killed, see?"


Then she laughed again and followed Hex, who had been waiting for her, into the clearing, which by this time was quite crowded with cloaked figures of many colors.


"Hello," The Mistress greeted Luna stiffly. "Here is your cloak." She attempted to hand Luna a pleasant colored purple cape, but then Nightly spoke up angrily, “I am enough, thank you. No need for a- a- frillious new cloak. Wisdom is better, and I know exactly how to drape myself over Luna Silvermoon’s shoulders.”


The Mistress drew back a bit from Luna, who was nodding earnestly along with what the cloak was saying. “Oh, well,” The Mistress said finally, “That’s fine. Your tent is one of those five white ones over there.” 


“Alright-y, thanks,” Luna floated slowly over to the white tents, and she couldn’t resist peeking in each one as she passed. The first two were accupide, so she quickly moved on to the next one, and above the door flap her name was engraved. 


“Well, Nightly, it certainly looks like home, doesn’t it?” she said, observing the outside of it. 


“Looks about as good as a closet,” grumbled the black cloak, and Luna laughed.

“A talking cloak?” Someone said behind Luna. “That’s something you don’t hear every night.”


Luna turned around to see an older looking CBer, Scuttles, and they were hovering in the air with the black and white moth wings on their back. Their moth antennae quivered as Scuttles smiled.


“It’s not night,” Luna said conversationally, “But I suppose my cloak is.”


“Hmmm,” was all they said. “Well,” Scuttles said after a moment, “The Mistress has called a meeting in the clearing, but Scuttles noticed that you weren’t listening, so Scuttles is flying to collect you. Scuttles tries to be helpful.” 


“Oh,” said Luna, slightly confused, “You are Scuttles, right?”


“Quite,” they replied, and then turned and fluttered away to the semicircle of cloaked figures.


Luna ran across the air and settled cross legged in the air next to Hex, who nodded at her.


“And so,” The Mistress was saying, “It is quite impossible to get lost in the Element Wood, for your own element will always guide you. So, for the remainder of the day, you all have permission to explore the entire area and get used to it. Any questions?”


“Yes,” Echo waved her arm in the air. “Is there a boundary line?” Echo’s raven, Poe, cawed. 


“No,” The Mistress answered. 


Suki asked, “What will you be doing?”


“I? I will be putting together last minute things,” The Mistress raised her eyebrows. “Is that all?”


There was a general murmur of agreement, and Luna did a flip in the air. 


“Come on Nightly, lets go!” and with that, Luna zoomed into the woods, while all the other campers split up in ten other directions.

submitted by Mistress
(March 2, 2023 - 9:43 am)

I love it so far. Great writing, Mistress--I mean, Hawkstar--Wait, Mistress/Hawkstar. There, that's better.

submitted by ~Echo Hallowswift~
(March 2, 2023 - 2:44 pm)

Hehehe the character version of Scuttles here is *chef's kiss*

Also, wonderful writing! I love it!

submitted by Scuttles, age Scuttlish, The Scuttling Place
(March 3, 2023 - 9:50 am)


submitted by Luna silvermoon
(March 3, 2023 - 9:54 pm)


@Echo ty!


Avani giggled as a butterfly landed on her nose. The sound disturbed the fluttery insect, and it flew up into the blue sky. A warm late summer breeze made the field of flowers bob and the green grass ripple like a green sea. The sun was high in the sky, and Avani ran around and around, chasing the butterflies and bees, who adored the small 5 year old. 

“Avani!” A deep voice startled the small girl, and she jumped and squealed. 

“Daddy!” she shrieked. “Don’t!”

Avani’s father was tall and dark, and he looked like a shadow in the sun filled field. “Nap time, and story time, Avani.”

“Noooooo!” Avani yelled and attempted to run away. 

Her father grabbed her as she ran past. “Come on, my little earth sprite,” he tickled her neck, and she squirmed and giggled. “You can choose the story.”

“Oh, fine,” Avani said as her father carried her over to the woods that lined the northern side of the field.

Once they arrived at their camp, a clearing in the middle of the Element Wood, Father set Avani down, and together walked over to a small hut at the edge. They went inside, where there were two beds, one big and one small. Avani climbed in the smaller of the two and curled up, her big brown eyes wide as Father sat down on his own bed.

“Tell me the story of the future,” Avani requested.

“Again?” Father smiled. “Alright.”

He was quiet for a moment, then cleared his throat. 

“Once there was a little girl, who was respected by all elements and loved by her father. The little girl was smart and kind, and she grew up to be a wonderful young lady. She was mistress of all the Elements by this time, and she had to make hard decisions every day. But one day, all four elements needed help at the same time, in four completely different areas. Water needed to be cleansed right away, because somehow oil had seeped into her lakes and rivers and springs in the Element Woods, and she would be forever contaminated if something wasn’t done at once. Fire couldn’t spark at all, for everything seemed damp with some sort of wet smog lay over everything. If something wasn’t done about the wet smog, fire would forever die. Air couldn’t blow, some sort of barrier blocked the path of the four main winds. They would always be trapped if they weren’t set free right away. Earth was withering, and couldn’t grow new things, for it was winter. The Mistress didn’t know what to do!

“But as she sat puzzling which to help first, four figures made their way to her. They were the children of the four elements, and they told The Mistress that they had a plan. ‘Let all the elements die,’ said the child of earth.

The Mistress was horrified. ‘No! There will be nothing left!’ 

The child of water smiled softly. ‘We will be here. Our parents' footsteps, as you would say, are large to fill, but we will eventually fill them.’

The Mistress disapproved of this plan, for that meant that the original elements would disappear. She voiced her opinions to the children. 

The child of fire laughed softly. ‘Our parents are far from the original elements. Things change, as well as responsibilities. Trees are struck down, and the young sapling must take over. Think of it that way. It’s the only hope of the world.’

Still, The Mistress hesitated.

The child of Air spoke, ‘It is already too late. Protect us with your powers, and the elements can start anew.’

The Mistress had only two choices. One could be right, and one wrong. So, The Mistress used her power to protect the future elements, and waited. At long last, the children said that it was time to let them go, and to accept the new ones. And so, she did. The children of the elements became the elements, and the world was new and full, and the young lady knew she had made the hard, but right choice.” 

Avani was asleep by the time Father finished the story. With a smile, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She stirred slightly, and opened her eyes a bit.

“Shhhh,” Father smiled at her, and she closed her eyes again. Then he murmured, “There will always be a choice, you just have to make the right one.”

submitted by Mistress
(March 3, 2023 - 10:16 am)

About how often can we expect new parts, Mistress/Hawkstar? It's really good. i've been checking PP every day to look for new parts.

Also, Yumiko says ~fbypp~ frog by Pudding's Place?

submitted by Suki, age 13 eons, Nowhere
(March 4, 2023 - 12:20 am)

@Suki I think that I will start to post consistently every other day. And you can just call me Mistress


I watched the eleven campers disappear into eleven different directions, and my father’s words came back to me. “There will always be a choice, you just have to make the right one.” 

Giving a sigh, I am wrestling with ideas. A ski lodge needs a murderer, to put it bluntly. I had passed through each of the camper’s minds with an un-noticeable breeze, and none had any notion to play that part. I never really liked children very much, and it seemed amusing that all of these young ones had come, knowing that they could be killed. I started pacing the clearing, and then stopped. Fine, I thought, I will go and make the murderer, and have the waters of memory clean my most recent, so I wouldn’t know who it was. Yes, that was the only way. I stomp my foot, and the earth swallows me.

I appear on the banks of a small, fast flowing river, just a few feet away from the desired CBer that I was about to change. I was feeling immensely guilty by this time, and almost turned to dive into the water and not be seen, but I was already spotted.

“Hello, Mistress,” they said pleasantly. “How did you get here so fast?”

“I know these woods well,” I replied

“Oh,” they nodded, then turned to a large oak tree with moss growing on the low hanging branches. 

I move the air around us to hide us from sight and hearing, and the roots shoot up at their feet, and bind them so fast, I barely had time to blink. Once their eyes were covered, I approached slowly. The roots were so stiff, they couldn’t move. I shoot a spark of hate, a blast of loathing, and a splash of determination. I make sure that ideas of murder are sprouting in their mind before I wipe their mind clean of me ever being here. Then I step into the water, and tell the roots to loosen, and then dissolve into the river. Wipe my mind clean, I beg the stream. Please. And the water obliges.

With a yawn, I sat up from the ground on which I was laying. How strange. My old bones weren’t meant for the hard pact clearing with the tents at the edges. I must’ve accidentally fallen asleep. I stand, and then look through the branches at the sun. It was noon already. No wonder I felt so sore. I set to work and started to make logs roll out of the forest, and make a hexagon out of them in the middle of the clearing. That is where I can spark a fire out of nowhere and let it crackle. A spark. A spark of hate. I pause. Where did that come from? I shake my head to clear my thoughts as I settle on one of the moss covered logs, but I couldn’t shake off my uneasiness. 




submitted by Mistress
(March 5, 2023 - 4:42 pm)

:D I cannot wait for the next part! It's lovely! But won't the Mistress forget she already made a murderer and then make another one?

Hehehe the plot is picking up!

submitted by Scuttles
(March 7, 2023 - 11:10 am)
submitted by Luna toppermoon
(March 5, 2023 - 6:38 pm)